Tag: Art

10 Practices I Left Behind to Master the Art of Data Science

Hey there, fellow data enthusiasts! I’m Gabe A, and today, I want to take you on a journey through my data science career, highlighting the ten practices I’ve shed along the way to become the Python and data visualization expert I am today. Over the past decade, I’ve been fortunate...

Why Does All AI Art Look Like That?

Way back in the 1990s, I went to Art School. It was challenging, fun, and informative and among many of the memories I have from the time, one stands out with regard to the ongoing discussion about AI-generated art. Life Drawing was one of the first classes all first-semester students had to ...

The Art and Science of Game Development: From Concept to Console

In the vibrant world of modern entertainment, game development stands as a unique fusion of artistry and technology. It's a realm where creativity knows no bounds and innovation knows no limits. If you've ever wondered about the magic behind your favorite video games, you're in for a tre...

Art and Profit

Art and business don’t mix. Or rather, they only mix insofar as art can be turned into a commodity, and then, from that, into business. But art’s original purpose was never to be commodified and turned into a lucrative business. As I have argued before, true art always ...

Mastering the Art of Essentialism

If I could go back in time, I would go back to 2014 to do one thing. I would tell my younger self, “Don’t waste your time and energy talking to that hot Swedish girl. She will soon go back to her ex, as they always do. You were always her rebound guy, nitwit.” I&rsq...

My Ultimate Guide to the Art Of Living

Recently, I saw an article titled “Why Do Old People Smell Old?” My blood started to boil as I clicked on it. My fingers mentally hovered over my keyboard as I read, itching to drop my clever, firey response on the author: “This article smells!” But I couldn’t...

Is It Art Because It’s in a Gallery?

Take a look at that sculpture in the gallery above. First of all, you’re probably asking, “what the heck is that?” But at the same time, maybe you also feel a certain compulsion to understand it because of its setting. It is in an art gallery, after all. The ...

Art Is Not a Luxury, it’s a Necessity

Art has always played a big role my whole life. For as long as I can remember, I have been painting, drawing, singing, writing poetry, and so much more. Finding a vessel for my “big emotions” was crucial, and making art was the healthiest way to process what I was feeling. Howeve...

Is It Art Because It’s in a Gallery?

Take a look at that sculpture in the gallery above. First of all, you’re probably asking, “what the heck is that?” But at the same time, maybe you also feel a certain compulsion to understand it because of its setting. It is in an art gallery, after all. The ...

The Art of Looking Busy When You Have Nothing to Do at Work

We’ve all been there before. You show up to work, settle in at your desk, open your email and…there’s nothing urgent demanding your attention. No new tasks or projects on your plate. Your calendar looks wide open. Uh oh. Now what? Cue the panic as you frantically...

The Art of a meaningful life

Life is just not a bush trail that we pass through, forgetting the path we took, but it’s an art, meant to be appreciated, gawked at, marveled. It can be short, like my little toes, or long, like my legs, yet the beauty of it lies in the touch, the feel, the fragrance, the sound, the form...

The Art of Embracing a Rut

A few months ago, I got stuck in a deep rut for several weeks. I don’t mean the type of muddy rut where you get jammed with your feet or tires. Rather, I’d been wrestling with its far more challenging cousin: The mental rut — also known as the slump or the funk. Writin...

The Art of Contradiction: Why We Say One Thing and Mean Another

Disclaimer: If you’re here expecting a straightforward article, you might be slightly misled. But if you’re here for a good laugh and some light-hearted banter about the quirks of human communication, you’re in the right place! Introduction: The Irony of “Stop Right N...

Navigating the Art of Tipping

Inthe not-so-distant past, tipping was a relatively straightforward practice. However, as technology has advanced and social norms have evolved, tipping has become a more complex and nuanced aspect of our daily lives. From restaurant servers to hotel staff, baristas to spa workers, knowing who to...

The Not-So-Subtle Art of Kind of Giving a F*ck

The last few months have been non-stop. Hard training, hard work, moving, and constant traveling —all the time. I’ve been on the road nearly every week for the last 4 months, either training, spending time with my girlfriend, teaching a seminar, competing, or a mixture of all of these...

My Ultimate Guide to the Art Of Living

Recently, I saw an article titled “Why Do Old People Smell Old?” My blood started to boil as I clicked on it. My fingers mentally hovered over my keyboard as I read, itching to drop my clever, firey response on the author: “This article smells!” But I couldn’t...

Mastering the Art of Rain Photography

When clouds become saturated, raindrops fall onto Earth. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Other times, a sheet of water is pouring down. Today, it rains on and off. More or less. The weather is moving in from the southwest bringing saturated clouds for the next three days. Knowing it will be rainy...

The Art of Effective Time Management

Time is the most important resource available to humans, and it is also the most easily lost. There is nothing as valuable. Managing time properly results in increased productivity and proper work-life balance. To effectively manage time, one should make a schedule and have a sense of purpose or dis...

The Engineer’s Art of Time Management

Time is your most valuable resource. The average lifetime of 80 years can go by in a flash. Other things such as money, relationships, and possessions can be lost and made, but your time can never be returned. Time management is a learned skill. I wasn’t the most organized person growing...

The Art and Science of Getting Things Done and Increasing Productivity

Hey! Know what procrastination is? Procrastination is the act of delaying doing something until a later time due to a lack of motivation, laziness, etc. As an illustration, someone put off submitting their work and missed the deadline. One of the main enemies that prevents productivity ...

The Art of Saying No: Achieving More by Doing Less

If you ask incredibly successful people where their success comes from, it typically boils down to ONE thing. Those who achieve huge results and accumulate massive wealth, setting themselves apart from the rest, are focused on this one thing. Big results usually stem from this ONE thing. However,...

Without Art, I'm Not Fully Me

My first job in high school began with a summer day camp at Como Zoo and Conservatory in Saint Paul. A few friends and I — all 14 year old freshmen — were helpers for a group of grade school campers. In the mornings, we’d do a variety of jobs around the zoo — m...

Mastering the Art of Effective Team Management: Strategies for Leaders

Leadership is not just about giving orders; it’s about guiding a team to achieve common goals and enabling each member to reach their full potential. Effective team management is a skill that separates great leaders from the rest. In this article, we will explore key strategies that leaders ca...

The Art of Delegation: How Great Leaders Empower Their Teams

Introduction to Delegation Delegation is the act of assigning tasks or responsibilities to others. It is an essential skill for leaders and managers who want to empower their teams and achieve greater efficiency. Effective delegation involves identifying the right people for the job, communicatin...

The Art of Distancing-Essential to Being A Leader- Part 3 Conclusion

Cultivating the Observing Ego in Emerging Leaders Let’s venture further into the mystical domain of the “observing ego” from psychoanalytic and analytic psychology traditions. It’s like a magic mirror — revealing insights as it reflects upon your thoughts, emotions, ...

The Art of Inquiry: Transforming Decision-Making in Organizational Settings

Inthe complex world of organizational management, decision-making is a multifaceted process that shapes the trajectory of businesses. The power of questions, often underestimated, plays a pivotal role in this process. Let’s explore! The Power of Questions in Leadership Questions are ...

The Art of Distancing-Essential to Being A Leader- Part 2

The Alchemical Stage of Separatio and Leadership Development Let us now journey to the ancient alchemical realms — unrelated, you say? Not so fast! These alchemical wonders hold insights that mirror our leadership quest. Enter separatio, a mystical stage where the alchemist separates elemen...

How You Can Get Ahead of the Curve Using AI in Digital Art Production

Six different AI programmes were used in the production of the panel above. There are many more I could use. Anyone using computers as part of their art production process should see if anything AI is helpful to you. I will go through each part of the process and the programmes used. My first bru...

The Art & Politics of Comic Books & Graphic Novels

Tucked in between San Diego Comic-Con in July and New York Comic Con in October is National Comic Book Day on September 25th — an excuse (as if one were needed) to indulge in rereading old favorites and discovering new friends. It’s also a great day for those unfamiliar with them to dip ...

The unbearable lightness of modern art

In the realm of heightened social activity, even if it’s predominantly confined to online, and where everyone has a platform to voice their opinions on just about anything, contemporary artists have not been immune to scrutiny. So, where do these necessity on whether a specific piece merits ex...

Reading the Riot Art

Twenty years ago the French street artist JR began a photographic project called Portrait of a Generation with his friend, the film-maker Ladj Ly. It was JR’s first major project in a career that has seen him become one of France’s leading contemporary artists. B...

I Am Sorry- This Is Not Art

The contemporary art world often blurs the line between creativity, provocation, insanity and outright audacity. Some of the so-called artworks have left me bewildered! I am all for challenging societal norms. But sometimes, just sometimes, I think this is too much! MARINA! 1974 Marina Abra...

The Art of Distraction

I was led down a wonderfully distracting rabbit hole last week by Dr Rebecca Struthers, whose recently published book The Hands of Time: A Watchmaker’s History charts the history of watches and timekeeping. It’s one of those books where you find yourself googling ideas and...

Thoughts on Social Commentary through Contemporary Art

I’ve always been interested in social commentary through art. The subtleties of cartoonists and illustrators first piqued my interest in my teen years as I began to realize that there were messages within the art and illustration. Early influences were Norman Rockwell, Charles Schultz, Gary Tr...

Art, Science, and Darwin’s Great Tree of Life

Tocommemorate the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth, London’s Natural History Museum (NHM) commissioned its first permanent installation of contemporary art. In 2009, Tania Kovats was selected from the shortlist of 10 contenders. The artist had long been fascinated with the links be...

My top 10 tips for selling Art online

My Top 10 tips for selling art online. I am sometimes asked for advice on how to sell art online. To be honest, I feel like there is so much I don’t know about Art marketing, but I did sell over 200 pieces, originals and prints last year and half of these were direct sales to collect...

Why Art Matters

Ivey Rucket brings us out of our mundane tasks and into the galleries with a reminder of why art matters. By Ivey Rucket, Senior Manager of Digital Communications, High Museum of Art It was ten o’clock on an oppressively hot morning and I had just spent the past hour swapping unproductiv...

ATELIER SO, An art jewel on the water!

Hamburg’s Hafencity, characterized by modern architecture and maritime flair, is home to a unique art studio that makes the hearts of art lovers all over the world beat faster: the ATELIER SO. This impressive studio, with an area of over 500 square meters and an additional 250 square meters fo...

What’s the Value of Teaching Art in Schools?

If you’d prefer to listen rather than read click the link below, or search for The Gallery Companion on your podcast player: For the past thirty years I have had a recurring bad dream which comes to me every so often when I’m feeling really worried or I’ve got an important d...

Is Sustainable Art Practice Possible?

Last week the issue of the validity and form of civic art was once again in the news, but not for the familiar reasons we’ve heard a lot about in recent years over the commemoration of questionable historical figures. The British artist Rachel Whiteread called for the end of the...

How To Get Exposure For Your Art — The Complete Guide To Get Your Art Noticed

You know you want your art to be noticed by the right people but have no idea how to start. Despite all the advice for artists out there, you sense that nothing is working for you. Don’t despair. What you need is an engaged audience. Getting your art noticed not only validat...

Who Decides Whether Art is Good or Bad?

This week I watched an interesting video featuring the Japanese artist Takesada Matsutani, who has been practising since the early 1960s. Matsutani is not a household name in the history of contemporary art even though he was pioneering back in his early career. It made me think once again abou...

Race-Swapping in Art

There are some great examples of race-swapping in art. The Wiz (1978) replaces all the characters in the Wizard of Oz with people of color. Photographer Cara Romero stages Leonardo’s Last Supper (2015) with Indigenous artists (with Marcus Amerman’s Buffalo B...

My way: how I became an art dealer

Life is a mesmerizing tapestry, woven with threads of serendipity and surprise. It unfurls before us, offering countless avenues for self-discovery. The true essence lies in our ability to discern these opportunities, for none of us truly knows our destined path. Sometimes, as we strive toward a p...

Is Contemporary Art Hard to Understand?

It seems that many people find it hard to enjoy contemporary art. So this time, I will introduce some of the wonderful exhibitions I encountered on my recent trip to Colchester, with a few hints on how to enjoy contemporary art. Well, if you read this and think, “Wow, that’s an intere...

Art Buying Tips for Beginners

Navigating the art world as a first-time buyer can feel especially daunting. As the owner and curator of Laasya Art, I find that many of our clients are new to collecting and curious about all aspects of the process, from the philosophical to the logistical. Luckily, over the years of advising ...

Toowoomba Street Art Map

If you’re from Australia, Toowoomba is likely one of the last spots you would ever think to go and explore for fun. Those who grew up there and left (that’s me) once vowed never to go back, and those who’d only heard of it through others knew enough to keep them from ever bothering...

A Toilet Bowl Thrown Into The Art Gallery

World’s first kinetic art, first installation art, and first conceptual art — Duchamp was the pioneer in so many areas of the art world in the 20th century. Beyond imagination, he always created something new and opened the door to modern art. Duchamp has been selected as the most inf...

West End Street Art Map

West End is for sure one of the coolest suburbs in Brisbane; a place where everyone can mingle and mix without status, class or culture showing a divide. It’s a culinary hot spot, there are markets aplenty, and numerous cafes and bars to relax amongst friends and visitors enjoying this eclecti...

If no one sees your art, is it still art?

I received this recommendation on Medium today, which reminded me of both my current journey in writing and this Guardian article about hidden art. Specifically, this sentence from the Medium article: The resonance of an article belongs solely to the readers. When I was...

Slippage: Thoughts on Liminal Space in Contemporary Art

“When you’re looking at two things, don’t look at them, look between them.” –John Baldessari Note: This is a curatorial statement written in conjunction with an exhibition I curated title “Slippage.” If you find yourself in New York City this...

Ugly Art; So Does It Become Art?

And here we should applaud the poet Craig Raine for introducing the term “homeopathic” to describe work whose artistic content is so dilute that it cannot have any more aesthetic effect than a placebo. In the book “Keeping an Eye Open,” Julian Barnes notes that we can ...

How Digital Art Challenges Traditional Art

Go back in time and enter any of the famous Palaeolithic caves full of animal representations, finger prints, and hunting scenes. We are amazed by how prehistoric pigments and drawings survived until today so that we can witness their greatness. Imagine you are standing in front of a pa...

What has Anime done to Contemporary Western Art

The public’s attitudes toward Anime has gradually changed as Japanese Anime, and Eastern Asian anime in general expanded its influence into major line theaters in the past few years. No matter how much professionals and art lovers loath or admire the mingling of anime art and contemporary west...

Why Authoritarians hate Modern Art

Why Authoritarians hate Modern Art: a polemic… Here, I explore the reasons behind the disdain of authoritarians towards contemporary art. “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. On...

The Top 5 Best Art Curators to Follow on Instagram

# 1 Nancy Spector Nancy Spector is the chief curator for the Guggenheim museum known for speaking her mind and not suppressing opinions. Nancy Spector # 2 Eva Respini Not just an art curator, but also an art lover, Eva Respini has been a curator at the ICA/Boston since 2015...

The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century

Jay Z’s Picasso Baby is just one of hundreds of hip-hop songs that heavily reference the world of modern and contemporary art. Picasso, Rothko, Koons, Baquiat, and Warhol make an appearance as Jay Z positions his role as a rapper within the celebratory pantheon of artistic greatness:...

AI Art: Will It Make Artists Obsolete?

If you’ve been following the hype about the developments in artificial intelligence (AI) image-generation over the past few months, you might be wondering whether it’s the end of the road for artists. That’s the question many journalists have been posing. If this issue hasn&rsqu...

Exploring Art with Maria Titan

I’m Maria Titan. Mixed media artist, color lover, and original cat lady! I love exploring the endless possibilities of storytelling through art. From experimenting with paint and glitter to pushing the boundaries of resin, I’m always on the lookout for exciting new mediums to bring my...

Art Omi Presents: Embrace the Extraordinary World of Pippa Garner

Art Omi is thrilled to bring you an incredible exhibition that will ignite your imagination and challenge the boundaries of art. Pippa Garner, a visionary artist, invites you to experience her first-ever solo exhibition in New York, titled “$ELL YOUR $ELF.” This captivating showcase will...

Monto Street Art Map — Queensland’s Rural Art Gem

As the phenomenon of street art and silo art sweeps rural towns of Australia, Monto is the latest to get on board, contracting Queensland based street art legends, Drapl and Zookeeper, to beautify the town. What began as a few murals in the town, has expanded to incorporate the loc...

The Future of Art and the Environment

In his 1970 book, Future Shock, futurist writer Alvin Toffler said, “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Fast forward 50 years, and this idea is becoming more important than ever. From Lon...

Three Major Narratives Behind the Contemporary Chinese Art

The name everybody thinks about when speaking of Contemporary Chinese Art is Ai Wei Wei. He and his sunflower seeds, and the grand installments made of individual units has always been the center of the Chinese art topic, whereas his political struggle and rebellion adds more spices to his art. O...

Tracing the Leather Fetish in Contemporary Art

Over the past decade, there has been an increased curatorial interest in the resurgence of craft techniques alongside a spotlight on 20th- and 21st-century artists using materials such as ceramic and woven fibre. However, not all materials have received due attention. Leather is a ubiquitous, organi...

Q+A with Director at the Baltimore Museum of Art Dr. Asma Naeem

Welcome to a new episode of “The Truth in This Art”! Join our host, Rob Lee, as he converses with the remarkable Asma Naeem, the Dorothy Wagner Wallis Director at the Baltimore Museum of Art and curator of “The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century” exhibi...

God Ruins Yet Another Work Of Art With Love

The scariest photograph I’ve ever seen was stapled to a hikers’ information board on a mountain in Maine. It was a photo of a smiling boy. He’d gotten his picture taken up on a mountain, and something about him was very strange. At first, I thought it was his smile. It looked...

How to turn your art into stickers — Method 2 — All by hand

This method is easy and fun for everyone to try out at home. All you need is: design tape baking paper scissors Create your design and cut it out to. Cut a piece of baking paper to match the design size. Put one layer of tape on the baking paper. Cut out design an...

Unlock Your Inner Artist: Mastering the Art of Drawing

Do you ever look at stunning artworks and think, “I wish I could draw like that”? Well, my friend, I’ve got some exciting news for you. You don’t need natural artistic talent to become a master artist. In fact, you can learn to draw like a pro with just a bit of guidance and ...

What Is An Art Block and How To Get Out Of One

Ifyou’ve been in the art community for some time, you might have heard of the term “art block”. Or you are an artist yourself and you are or have been in an art block. It happens to traditional and digital artists alike! Starting with the basics, an art block (also known as a cr...

Art Fundamentals: Shape and Form

We all know what a shape is. A square, a circle, a triangle… In fact, any enclosed area created through lines, textures or colours is a shape. Here are some shapes: Shapes can also be defined by other shapes, through variations in pattern or formation: Or by negative shapes, ...

Whimsical Art: All You Need To Know

Whimsical art is a lively and fun form of carefree and childish art. This artwork, which is commonly connected with children’s book pictures and fairy tale imagery, uplifts the soul and makes you joyful. Whimsical art is typically (but not always) bright, colorful, and enjoyable. It is the ...

What is a Fine Art Print

The answer comes in two parts. Fine Art is something produced or intended for beauty rather than utility. In photography, the created image is not meant solely to record the scene as in news reporting, event coverage, or scientific research but, instead, for the viewer’s enjoyment. The phot...

Dre McLeod Redefines Women-Led Craft and Appalachian Folk Art

“My aim is to change the perception of how women-led craft and Appalachian folk art is viewed,” says maker Dre McLeod. “Why can’t it serve as a valuable means of art and expression the same way painting and sculpture has for centuries? Or as when men experiment with the same ...

The Ethics of Art: Issues and Debates

Art has always been a powerful medium for self-expression, creativity, and cultural exploration. It has the ability to evoke emotions, challenge societal norms, and provoke thought-provoking discussions. However, behind the beauty of art lies a complex web of ethical issues and debates. From cultura...

The Digital Art Disconnect: How Traditional Galleries can Benefit from Embracing the Blockchain

The digital art world has a curation problem. Digital artists have shifted away from traditional art galleries, but oversaturation has left them struggling to reach serious buyers. Could galleries become the curators of the digital art era, validating the work of true artists and connecting them to ...

Awesome Newsletter for Art Lovers, Bird Lovers, and Crafters of All Kinds

As some of you already know, I’ve got something special brewing in the world of vintage art, and I’m thrilled to share it with you. Imagine stepping back in time to an era when the wonders of the natural world were captured through artistry, long before photography had its heyday. Bac...

The revolution in modern digital art

Modern digital art has revolutionized the world of creativity and artistic expression. With advancements in technology, artists now have a plethora of tools and techniques at their disposal to create stunning visuals that push the boundaries of traditional art forms. One area where digital art is ma...

Generative Art in Flutter

Recently, I gave a talk at FlutterCon Berlin 2023 about creating animations in Flutter with low level APIs, as I was preparing the talk, the content progressed to be a lot about art, more specifically, generative art and its technological history. I was hugely inspired by Vera ...

The Anatomy of an AI Art Prompt

Understanding how to write a good prompt will help you in getting the output you are looking for. While there are some good UI tools that can write prompts for you, the ability to change, fine-tune and craft your own prompts is a skill that will serve you well. There’s even a term used to d...

Unleash Your Creativity with Artvy.AI’s Hyperrealistic Art Style

Artvy.AI is thrilled to introduce you to the stunning hyperrealistic art style of Mike Dargas! With our AI art generators, you can now capture intricate details, textures, and emotions in your own artwork. But let’s be clear, this style is purely for inspiration. We pay homage to real artists ...

Is AI Art Real Art?

Generative Art uses techniques from Machine Learning and Machine Vision to generate images. And it has produced a lot of headlines around the subject of what is and isn’t real art. To me, the answer is clear: AI-generated art is art. Of course, it is. It follows a recipe and has inputs and ...

Embrace the Dynamic Art Style of Adam Kubert with Artvy.AI!

Are you a fan of Adam Kubert’s bold lines and attention to detail? Look no further! Artvy.AI brings you the opportunity to generate stunning AI artwork inspired by Kubert’s dynamic art style. At Artvy.AI, we pay homage to real artists by curating AI art style prompts based on their wo...

Explore a World of Art with Artvy.AI!

Are you ready to embark on a journey through the captivating realm of art? Look no further than Artvy.AI, where you can dive into a world of artistic inspiration and creativity. Artvy.AI curates AI art style prompts that are based on the magnificent works of real artists. These prompts are design...

How I Created Generative Art with Python That 10000 DALL-E Credits Could Not Buy

Python and Pillow: How to Code Something DALL-E Cannot Do In this blog post, I will showcase some of the generative art I created using the Python programming language, specifically utilizing the Pillow and Torch libraries. The inspiration for my artwork came from the visual compositions of Roman...

E-DALL-E: Creating Digital Art with Varying Aspect Ratios

You may have seen some images generated from text using DALL-E 2 [1] from OpenAI. Although the system is impressive and the results are incredible, it’s currently only available in a closed beta with a waitlist. However, you can access and run an independent text-to-image system called DA...

DALL-E 3: OpenAI’s New Frontier in Visual Art

ChatGPT can now produce remarkably detailed images, marking a significant leap in AI capabilities. OpenAI, recently unveiled DALL-E 3, an enhanced version of its image generator, and seamlessly integrated it with ChatGPT. DALL-E 3 exhibits a notable improvement in generating convincing images com...

My Journey to Becoming an AI Artist: Embracing Creativity and the Impact of AI on Traditional Art

As someone who aspires to be an artist, I have embarked on a path to embrace creativity and explore the influence of AI on traditional art. While my painting skills may not be exceptional, I’ve always found my true creative abilities in the realm of words. Recently, I decided to venture into t...

The Captivating Beauty of Mudejar Architecture: AI Art Exploration

Artvy.AI invites you to embark on a mesmerizing journey into the captivating world of Mudejar architecture through the power of AI art. By leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, we have curated a collection of stunning AI art style prompts that pay homage to the real artists ...

Experience Avant-Garde Art with a Futuristic Twist on Artvy.AI!

Artvy.AI welcomes you to explore the visionary style of Iris van Herpen with a unique twist of artificial intelligence. Our platform allows you to bring your imagination to life by curating AI art style prompts based on the real artist’s work, providing you with endless inspiration. However...

The Great Art Debate: Human Ingenuity vs. AI Assistance

Two distinct approaches to art When we envision traditional artists, our minds often conjure up a specific stereotype: a profoundly creative man or woman who fervently splatters paint onto canvas, engendering original and unparalleled imagery born solely from their imagination. Occasionally, we m...

Immerse Yourself in Captivating Art with Artvy.AI

Are you ready to explore new artistic horizons? Look no further than Artvy.AI, where AI art meets human creativity. With Artvy.AI, you can delve into the captivating style of Kati Horna and discover new dimensions of AI-generated artwork. At Artvy.AI, we take inspiration from the emotional depth ...

Most Unusual Art Techniques & Illustrations

The game has more than changed today. Somehow, design artists grew weary of using conventional instruments and began experimenting with everything that would yield successful results. While some of these materials are only for curiosity’s sake, some are downright bizarre, and still, others are...

Two ComfyUI Additions Useful for Stable Diffusion AI Art

With SDXL, there’s a lot going on in the ComfyUI world. There are many nodes and complex workflows. There are two things I’ve added to my basic SDXL workflow lately that have improved my results: The “Wrong” SDXL LoRA. Less-bad hands. The Ultimate SD Upscaler custo...

The Art of Wealth Management: An Inside Look at the Illustration Process

Hithere! A few months ago, I was given the opportunity to redesign the illustration style for a wealth management product. In this article, I will take you through the entire illustration process, from the initial ideas to the final illustration assets integrated with user interface screens and mock...

Using Art Prompts to Inspire Creation

Somedays, we may be so drained for ideas even if we want to create badly. It can even become so bad that we get frustrated and moody for not being able to find ideas. I have used different methods to tackle this: drawing the things relative to time (autumn leaves, hot summers, etc), looking through ...

How Art and Psychedelics Work Together

Ever wondered if there’s a link between the magic behind Silicon Valley’s big ideas and uncoventional art? You’re not alone. From books by Michael Pollan to eye-opening Netflix documentaries, it’s not just the rebels and misfits talking about psychede...

On creating AI art

I think one of the reasons why many people are very negative about AI art is because they think it requires little to no effort. You just type a few words and voila: you have an exact depiction of what you had in mind. It’s an understandable viewpoint and lots of AI art is made wi...

Prepaid Projects on PicsForDesign: Collaboration between Artists and Art Enthusiasts

Hello there! Today, we’re excited to introduce you to our captivating and unique project — Prepaid Projects on PicsForDesign! Prepaid Projects on PicsForDesign Prepaid Projects: A Fresh Perspective on Creativity and Collaboration In the swiftly evolving world of digital art, i...

Stable Diffusion + Improved Prompt Matrix = Crazy Loads of AI Art

In this post, I discuss how to create a large, varied number of images using a script with Automatic1111, and how to modify the script for even more large-batch variety. You’ll have the power to step away from your local Stable Diffusion UI while it creates hundreds of images for you to r...

The Art of Storytelling: How Illustrators Bring Narratives to Life

In storytelling, words alone do not always suffice to fully capture the essence of a narrative. Illustrators play a crucial role in bringing stories to life, adding a visual dimension that adds depth and resonance to the text. Through their creativity and artistic prowess, illustrators have the powe...

The AI Art Bible: the First Chapter of Genesis Illustrated by Artificial Intelligence

AI-generated art offers a fascinating glimpse into machine learning, but it can also be a powerful tool for illustrating religious texts. This article showcases AI-generated Bible artwork, with a focus on images from the first chapter of Genesis. Each image is accompanied by the text prompt used by ...

The X/Y Plot to Eliminate Some Stable Diffusion AI Art Models

Summary: in this post, I discuss the X/Y Plot script for a practical task: I want to analyze the 50+ models I have in my Stable Diffusion install to find any treasures I’ve missed and to bury models that I don’t like. I also study the impact of steps and CFG with the same ...

De Young Open proves to us the Bay Area art scene is alive and well

In case you haven’t heard: San Francisco’s art scene is dead. So dead, in fact, that the de Young had to pick from nearly 8,000 artists for its triennial exhibition featuring works from nine Bay Area counties. The Bay Area art world has been buzzing for months in anticipation of ...

Harnessing the Power of Intuition in Art

This painting Improvisation 35, was made by the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky in 1914. It was part of a long series of paintings in which he used intuition as his guiding principle. He described his process as “a largely unconscious, spontaneous expression of inner character, n...

5 best nude fine art for your space

Hello there, fellow art lovers and interior design enthusiasts! Today, we’re taking a delightful stroll into the world of nude fine art and how it can jazz up your living spaces. Artists have been inspired by the beauty of the human form for ages, and we’re here to show you how...

Meraki Art — Is Your Love and Work, Meraki? Do You Know About Meraki?

The word Meraki is derived from the Turkish word ”Merak.” Merak means curiosity. Meraki is a Greek word that means — “To do something with love, soul, passion, true devotion, dedication, and creativity.” This art is directly from the heart with un...

How to walk into a museum and write about a work of art — one way.

You walk into a museum or a gallery from a busy street. You walk around to choose and to write about one work of art for instance, White Center by Mark Rothko, dated 1957. Mark Rothko, White Center, Oil on canvas, 84 x 72 in. (213.36 x 182.88 cm), 1957 You are now standing in fro...

Art and Society: How Crises Shape Creative Expression

Crises have a way of exposing the vulnerabilities and strengths of society. They also serve as a fertile ground for artistic expression. T. J. Clark’s observation that “Modernism had two great wishes. It wanted its audience to be led toward a recognition of the social reality of the sign...

A Beginner’s Guide to Art History

Christopher P Jones is the author of How to Read Paintings, an examination of art’s most enthralling images and their meanings. When I first began learning about the history of art, I remember I wanted to understand one thing above all. I wanted to know the timeline. In other...

Art Invites Healing

Art (ceramics) leaves a mark, symbol, cipher, or signature. Problems can be externalized and de-personalized into an artistic artifact that can be examined and harmonized. Molding clay is tactile and 3 dimensional with the opportunity to enact change, correction, and new solutions. Into the clay, a ...

How To Select The Best Mushroom Wall Art for Your Space

How To Select The Best Mushroom Wall Art for Your Space It’s simple to see why mushroom-themed wall art has grown in popularity in recent years. Mushroom art is a mesmerizing addition to any living space due to the complex attraction of mushrooms placed with the imaginative interpretations ...

What Are The Different Types of Paintings in the Art World?

Painting is one of the most popular and diverse genres of art that has been around for centuries. From the earliest cave paintings to contemporary works, paintings are a form of communication that can capture mood, and emotion, and transport the viewer to another time or place. In this post, we will...

The Road to My First Entry in an Art Exhibition

Once upon a time, about fifteen years ago, my husband Jon said that he wanted to start painting. So for Christmas/Hanukkah, I gave him canvases, paints, and brushes. He never painted. Five years ago, when he was getting chemo & radiation, I got him an easel for Father’s Day. I thought t...

The Healing Potential of Art

Early in his career, Jean-Jacques Rousseau won an Académie de Dijon prize for an essay he wrote about the contributions of art to the morals of society. In it he said that the arts of civilized societies serve only to “cast garlands of flowers over the chains men bore.” ...


Art fundamentals are the foundational principles and elements that artists use to create visual art. In other words, let’s take cooking as an example, the ingredients mentioned in the cookery book are elements. The process which is explained in the book are the principles. Elements of Art ...

2023 AMERICAN ART AWARDS Submissions (Part 22): Sculpture, Photo, Digital, Paint, Animal, Figure, Bold, Mystical, Minimal, More

Online art images will be placed in the category where they have the best chance to win: oil, acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, pastel, various photography, sculpture, digital, realism, impressionism, naïve, abstract, expressionism, human figure, animal, landscape, fantasy, surrealism, pop, portra...

Instantly improve your focus with the Lippan art

When there is a huge rush of thoughts in the brain, some choose to go for a walk or practice yoga while others turn on their favourite podcast. Only 10% of our thoughts get real. The rest 90% are busy scaring us and limiting our true potential. So it’s important t...

What Are The Different Art Styles

Art is a universal language, an eloquent expression of human emotion, thought, and creativity. It’s a mirror reflecting societies, cultures, and epochs, and an intimate diary of the artist. Each stroke, each colour, each form inscribed on the canvas unveils a unique style, a distinct &lsquo...

The Power of Vibrant Colors in Art Painting

Artists throughout history have harnessed the enchanting allure of colors to convey emotions, evoke feelings, and captivate viewers. Among the various palettes available, vibrant colors hold a special place in the realm of art painting. With their intensity and radiance, vibrant colors add depth, en...

Computational Thread Art

This is a post describing how I created artwork inspired by Petros Vrellis’ pieces (for more detail, see his website). I will be focusing largely on the algorithms that I used to generate the threads, rather than the physical implementation (which is done using a bike wheel, clothes hange...

Is Realistic Art Relevant in the 21st Century?

Inthe digital age, does realistic art still have a relevant and relatable place in the art world? This question and others like it are often posed to artists who still paint classical portraits. Many critics wonder why in the 21st century a camera wouldn’t be used instead of carefully creat...


TLDR: I took a subset of 18.5K portraits from a dataset of the Kaggle competition, Painter by Numbers, and arranged them by style and gender. Then I used the Facer library from John W. Miller to build average faces based on these portrait groups, as well as a time-lapse of averag...

The Oldest Street Art in the World

This month Globetrotters Medium publication celebrates and explores Street Art…but just how old is this art form? I’ve got two contributions to make from different ends of Europe on this subject, and I welcome any comments on where else prehistoric street art might be found. First, how ...

Taking stock of the scholarly study of graffiti and street art

The streets, utility poles, and back alleys of large urban centers in most big cities are epicenters for all manner of graffiti and street art. Predictably this activity engenders lots of responses. Notwithstanding the longstanding desire by property owners, ghost buffers, and moral entrepre...

Street Art Jamaican Style Part VI

Art is therapy for millions worldwide. Being surrounded by Art when depressed can elevate your mood. Street Art on Water Street Down Town Kingston Jamaica. Annelise Lords Street Art Jamaica View list 6 stories Jamaicans are creative and artistic people whether i...

Street Art Jamaican Style Part V

Art is therapy for most Jamaicans as we must find ways to heal daily from the things poverty puts into our lives. Street Art on Camp Road in Kingston. Image taken by Annelise Lords Annelise Lords Street Art Jamaica View list 6 stories We are a mixture of many ra...

Street Art and Graffiti: Expressing Culture, Creativity, and Rebellion

Street art and graffiti, born from the grassroots of urban landscapes, have evolved into powerful forms of self-expression, social commentary, and cultural identity. Into the dynamic world of street art and graffiti, exploring their history, impact, and significance in contemporary society. Street a...

Art I Made in Q2 2020

What is worth doing, during shelter in place? Why is the answer so different from regular life, whatever that means? Plants A new idea: all fabric hanging pot. A bit of wire forms a circle at the top. My first draft, made in about an hour at midnight, was much too deep! Website

Street Art & Graffiti: We are Here

Oftentimes our creativity and fantasies would spill out of our minds and onto an ordinary wall that was in dire need of decoration. The prospect of spray painting our neon dreams for the general public to see was challenging, mostly because we were so worried about getting caught. The key was pre...

Street Art: Austin, Texas

Welcome to your Virtual Tour! Today, we’ll be exploring the vibrant street art scene in Austin. Many artists have chosen this city as the place to display their creations; their art has become a significant part of local culture. Above, the tallest mural in town is pictured. Named after...

Street Art — The Finale

While we weren’t sure if we should skip hosting a challenge in August as many would be busy with vacations and summer fun, we decided against it and were blown away by your response to our prompt. Street art turned out to be the most popular topic we’ve hosted so far here at Globetrot...

Reykjavik Street Art City

As August rapidly comes to a close, I don’t want to leave the challenge without a mention, or in this case a small gallery of images, of the street art I’ve been lucky enough to appreciate in Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland. In fact, the city, like the country, has become my fa...

Beauty and Art at Every Step, No Matter Where You Go on This Amazing Place Called Earth

What exactly is street art? When my fellow editor, and simply amazing human being,  Anne Bonfert , first introduced the topic of street art here at Globetrotters, I thought I had a pretty solid idea of what street art was. However, after reading her excellent guidelines ...

Toowoomba Street Art Map

If you’re from Australia, Toowoomba is likely one of the last spots you would ever think to go and explore for fun. Those who grew up there and left (that’s me) once vowed never to go back, and those who’d only heard of it through others knew enough to keep them from ever bothering...

Street Art Challenge: Tokyo

Globetrotter’s August challenge has been especially fruitful for me. The topic “street art,” whatever exactly we mean by that term, fits perfectly with how I like to spend my free time: Wandering new and familiar places, camera or smartphone in hand, peering around corners and...

Pioneering Street Art In The Philippines With Venazir Martinez

Visual-anthropreneur, Venazir Martinez, has made a name for herself pioneering street art in the Philippines through community projects which highlight the Indigenous peoples of her country; exploring those who make up the diverse culture within the Philippines, though her project, Hila-Bana. ...

How street art travels the world without moving.

Or should the real question be: What is not art? People have debated this topic for centuries. Only to never fully agree on a single all-embracing definition. Understandable, as it’s partly submitted to taste and we all know one can’t argue taste. And maybe an even bigger reason is th...

Street Art in the Wake of Tragedy

As heads turn, moving from tragedy to tragedy, the corner of Chicago and 38th seems to stand still. Near the intersection of 38th St E and Chicago Ave S George Floyd died under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, 2020. You know the story, a global movement followed. Three ye...

Graffiti Art on the Streets of St. Louis

The Mural Mile is a mile-long riverfront flood wall in St. Louis known as the Graffiti Wall. It showcases more than 250 graffiti artists from all over and is quite a neat thing to see. Photo by author. It is just down the road from the Gateway Arch National Park on some back streets t...


First of all I would like to wish everybody a wonderful 2023, health, happiness and peace are the key words. But also an inspring year of traveling and off course urban art. Like last year, Street Art Cities has been following the scene all year long from up close, with every month around up of 1...

7 Best Street Art Documentaries And Videos To Watch Online For Free

If you’re obsessed with street art and graffiti culture and want more than a scroll of endless new pieces from around the world on Instagram, it could be time to get yourself into a YouTube hole of video content. With hundreds, if not thousands, of videos to be found online, there is really an...

Street Art Variety in North America

I used this picture for a story about the Paradox of choices, where a pair of robins try to pick a birdhouse to make their nest when there are too many choices. This art installation is on Hwy 67, and often cars stop to take pictures. I liked the birdhouses shaped like rolls of toilet paper. T...

Amman — A City of Street Art and Culture

Last week, while walking through the streets of Amman, Jordan, I looked up to take a picture of the scenary around me, and behold, a fantastic street art was looking down at me. Amman, otherwise known as the white city, is the world's oldest and most consistently inhabited city, initially fou...

#ArtOnLink Changes How We Discover Art & Our Cities

“Look at everything as though you are seeing it either for the first or last time, then your time on earth will be filled with glory.” — Betty Smith, Author, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn That’s our aspiration for #ArtOnLink. To give local artists a platform for their visi...

El Poblenou Street Art Map, Barcelona

In recent months we have covered the street art of El Poblenou extensively. Perhaps one of the most creative pockets in the city, El Poblenou has enough good stuff to provide a street art hunter with a good day worth of gleeful sightings. While the area is relatively spread out, it&rsqu...

Cairns Street Art Map

This article is part of our Ultimate Queensland Street Art Road Trip — From Brisbane to Cairns series, but it is written to be useful whether you’re going to visit Cairns street art only, or you’re going to check it out as part of a full-on East Coast road trip. Ju...

Discovering An Abundance of Street Art In China

Finally, after procrastinating and putting it off for multiple months while I’ve been back in Canada, I dug out my old hard drive that I had stored at my parents. The tote that it was in was buried at the back of their storage unit in their condo parking garage. It seemed a daunting task to...

Street Art Found in the Desert

While all the other editors were overly excited about this month’s topic, I wasn’t even sure if I’d manage to fill one article with pictures and content. But after reading  Jillian ’s article on street art she captured from all around the world, I began t...

West End Street Art Map

West End is for sure one of the coolest suburbs in Brisbane; a place where everyone can mingle and mix without status, class or culture showing a divide. It’s a culinary hot spot, there are markets aplenty, and numerous cafes and bars to relax amongst friends and visitors enjoying this eclecti...

Hacking Configurable Art

If you knew me, you would know that I am a huge fan of street-art, and fond of the printing process in general. While browsing Instagram one day, I discovered the work of Felipe Pantone . I was astonished by the way he plays with colors and the codes of our digital age. His recent work ...

Graffiti Art In Australia’s Capital: Canberra Street Art Map

When I think about street art in Australia, I have to admit that Canberra never really came to mind. Save for following Happy Decay, I hadn’t yet become aware of artworks going up there and didn’t find much in my Google research. So when I had to head to Canberra for non-street art ...

The Evolution of Art: Understanding Contemporary Art Movements — Tracing the Trajectory of Creative Innovation

Contemporary art, a multifaceted and dynamic domain, represents the zeitgeist of our time and reflects our evolving culture. It provides unique insights into our collective consciousness, encapsulating varied perspectives, innovations, and critiques of society. The Narrative of Art Movements: Lay...

Explore Ghent through street art: 8 must see murals

Ghent, 3rd biggest city in Belgium, with a rich tradition in history and culture and a perfect breeding ground for some talented writers and painters. Our local hunter Ferdinand is omnipresent and has a nose for spray can fumes and keeps the map scrupulously up to date. Today you can disco...

Art Interpretation

This work of art by Nestor Leynes depicts a woman and a baby inside a makeshift cradle. It portrays the simple life of every Filipino women inside their household and it relates how Filipino women went abroad to work and take care of other children. Furthermore, it represents all types of Filipina w...

Street art: Artistic Expression or Wallpaper for Gentrification?

Local Denver residents explain their experiences with street art, graffiti, erasure of culture, and gentrification. From Chicano Muralism to colorful backdrops for your Instagram photos, street art has made its mark in Denver. However, where some see art, others see wallpaper for gentrification a...

Medellin street art

After years of indiscriminate violence between drug lords, right-wing guerillas, left-wing paramilitaries and an overwhelmed government, Medellin became recognised in the early 1990s as the murder capital of the world. However, the death of the city’s most infamous son, Pablo Escobar, in 1993 ...

Another F**King Debate About What Art Is And Who Gets To Decide (Ft. JESWRI)

Since the beginning of the co-opting of urban art, there has been much debate about what art actually is and who gets to decide. Actually, more likely, it’s been debated since the beginning of the creation of art in general, but we’re most concerned with urban art; graffiti and street...

How Street Art Transformed From Defiant Graffiti into a Universal Art Form.

Street art originated from the early forms of graffiti, which is often attributed to guerrilla artwork on city walls and public transportation lines that became an influential movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Artists began “tagging,” which can often be seen as symbols or numbers that rep...

The impermanence of street art

Street art has been an accepted and respected form of art for many years. It’s a way of creating identity for urban areas, but also a way for the artists to convey ideas, criticise society or protest governments. Street art is by nature not everlasting — from the very moment the art w...

State Curated Street Art

Singapore isn’t an edgy place and neither is its street art. Any public expression that seriously challenged authority would not last one day. Street art began as a provocative violation of property rights. Cities fought it. Street artists were major outlaws once. Singapore made a law ag...

How to start making pixel art #1

This is a little article on how to start making pixel art, intended for those who are really starting out or never even opened a pixel art software. For now I’ll cover only the very basics, how to create a file, setup the canvas size, and work with a color limit. This article was supported ...

Designing for Aesthetic in Video Games Art Direction

Part of video game art direction is clear communication. However overoptimizing for an immediate unambiguous reading of your message can make the aesthetic of your game suffer and reduce the playfulness of your visuals. Whenever I talk about art direction, I always emphasize three points. I focus...

Introduction to Art Direction for Games

In this article I will cover a beginner friendly intro to art direction for video games. Using practical examples from games already out there, I will help you take your first steps to improve the visuals of your projects and give you further resources on how to best continue learning. This is also ...

7 obvious beginner mistakes with your game’s HUD (from a UI UX Art Director)

A video game interface has an immediate and lasting impact on gameplay, production, and the bottom-line. So… where are all the guides and best-practices for the most important Art in the entire game? Shouldn’t there be a primer somewhere? Some kind of shorthand? The box...

Unlock Next-Level Game Design: Create Assets with AI-Generated Art

Generative AI is a powerful tool that enables game developers to accelerate the entire development pipeline; everything from creating prototypes to generating polished game assets! Current Use Cases Currently generative AI is valuable for game asset creation. Indie game developers are using th...

The future of pixel art with The Last Night

Thimbleweed Park isn’t the only game that requires a shot-by-shot breakdown of its trailer in this magazine. Today at Microsoft’s Xbox presentation at E3, The Last Night was finally fully revealed to the public. The game started back in 2014 as a short, moo...

Master the Art of Cyber Investigation: Mainlining Game Breakdown

Mainlining isn’t exactly the next hacking scene from Swordfish or Skyfall. I’m also positive it isn’t that awful scene from NCIS, nor should it be — for anyone’s sake. We’re not going to see highly polished fake-hacking animations ...

Empowering Minds and Hearts: The MENA Region’s First Art Therapy Conference

In the ever-evolving landscape of holistic well-being, art therapy has emerged as a transformative force, igniting the sparks of healing and self-discovery. The recent Art Therapy Conference held in Abu Dhabi, hosted by the Abu Dhabi Center for Sheltering and Humanitarian Care — Ewaa, opened a...

Cartography, History, Art, and Conscience

Today my family and I visited the Maps Unfolded — From Atlas to Street Map exhibit at the Allard Pierson Museum. Sadly, the show ends this week, but it’s well worth seeing if you happen to be in Amsterdam right now. (Note, none of my links are affiliate links.) Because my he...

Street Art and Protest Art in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is an amazing sanctuary for street artists across the globe. From the NDSM-Werf, a hub of street art and art studios, to any neighborhood corner or alleyway, art can be found covering walls, doors, the ground itself, and anywhere an artist decides where they want their canvas to be. Unlike...

The Museum of Prohibited Art Says Damn You, Censorship

In October this year, the Museu de l’Art Prohibit (Museum of Prohibited Art) opened in Barcelona. It’s the world’s first museum dedicated to art that’s been “censored, prohibited or denounced due to political, social or religious reasons”. As someone who’...

Discovering Art and Tradition with Fernando Malo

With a rich artistic journey rooted in both education and life experience, Zaragoza-based artist Fernando Malo has a strong connection with the city of Barcelona, which is deeply woven into the tapestry of his work. He studied at the Massana School from 1976 to 1981 and sold his pottery on the Rambl...

Public Art in Barcelona

There’s a certain charm to wandering through city streets and unexpectedly stumbling upon a striking piece of art — as if the city is sharing a secret with you. In Barcelona, you never know what you might stumble upon. Whether it’s a colorful mural tucked away in a side street or a...

Khroma | New Media Art Centre

When art meets technology, how much of ourselves do we put into these less-tangible experiences — and how much of this is consensual? Data and urban spaces have long been international topics that have dominated the world of technology and art. Khroma’s new media art centre allows for yo...


Abstract art is defined by shapes, lines, and creations that are independent from the rest of the world. In short, when looking at a traditional piece of the abstract art, the brain lacks a reference to figure out what it’s looking at, thus it defines it as “abstract.” This genr...

Edinburgh Art: U.S. + Notorious Lesbian Book + U.K. Landform by da-AL

Bunches writers of stacks novels borrow and twist that proverb. The way it relates to this dilemma is — have you ever returned home from a trip and waited so long to sort your photos that you no longer remember where you saw what? Worse, did a pandemic come along and toss your blog posting pla...

Why The Art Of Theatre Is Dying

My dad has been performing in front of an audience his entire life. Although he’s a teacher by trade, his passion has always been in acting. Deep down, he always wishes he could have been a professional actor. With that said, his dream has somewhat come true. Despite not being a pr...

Four reasons why Lisbon’s street art scene is one of the coolest in Europe

You may wonder why so many young Europeans choose Lisbon to live. It can be the sun, the beautiful view from the hills, or the dozens of terraces where you can drink imperiais and leave your worries behind. But others would argue that Lisbon’s street art scene is one of the coolest a...

L.A.’s Latinx-Owned Galleries and Art Spaces

For a city that was once part of Mexico and nearly 50% of the Los Angeles population being Latinx, it’s fair to imagine that the number of art galleries, museums, and spaces showing Latinx work here would roughly mirror that number. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t. Gisela McDa...

Art Crush: Introducing Karen Galloway, LA’s Newest Powerhouse In The Art World

Meet Karen Galloway, the force behind the Black-owned contemporary art gallery Sow & Tailor. At any given moment, you’ll find Galloway curating multiple shows around the globe, all while simultaneously showcasing Los Angeles’s most up-and-coming artists at her brick-and-mortar space ...

An Unsellable Show During a Major Art Fair

It would behoove most for-profit galleries to feature a sellable show to run concurrently with their local major art fair. At this year’s nineteenth edition of Zona Maco in Mexico City, the prominent Polanco gallery Proyectos Monclova made the bold decision to instead display a highly unsellab...

Art Basel Miami Beach 2023: A Fusion of Art, Luxury, and Culinary Delights

Art Basel Miami Beach, the prestigious art fair that has become synonymous with the magic of the art world, is back in 2023. This annual event, founded by gallerists in 1970, has evolved into the leading global platform that connects collectors, galleries, and artists. The Miami Beach edition, set a...

Every Exhibit in a New York City Modern Art Gallery

A painting of three horizontal stripes on a white background. A painting of three vertical stripes on a white background. Three polaroid photographs of a sad woman smoking from a balcony. Several digital renderings of city skylines that look like default desktop screensavers. One giant r...

Art Melds with Architecture, Technology in A Strategy for a Stronger City

The architecture of a city is one of the most important factors in its growth and development. Cities are constantly changing, but their buildings serve as reminders of history and culture. The design of buildings can encourage certain types of behavior or inhibit others. It can inspire people to wo...

The Ongoing Saga of NYC’s Chalk Art Taggers

It happens every year and every year, a different route is selected to be tagged. But this is the year these artists (or artist) is finally going to get their flowers. Even though they may never ever know it. It all started when I walked out of my building yesterday to run two errands: st...

When Donald Trump Destroyed Monumental Art

On the Fourth of July of 2020, President Donald Trump flew to South Dakota and addressed the nation from Mount Rushmore National Memorial. “We will never let them rip America’s heroes from our monuments, or from our hearts,” Trump said. “By tearing down Washington and Jeff...

Art in the Cracks

A message of love and beauty filled a crack in the pavement. I almost tripped over it. This was in central Paris, near the Opera Garnier. I watched for a while as other pedestrians stepped right over the brightly patterned tile mosaic on the sidewalk, unaware of what they were treading on. You would...

Immerse Yourself in Art and History with the Louvre Museum Masterpieces Fully Guided Tour in Paris

Are you ready for an extraordinary journey through centuries of art and culture in the heart of Paris? Look no further than the Louvre Museum Masterpieces Fully Guided Tour. This exceptional experience will transport you into a world of artistic wonders, providing profound insights into some of huma...

Being Alone in a Sea of Art

However, it made me think of buy-in. That’s what it all is really, the line between inane bullshit and profound art, at such a high level of experimentation. Is the exercise where a bunch of people essentially tie themselves together with long, ropy costumes, and navigate tangling and untangli...

NFTs in Prague 2023: A Celebration of Digital Art and Connection

The event was organized by KodaDot, an open-source multi-chain NFT explorer focusing on user experience and ease of use. As a platform, KodaDot is dedicated to making the exploration and interaction with NFTs as seamless as possible. It supports various networks, including Polkadot an...

Art Blocks in Rio

I’m back home from Brazil and wanted to share a dispatch about our participation at NFT Rio. It was an amazing experience in a new part of the world for Art Blocks and everyone’s excitement and kindness was truly contagious. Conversation after conversation, I was impressed by the en...

The Art of Prioritization: Maximizing Efficiency and Achieving More

In today’s fast-paced world, we are often bombarded with an overwhelming number of tasks and responsibilities, leaving us feeling stretched thin and struggling to keep up. The art of prioritization is a crucial skill that can help us navigate this busy landscape with clarity and focus. By iden...

Attention to Art Buff! 3 Art Spaces You Must-visit in Taipei

Taipei is perhaps one of the best Asian cities when it comes to Art spaces. If you are the people like me used to find out the unique and interesting exhibition or event before vacation, then you must bookmark all the art spaces in Taipei — That will become the reason to make you com...

Stressful Art in a Stressful World

The attached photo is of a tree farm growing Ali Shan Oolong Tea. Shan means mountain, but this farm is not on the mountain, don’t tell anyone. After more than a year of living in the heart of a city and only leaving to visit slightly smaller cities, it was nice to be out in the quiet, with th...

10 Museums and Art Galleries in Tokyo That Will Blow Your Mind

Tokyo is the capital of Japan and one of the largest cities in the world. As a result, there are many attractive spots for those interested in culture and the arts. In particular, the number of museums and art galleries is among the largest in the world. There are more than 200 museums and art mu...

Art Vancouver: Celebrating Diversity in Contemporary Art

Art Vancouver is a vibrant annual art fair that brings together artists and galleries from around the world to showcase their works of art. Held at the Vancouver Convention Center, the event provides emerging and established artists a platform to display their work and connect with a gl...

Vienna’s Albertina Museum: A Treasury of Modernist Art

This is a famous work from the Impressionist movement by its founding father, the French artist Claude Monet. The artist moved to Vétheuil in 1878 with his family and painted several canvases of the small farming village on the river Seine between Rouen and Paris. Some of these works were als...

Birds and The Fine Art of Noticing

If you were to wake up tomorrow from sixteen months of fairy-tale sleep, you’d probably have a few questions. What the heck is a delta variant? What happened to restaurant menus? When did all of my friends become birdwatchers? On the last Monday in May of this year, 1,046 birders in New Yor...

The Present Art of Bird Watching

The drive was quick but everlong as I felt my arms and hands extend way past the boundaries of my body. I was disassociating…again. Most days, I was. Derealization peppered in, it felt more like the world around me was tucked away in Hope County, like in that video game we just played. But I ...

The Art of Disruption (And Why You Need It)

Routine can also bring complacency if performed for too long without re-evaluation. It can put blinders on that grow at a fingernail’s-pace over time, causing you to lose sight of what’s important, or blind you from the possibility of considering new activities or perspectives worth...

Viewing Egrets as Fine Art Subjects

These birds are members of the heron family. The twelve egret species are long-legged wading birds. The English word “egret” comes from the French word aigrette. It refers to the egret’s long plume feathers that decorate hats or jewelry pieces that imitate a plume. Becau...

I’m Not Mad at You, or How Texting Fails Relationships; Plus Conservation & Art Updates

At 53 years of age, I am getting back to a more original version of myself: natural, artsy fartsy, moody, (always) curious, and — this one seems to have gotten lost — loving. There’s also dorky and silly and dark … I could go on. But I have most certainly had a tendency to o...

Art Under the Microscope: The Science of Art Conservation

Art conservation is a meticulous domain that merges the realms of science and art to preserve invaluable artworks for posterity. The practice encompasses a holistic approach, embracing preservation, examination, documentation, and restoration to ensure the longevity and integrity of art pieces​. T...

Earth without Art Is Just … “Eh”

Throughout history, artists have used earth’s natural resources to create works of art. These can come from a variety of sources including rocks, minerals, clays, and even plant-based materials. Linseed oil, a common binder used in Western paintings, is made from flax seeds; dyes used to creat...

The Art of Hiking: A Comprehensive Guide to Warm-Up and Stretching Routines

Hiking is a wonderful way to connect with nature, challenge yourself physically, and enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a novice explorer, it’s crucial to prioritize your body’s well-being to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience. One key aspect of...

Wildlife Art Competition

As the year draws to a close, Octopus Nation is delighted to present a unique opportunity for our creative community members — the Virtual Wildlife Art Competition. This event invites artists and nature enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the world of wildlife through diverse artistic exp...

Art for Education Conservation: A Fundraising Auction to Empower the Next Generation of Wildlife Protection Warriors

Education lies at the core of SPN’s mission, and with the generous support of our community, we have been able to positively impact the lives of thousands of students. Together, we strive to cultivate a sense of personal responsibility and stewardship for the natural world. The Art 4 Education...

Navigating the Art of Tipping

You might add 10% to 15% to your restaurant bill for the server, or slip a couple of dollars to the valet who parked your car. However, with the advent of modern technology and digital payment systems, tipping has been integrated into various transactions, even extending to retai...

The Art of Giving; Why Helping Others Drive Your Success.

In a world where success is often measured by material wealth and personal achievements, it’s easy to forget that true success lies in acts of kindness and giving. The art of giving, both in small gestures and grand acts, not only impacts the lives of those we help but also drives our own in w...

My Ultimate Guide to the Art Of Living

The author had a scientific explanation for why some older people have a distinct smell about them. I’m sure he thought he was looking objectively at an interesting question. He was all logic and no feeling. He couldn’t see it from my old person’s “all feelings” poin...

Zen and The Art of Product Management

Now — several years later, what I have discovered is that product management is a very difficult job. Even product management extraordinaire Marty Cagan says so. Of course, there is plenty of help out there: books, blogs, podcasts, talks, conferences, experienced colleagues, and so on. All pro...

The Material Essence: Significance in Buddhist Art

<1> Bronze: A Testament to Tradition Bronze, with its durability and capacity for intricate detailing, stands as a testament to the historical roots of Buddhist art. The art of bronze casting has been a revered tradition, allowing artisans to capture the essence of Buddhist teachings in thr...

Future of Islamic Art Museums & Galleries, Celebrating Diversity & Inclusivity (Part 1)

Salient Points taken from different speakers at different intervals at the Future of Islamic Art Museums & Galleries, Celebrating Diversity & Inclusivity talk: Discussion Point #1: A museum is a mirror of life. Going to the museum is a personal and subjective life experienc...

Zen and the Art of Being The Donald

Herewith a selection of proverbs, koans and riddles from the recently discovered text Zen and the Art of Being The Donald: There is no such thing as a lie. The continued repetition of a falsehood eventually makes it true. Watch and listen to the fox and his friends for they are the accura...

Zen Art: Mu Qi’s Six Persimmons

This is Chinese Zen master Mu Qi’s famous 13th-century painting of six persimmons. Notice that there’s no table and no shadows. It’s groundless, like the mirror-mind or groundless condition of all things–what Zen Buddhists like to call groundlessness. The floating persim...

The Art of Zen and the Art of Not Giving a…

Ah, the journey to self-discovery and inner peace. It’s like trying to meditate in the middle of a toddler’s birthday party — chaotic, noisy, and you’re not sure why you’re even there. But here we are, trying to make sense of it all, one deep (but not too deep...

The Art of Indifference: Differentiating Between What We Can and Cannot Control

In a world characterized by constant change, uncertainty, and seemingly insurmountable challenges, it is natural for individuals to experience anxiety, frustration, and despair. While it is impossible to control all external factors that shape our lives, we possess the innate ability to alter our pe...

The Art Monster at the End of This Book

Ifirst read Anais Nin when I was eighteen years old. It was 2000, and I had just started blogging, though no-one called it that back then — I kept a public “diary,” on a LiveJournal knockoff called OpenDiary.com, and had to learn hex codes and basic HTML to make it look the wa...

It’s Activism, But is it Art?

Listen to this as a podcast on Spotify or Apple, or search for The Gallery Companion on your podcast player. Shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022, shoppers noticed strange changes to the price of goods in supermarkets across Russia. Chocolate appeared ch...

How Feminist Art History Changed the Story of Art

One of my favourite things about art history is when something or someone comes along that completely alters my perspective. Old habits of looking are upturned and the values I took for granted are reappraised. Feminist art history does that. It reveals that what an artist might represent is not ...

Accessibility: The art of designing for everyone

One of the most common buzzwords in the design community is accessibility. But do we really know what it means? Accessibility is not only about screen readers, contrast, or big fonts. At the fundamental level, accessibility is about every individual’s right to access information. We live in a ...

Art in the City — The Surprising Impacts of the Creative Sectors on Your City

As an award-winning economic developer who is also a musician, Dallas sees a strong link between the long-term economic vibrancy of a community and the health of its arts and creative scene. And this link is getting stronger in the 21st-century economy. As the VP of a world-leading inte...

Making a Difference: The Art of Noticing and Addressing Urban Challenges

Here are a few things I’ve done that have made a difference in these areas. The first is when walking towards our city’s junior high there is a spot where the tree branches hang low and get in my face and are just a nuisance to walk and bike through. I dealt with this for years thinking ...

On Art, Commercialism, Deadpool 2, and A Culture Of Violence

On Thursday night, I went to see Deadpool 2. Like many millions of Americans these days, I love a good superhero movie — especially since I have been reading comic books since I was five years old — but I very emphatically did not enjoy the first outing of the B-list Marvel characte...

The Art of Judging: A Deep Dive into the EB1A Criterion of Judging the Work of Others

In the vast landscape of the EB1A visa application process, many criteria are often discussed in generalized terms. However, true understanding comes from delving deep into the nuances of each criterion. Yesterday, USCIS published a policy manual throwing some light on the EB1A criteria. W...

The Art of Illusion

As I watched the debt ceiling debacle unfold it struck home. The parties are complicit with each other, either for fundraising and/or to keep the status quo. We need more than two parties — and that means real parties, not ones that split the vote that everyone shy’s away from....

Indigenous Art Voices, We Are The Seeds

Joy and celebration are vitally important to Tailinh, and We Are The Seeds, a magnificent organization that promotes Indigenous Art and Culture, was born out of her desire to share this enthusiasm with the world. Currently based at the Cherry Street Pier in Philadelphia, PA, I met with Mrs...

Aboriginal Art and the Museum: indigenising a colonial space

As tens of millions of people across the world have taken to social media and then to the streets in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, art world institutions have come under scrutiny for their responses. Critics have denounced museums and galleries for silence, for hesitatin...

The Fine Art and Gift of Feedback — Giving And Receiving It

“You are bright,” said Professor Raymond Yagle, my advisor, “but you need to speak up in class.” I had gone back to college after working for eight years, and this was his feedback during my first semester. As some of our classes included class participation in the grades,...

ART & SOUL: Hamptons Sells Out All Events in its Return to the Hamptons

The Hamptons hosted a soulful event on May 27, 2023, which consisted of four events attended by artists, art curators, collectors, business owners, executives, entrepreneurs, and the cultural elite. The creation of ART & SOUL: Hamptons celebrated the work of BIPOC artists living in and around th...

Indigenous Art Voices, We Are The Seeds

Her family is of Narragansett decent, and as a very young girl, Tailinh remembers joining her father, TChin (pronounced ‘Chin) at his art classes at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). He is a celebrated jewelry designer, who also studied at the Institute of American India...

Create Breathtaking Art with AI White Images

Dreamlike Power of AI White Images Imagine staring at pristine white images, not with trepidation, but with exhilaration. No brushstrokes mar its purity, yet within its emptiness lies an infinite universe of possibilities, waiting to be sculpted by your imagination. This is the magic o...

Jesus Like You’ve Never Seen Before — Discoveries from Early Christian Art

The claim that we definitely know what Jesus looked like is an intriguing one, especially related to the Christ Pantocrator icon. This image, as far as we know, only exists in its oldest form from the 6th or 7th century. This particular icon was initially painted in Saint Catherine’s Monastery...

How Art Made The World Episode 1: More Human Than Human

This journey started with the very first model of the human body, and that is the “Venus of Willendorf”. That sculpt is currently exhibited in the Natural History Museum in Vienna. It’s a little Venus figure with exaggerated breasts, hips, and genital organs. Although some people s...

The Fragile Art of Hand Pollination in China: A Warning Sign of Nature’s Decline

Introduction: In the vast expanses of Chinese agriculture, an ancient practice is gaining renewed significance in the face of an ecological crisis — hand pollination. As natural pollinators face perilous declines, Chinese farmers are increasingly turning to this labor-intensive technique to...

Snowflakes: Where Mathematics Meets Art

It is so mystical when you leave home in the morning in the snow. Snowflakes fly around in the measureless universe, falling to the ground and blanketing the ground. Or a snowflake landing on your nose. You do not see any flowers because flowers cannot flourish in the cold. It is noteworthy that you...

Geometry: The Art of Shapes

Geometry, the study of shapes, patterns, and their properties is often perceived as a purely mathematical discipline. However, it holds a profound connection to art, where shapes not only convey mathematical concepts but also evoke emotions, stimulate creativity, and enhance aesthetic expression. ...

Unveiling the Marvels of Mathematical Art

To most people, art and mathematics might seem like two completely distinct disciplines. They incorrectly see themselves and others as either a right-brained person or a left-brained person. But the intersection of these disparate worlds is both captivating and beautiful. Let’s explore the ...

The Art of Gathering (Priya Parker) — Book Summary & Notes

Impressions The book did introduce me to a couple of new perspectives while rehashing somethings that would be considered common knowledge when spelled out. I found some concepts and their examples were too extreme and when transplanted to your humble dinner party or weekly sales meeting didn&rsq...

The Art & Science of Ethnographic Marketing Research

Ethnography is not new to marketing research. Today, most companies who invest in marketing research have had some experience with ‘ethnography’ and many have fully incorporated the approach into their ongoing research programs. In this, the era of big data, it is as important as ev...

‘Daisugi’ — Japanese Art of Forestry

Inthe dense mountain forests surrounding the ancient city of Kyoto, Japan, rows of red Kitayama cedar trees tower silently over the sloping valleys and hillsides below. Their serene presence nods to the fast-fading practice of daisugi (台杉), a remarkable forestry tradition steeped in cu...

“The Art of Balance: Avoid Overcommitting Yourself with These Simple Tips"

Today, we’re tackling a common challenge many of us face—overcommitting ourselves. Have you ever found yourself stretched too thin with too many tasks on your plate? Let’s explore practical strategies to help you strike a balance and avoid overcommitting in your daily life. ...

We Finally Figured Out Who Makes wikiHow’s Bizarre Art

ounded in 2005, wikiHow.com appears to be a typical volunteer-authored wiki site that offers step-by-step guides on how to do just about anything, from how to tie your shoes to how to reverse a curse. But there’s a conspicuous difference between wikiHow and your average wiki: th...

The Forgotten Pixel Art Masterpieces of the PlayStation 1 Era

It’s a bit ironic. From the start, the PlayStation’s hardware was optimized for 3D graphics, to the point where Sony Computer Entertainment America even limited the release of 2D games in North America, believing they would make the PlayStation look old fashioned. But despite the concern...

Redefining Art Ownership With Serpentine and RadicalXChange

In our last WAC Lab episode, we were introduced to an innovative ownership model that aims to balance market incentives among artists, partners, intermediaries, and collectors, fostering the artist’s communities, called Partial Common Ownership of Art (PCOArt). The PCOArt project is initiat...

The so-called immersive art exhibitions became absolute blockbusters. The question is: why?

A couple of months ago, I was on a date, and as the guy was trying to make a conversation and showing interest, we ended up talking a bit about art. Curiously, one of the first things he asked about was those immersive art exhibitions that are really on hype right now, and as I politely ra...

The High Drama of Baroque Art

In Passignano’s painting, Adam and Eve appear desperate and distraught as they’re escorted out of Eden by an angel; in Roncalli’s shadowy picture, Jacob and the angel are at the end of their all-night struggle, locked in exhausted embrace. They are emotional and tender scenes, in c...

The sophistication of Tokyo Station Gallery in presenting art stylishly.

The intention seems to be to convey a message inviting visitors to approach the exhibition not as a solemn and imposing art exhibition, but rather as an opportunity to appreciate stylish cultural displays. It’s skillfully executed, distinguishing itself from other art galleries that ...

Art OnlyFans: why museums and artists create accounts in 18+ services

Social networks are no longer just for sharing photos and messages for friends. Instagram, Facebook and TikTok have become powerful tools for brand promotion and audience engagement. Everyone, from bloggers and entrepreneurs to politicians and artists, use these platforms to develop their business. ...

Five Art Moments, Half a Century

Istarted off as an angry young man, and after a while I developed a passion to get lost in labyrinths. On a long journey traversing many different disciplines both in art, documentaries, science communication, radio and film productions my ambition is always to listen into the spirit of our tim...

32 Best Art Museums in the US: An Insider’s Guide

Art museums are one of the most beautiful places to visit in the US. With numerous art collections from different parts of the world, art museums are a perfect place for art enthusiasts. The US has some of the best art museums, with more than 32 museums scattered all over the country. In this articl...

Breaking the ice with an art museum.

If I look at the counterparts of an art museum, let’s say a science museum, we know it carries exhibits that deal with concepts of science. When I go to a history museum I know that the artefacts displayed there are of historical significance, but when I go to an art museum it is there because...

Understanding the Art of Museum Exploration — UX Case Study

Tools: CDX Matrix, Lean Survey Canvas, Interviews, Surveys, Affinity Diagram, User Persona, Emotion board, Empathy Map, User Journey Map, storyboard, Problem statement, Ideations, Round Robin, Crazy 8s, Wireframes and Useberry app  Introduction: As aspiring UX/UI designers, we&rsqu...

Why Wealthy Families Invest Billions In Art

Close your eyes for a moment and envision yourself nestled comfortably within the ranks of a wealthy family. Yes, indeed — imagine a reality where your bank balance doesn’t just hold millions, but, rather… it holds billions. Now, ask yourself: What would you do if you w...

Museum app — connecting art and people

These led us to build our user personas: Victor, who is involved and interested with the content, and Laura, who takes care of the environment and the time spent in the museum. Personas To dig in a bit further about our personas, we worked on the Empathy mapan...

Becoming a Day Trader: Mastering the Art of Day Trading

What is Day Exchanging? Day exchanging is a way of exchanging where people trade monetary instruments, like stocks, monetary forms, or items, inside a similar exchanging day. Dissimilar to long haul financial backers who clutch their speculations for weeks, months, or even years, informal investo...

The Art of Stealing

I’ve also seen others do this. Sometimes not expertly at all by simply copying and pasting. Sometimes in artful ways. There is nothing wrong with this. Literature, science, and art all live from building together. It’s more than a cliché: We’re all standing on the shou...

Fashion Designers: Inspired by Art

Ahead of the race, Alexander McQueen comes in first place for pushing the boundaries of fashion with his fierce and fragile fashion designs. He was said to be an artist of the romantic tradition. Passionate about fine art, McQueen started every collection with an idea or a concept for the runway pre...

The Art of Sewing Patterns for Fashion Designers

Hey there, fabulous fashionistas and aspiring designers! If you’re on this page, it’s likely because you’re ready to take your fashion game to the next level. We get it; you’ve got the ideas, the passion, and the sketches dancing in your mind. But how do you turn those dreams...

Surface a la Art Nouveau

They say fashion and clothes are an extension of yourself. A way to express to the world who you are, what you like, and how you think. Someone dressed head-to-toe in Rick Owens may signal a minimalist of the purest form, perhaps a more serious person, while someone wearing Issey Miyake feels a bit ...

Evaluation of Fashion design- Integrating with Art and Architecture

Fashion design is the art of application of design that implies aesthetic or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. It is influenced by different spectrums of art, culture, and social movements and has diverse senses over different time periods. From designer’s cloth worn by only royalty ...

Part 1: Sneakers and the Art of Storytelling | My Personal Journey

As my basketball career moved into the 1998 season, I had to rock the Allen Iverson signature shoe ‘Reebok The Answer DMX’ in black, white, and gold that Iverson sported during the 1997–98 NBA season. While many boys at school were enamored with AI, I proudly owned his signature sh...

Mastering the Art of Sneaker Reselling: A Comprehensive Guide to Calculating Your True ROI

‍In the dynamic and fast-paced world of sneaker reselling, where sneaker news and sneaker release calendars are closely followed, ROI (Return on Investment) is a crucial metric that gauges the profitability of your venture. This industry isn’t just about the thrill of copping the latest ne...

The Art and Impact of T-Shirt Design

The Rise of T-Shirt Design The evolution of t-shirt design parallels the broader shifts in fashion and culture. What began as a utilitarian garment worn as an undershirt has evolved into a cultural icon embraced by people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. T-shirts serve as bl...

Mastering the Art of Hair Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Locks

Introduction: Caring for your hair goes beyond just aesthetic concerns; it’s a vital aspect of overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into the essentials of hair care, exploring effective tips and practices to maintain healthy, vibrant locks. Understanding Your Hair Type: Be...

Transforming Art into Wellness: Marina Abramović’s Artistic Alchemy!

I find the convergence of art and commerce, particularly in the case of Marina Abramović’s foray into the wellness industry, to be a fascinating subject. Renowned for her groundbreaking performance art that challenges societal norms and transgresses human endurance, Marina Abramović has n...

Forever Young: The Art of Ageless Living

Aging is a natural part of life, but there are various lifestyle choices and habits that can influence how gracefully we age. While we can’t stop the clock, we can certainly slow it down by taking good care of our physical and mental well-being. In this article, we’ll explore ten health ...

The Art of Skincare: Finding Your Perfect Routine

Embarking on my skincare journey, I’ve experimented with everything from a minimalist approach to a comprehensive 9-step routine. This exploration led me to ponder: in the realm of skincare, is less truly more, or does more bring better results? Let’s dive into the nuances of crafting th...

Speak Daily — Advanced Day 1 — The Art of Sushi Making

Sushi, a culinary icon from Japan, has captivated food lovers worldwide with its delicate balance of flavors and aesthetically pleasing presentation. At its core, sushi is not merely a dish but an art form, demanding years of training to master. Traditional sushi chefs, known as Itamae, spend decade...

The French Art of ‘Râler’

Such is France’s collective passion for the art of râler that had “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” not exemplified the spirit of the French Revolution, there is every chance Audiard’s mission statement would have swept in and claimed the title ...

Art for peace.

In a world often marked by discord and strife, the role of art in fostering peace cannot be overstated. Art, in its myriad forms, has the power to transcend boundaries, evoke empathy, and create a shared understanding among diverse communities. Throughout history, art has been intertwined with th...

Explore Art Decor Services: Your Partner in Printing and Design

Art Décor is a leading provider of high-quality art printing and interior design solutions in the UAE. With a passion for transforming spaces, they offer a wide range of services, including fine art and interior design printing, wallpaper, self-adhesive films, large photo acrylic prints, glas...