Art Interpretation

<p>This work of art by Nestor Leynes depicts a woman and a baby inside a makeshift cradle. It portrays the simple life of every Filipino women inside their household and it relates how Filipino women went abroad to work and take care of other children. Furthermore, it represents all types of Filipina whether a mother of the child, a sister who is left out of the house to takes care of its siblings or a &ldquo;yaya&rdquo; while the baby&rsquo;s parents are away. On the other hand, I can relate to this work of art. When I was a baby, my mother, sisters, aunts and my grandmother are those who takes care of me, they take turns whenever my parents are not around.</p> <p><img alt="Image result for romina diaz all bunched up in boxes" src="*bclTK1oX8aeJwN8oyB3hyw.jpeg" style="width:700px" /></p> <p>&ldquo;All Bunched Up In Boxes&rdquo; A photograph by Romina Diaz, 2010 exhibited at Museong Pambata-</p> <p>This photograph by Romina Diaz shows the poverty situation here in the Philippines. Although the photo is taken seven years ago, more and more people are added to the poverty list. It also shows how street children lived and survived day after day of hardships just to make ends meet whether to beg for scraps of food and money to passing strangers or to looking for a decent place to stay.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>