Discovering An Abundance of Street Art In China

<p>Finally, after procrastinating and putting it off for multiple months while I&rsquo;ve been back in Canada, I dug out my old hard drive that I had stored at my parents. The tote that it was in was buried at the back of their storage unit in their condo parking garage.</p> <p>It seemed a daunting task to try and get it out since we had to remove a bunch of other stuff to get at it. But a couple of weeks ago, we dug the tote out and reorganized the rest of the stuff that was in the storage unit.</p> <p>I hoped that on the hard drive were my 2008 photos from China. For some reason, I had photos from the same trip and other parts of South East Asia saved in my Dropbox account, but I didn&rsquo;t have any from China.</p> <blockquote> <p>It was strange.</p> </blockquote> <p>I was a bit concerned that they wouldn&rsquo;t be recoverable, but after just a few clicks, I located them and copied them over to my computer. Easy peasy.</p> <p><strong>Now I wonder; Why I didn&rsquo;t do this sooner? I have been back in Canada for 5 months now, after all.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art China