Is AI Art Real Art?

<p>Generative Art uses techniques from Machine Learning and Machine Vision to generate images. And it has produced a lot of headlines around the subject of what is and isn&rsquo;t real art.</p> <p>To me, the answer is clear: AI-generated art is art. Of course, it is. It follows a recipe and has inputs and outputs. Developing the recipe is art, and using the recipe to bring something new into the world is also art. They&rsquo;re both art. Why is this controversial?</p> <p>I imagine it&rsquo;s because, when most people think of art, they&rsquo;re picturing the little reproductions of famous paintings like you find on mugs&ndash; water lilies, sunflowers, the Mona Lisa. They&rsquo;re remembering works they&rsquo;ve seen as school children, on slideshows and in textbooks. Most people know far less about &ldquo;modern art,&rdquo; and the word has become a synonym for abrasive, nonsensical, ugly, or for some other reason, unlovable.</p> <p>But you can draw a line from today&rsquo;s generative art straight back to the very beginning of modern art: Marcel Duchamp. You may know him as &ldquo;the guy who put a urinal in a gallery and called it art.&rdquo; That is correct. He forced new ways of looking at the objects that are all around us&ndash; shovels, math textbooks, bicycle wheels, chimney ventilators&ndash; which he termed &ldquo;ready-mades.&rdquo;</p> <p>In the early part of the twentieth century, many of these prefabricated items were new enough to feel unfamiliar and strange. At the same time, they were quickly becoming so ubiquitous as to be all but invisible.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Art