Instantly improve your focus with the Lippan art

<p>When there is a huge rush of thoughts in the brain, some choose to go for a walk or practice yoga&nbsp;while&nbsp;others&nbsp;turn&nbsp;on&nbsp;their&nbsp;favourite podcast. Only 10% of our thoughts get real. The rest 90% are busy scaring us and limiting our true potential. So it&rsquo;s important to relax and calm down our emotions for sound mental health.</p> <p>While there are many ways to get rid of stress, I recently found out an art form that truly impressed me. It is the Lippan/ Lipan art. Also called the Mud-Mirror art. This art form originated from the Kutch area of Gujarat, India. People in Kutch mud-washed their houses and decorated their walls with a mixture of clay, chalk powder, glue and some natural colours. Over time, this art form gained a lot of attention from all corners of the world. Many brands even started selling their own moulding clays as well. There are countless videos on YouTube showing the lippan art works.</p> <p>Though I am not very good at painting, I feel overwhelmed when I see vibrant colours&nbsp;flowing&nbsp;on&nbsp;a&nbsp;piece&nbsp;of&nbsp;paper. They instantly enhance my mood and soothe my brain. So after watching some videos on how to start the process, I gave it a try and this is how it turned out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lippan Art