The French Art of ‘Râler’

<p>Such is France&rsquo;s collective passion for the art of r&acirc;ler that had &ldquo;<em>Libert&eacute;, &Eacute;galit&eacute;, Fraternit&eacute;</em>&rdquo; not exemplified the spirit of the French Revolution, there is every chance Audiard&rsquo;s mission statement would have swept in and claimed the title of France&rsquo;s National Motto instead.</p> <p>The image of the grumpy French r&acirc;leur with his outward disdain for life as we know it is as much a timeworn clich&eacute; as the beret-hatted Parisian bicycling through Montmartre, baguette tucked underarm. But while the modern Francophone will rightly reject these stereotypes (and possibly tell you to go shove your baguette up&hellip; well, a bodily crevice that might prevent you returning home from the boulangerie&nbsp;<em>&agrave; velo</em>); there are few who could deny the French love to r&acirc;ler.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: French Art