The Art of Saying No: Achieving More by Doing Less

<p>If you ask incredibly successful people where their success comes from, it typically boils down to ONE thing. Those who achieve huge results and accumulate massive wealth, setting themselves apart from the rest, are focused on this one thing. Big results usually stem from this ONE thing.</p> <p>However, each choice comes with a cost. When you say YES to something, you automatically say NO to something else. Of course, you can ignore many things, as long as you do big things right.</p> <p>But if you want to make wise choices and stay consistent with your ONE thing, you must learn to say NO.</p> <h2><strong>Do you know what&rsquo;s truly important?</strong></h2> <p>The common issue with our task lists, if we have any, is that we often try to do much more than we can handle. We treat everything equally important.</p> <p>Yet, when everything is important, NOTHING is important, because we treat all tasks equally.</p> <p>To determine what&rsquo;s really important to you and identify your ONE thing, you need to understand your WHY.</p> <p>Consider this: my time is extremely limited. I work full-time and build a second income after hours. I&rsquo;m an engaged and active father and husband. And I still find time to exercise, travel and read. To manage all of this, I have to be highly productive and stick to my principles and systems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Saying Art