The Road to My First Entry in an Art Exhibition

<p>Once upon a time, about fifteen years ago, my husband Jon said that he wanted to start painting. So for Christmas/Hanukkah, I gave him canvases, paints, and brushes. He never painted.</p> <p>Five years ago, when he was getting chemo &amp; radiation, I got him an easel for Father&rsquo;s Day. I thought the easel would excite him and that he&rsquo;d start painting to help him relax during this difficult time. It didn&rsquo;t happen. The canvases, paints, brushes, and easel quietly collected dust.</p> <p>Then two years ago this summer, after the pandemic took my adjunct professor job, I officially &ldquo;retired&rdquo; early and got creative. If Jon won&rsquo;t create and play with the paints and brushes on the canvases on the easel, then I will. And so I did.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Exhibition