What Is An Art Block and How To Get Out Of One

<p>Ifyou&rsquo;ve been in the art community for some time, you might have heard of the term &ldquo;art block&rdquo;. Or you are an artist yourself and you are or have been in an art block. It happens to traditional and digital artists alike!</p> <p>Starting with the basics, an art block (also known as a creative block)<em>&nbsp;</em>is a period of time when an artist cannot access their creativity and/or they cannot bring themselves to create a new piece of work. They feel like they have run out of things to draw.</p> <p>&ldquo;But how do I GET OUT of an art block!?&rdquo;</p> <p>Art block usually happens when you are exhausted, mentally or physically. So PLEASE do take care of yourself and take breaks! You should not feel guilty for doing this either. You don&rsquo;t ONLY have to draw to get better at art. Looking at the world around you is a big part in improvement and growing as an artist!</p> <p>But if you are in the NEED to draw something, here are some things to help.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@aa13707/what-is-an-art-block-and-how-to-get-out-of-one-9e00ab3f238c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Block