The Forgotten Pixel Art Masterpieces of the PlayStation 1 Era

<p>It&rsquo;s a bit ironic. From the start, the PlayStation&rsquo;s hardware was optimized for 3D graphics, to the point where Sony Computer Entertainment America even limited the release of 2D games in North America, believing they would make the PlayStation look old fashioned. But despite the concern, the PS1 still wound up with one of the finest libraries of 2D games. There&rsquo;s a wealth of classic digital artwork on display in these titles, many of which have gone overlooked in the decades since their release.</p> <p><em>Gunner&rsquo;s Heaven</em>&nbsp;(1995) looks like a cross between&nbsp;<em>Gunstar Heroes</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>Metal Slug</em>&nbsp;(but it&rsquo;s actually older than&nbsp;<em>Metal Slug</em>&nbsp;by a year!) with its intense run and gun action. Because of its lack of polygons, it was released in Japan and Europe, but not North America.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pixel Art