Street Art — The Finale

<p>While we weren&rsquo;t sure if we should skip hosting a challenge in August as many would be busy with vacations and summer fun, we decided against it and were blown away by your response to our prompt.</p> <p>Street art turned out to be the most popular topic we&rsquo;ve hosted so far here at Globetrotter&rsquo;s and you flooded us with 46 submissions to the prompt. All of them, without any exception, are outstanding submissions.</p> <p>So what should I say? The murals, sculptures and other installations presented in those photo essays shared pieces of history, presented a stage for demonstrations or were simply a beautiful display of art.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s been amazing to read through every single photo essay and marvel at the beauty artists have created on the streets of the world. Yet, so many submissions didn&rsquo;t make it easy for us to pick a favorite. But we tried&hellip;</p> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <p><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Jillian Amatt</a></p> <p>As a street artist myself, you can imagine my excitement when we editors decided to make street art our August monthly challenge. I knew that I had a TON of photos, and I looked forward to sharing some of my favorites with you, but I also knew that I would be seeing some awesome art from other locations in the world. I can see that many shared in my excitement as we received a record number of submissions this month. While July was our lowest turnout, August has been the highest.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Street Art