I’m Not Mad at You, or How Texting Fails Relationships; Plus Conservation & Art Updates

<p>At 53 years of age, I am getting back to a more original version of myself: natural, artsy fartsy, moody, (always) curious, and &mdash; this one seems to have gotten lost &mdash; loving. There&rsquo;s also dorky and silly and dark &hellip; I could go on. But I have most certainly had a tendency to overattach and overshare when I do open up, and where I&rsquo;m going with this is that these forces fed into my recent cell phone number change, which apparently caused at least a handful of loved ones to think I didn&rsquo;t want to hear from them anymore. Even though there are other communication channels open. Even though I have a history of overcommunicating, to an embarrassing extent. Even though there wasn&rsquo;t a fight or anything like that (I&rsquo;m a lover, not a fighter).&nbsp;<strong>The truth is, I can&rsquo;t handle the amount of texting that is now prevalent in our culture and that for some reason seems to have overtaken every other mode of connecting.&nbsp;</strong>Texting has become another social media network. And social media and I do not mix.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@amandajskaufmann/im-not-mad-at-you-or-how-texting-fails-relationships-plus-conservation-art-updates-5e8143335449"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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