The Art of Disruption (And Why You Need It)

<p>Routine can also bring complacency if performed for too long without re-evaluation.&nbsp;It can put blinders on that grow at a fingernail&rsquo;s-pace over time, causing you to lose sight of what&rsquo;s important, or blind you from the possibility of considering new activities or perspectives worth adding to your day-to-day routine in place of something that&rsquo;s overstayed its welcome.</p> <p>Being too deep in a routine can lower your head closer and closer to your work desk over time to the point that you forget to come up for air. With your head down and your hands hard at work, it becomes increasingly difficult to see anything else. New ideas and new perspective &mdash; both incredibly valuable to any line of work &mdash; fly over our heads without us even noticing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art disruption