Breaking the ice with an art museum.

<p>If I look at the counterparts of an art museum, let&rsquo;s say a science museum, we know it carries exhibits that deal with concepts of science. When I go to a history museum I know that the artefacts displayed there are of historical significance, but when I go to an art museum it is there because it is&hellip; art? But what is art? Why is something art and something not? How does one explain to a layman why&nbsp;<em>that thing&nbsp;</em>sitting in an art museum is art without walking them through a lecture on art history? While I closely hold the thought that art lives in the individual&rsquo;s interpretation, that explanation doesn&rsquo;t seem enough. Without some valuable<strong>&nbsp;</strong>context, it is not easy to wholly appreciate the creation and curation of art. Context, which should be effortlessly communicable without requiring someone to flip through history books.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Museum