The Digital Art Disconnect: How Traditional Galleries can Benefit from Embracing the Blockchain

<p>The digital art world has a curation problem. Digital artists have shifted away from traditional art galleries, but oversaturation has left them struggling to reach serious buyers. Could galleries become the curators of the digital art era, validating the work of true artists and connecting them to a new generation of art collectors?</p> <p><img alt="" src="*ZSXcYSZOGOXISCmb6yOMtQ.png" style="height:530px; width:375px" /></p> <p>&ldquo;Ritual One &mdash; Distant Thunder&rdquo; by John Guydo</p> <h2>An Untapped Opportunity</h2> <p>Art galleries are on a never-ending quest for new buyers, ideally long-term clients who become art collectors. They&rsquo;re the golden ticket, often clients for decades and providing galleries with invaluable repeat business. Now, imagine if galleries could court collectors early on, maximizing client lifespan.</p> <p>Enter blockchain-based digital artwork (or BBDA for short). These collectors are generally younger than traditional art collectors, falling into the coveted 25&ndash;35 age bracket. They&rsquo;re trendsetters with the means to buy and they&rsquo;re open to innovation. They represent the dream audience for any industry, including the world of art.</p> <h2>The New Wave of Art Collectors</h2> <p>Blockchain technology has birthed a new type of collector: one who starts their journey with digital art. They&rsquo;ve been exposed to what owning a piece of art feels like, albeit in a digital format. And let me tell you, the leap from owning a high-quality digital piece to craving an original painting isn&rsquo;t far off. In fact, it&rsquo;s quite the logical step.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>