How Art and Psychedelics Work Together

<p>Ever wondered if there&rsquo;s a link between the magic behind Silicon Valley&rsquo;s big ideas and uncoventional art? You&rsquo;re not alone. From books by&nbsp;<strong>Michael</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Pollan</strong>&nbsp;to eye-opening&nbsp;<strong>Netflix</strong>&nbsp;documentaries, it&rsquo;s not just the rebels and misfits talking about psychedelics anymore. Big names like&nbsp;<strong>Sting</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Ben</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Stiller</strong>&nbsp;are opening up about how these experiences changed their lives. So, as an artist, I had to dive in and explore what this all means for creativity.</p> <p>Moreover, the psychedelics and mystery around them amazed me so much since then that I, together with my sister, built an art brand &lsquo;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>SK&bull;APE Atelier</strong></a>&rsquo; strongly revolving around and emphasizing psychedelic motifs. So, what is exactly the relation between art and these mysterious substances?</p> <h2><strong>Historical Connection</strong></h2> <p>Firstly, psychedelics and art have a long, complex history that crosses many planes &mdash; mental, spiritual, and naturally, artistic. We trace the relationship between altered states of consciousness and art back to prehistoric cave paintings.</p> <p>Numerous academics believe these to have been produced as a result of hallucinogenic visions, perhaps aided by naturally occurring psychedelics. In the 20th century, famous figures like&nbsp;<strong>Steve Jobs</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Alex Grey</strong>, as well as more well-known people, acknowledged the influence of psychedelics on their creativity.</p> <p>Additionally, this historical development indicates that we come from a long line of philosophers and artists who have found inspiration beyond the ordinary.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>