The Art of a meaningful life

<p>Life is just not a bush trail that we pass through, forgetting the path we took, but it&rsquo;s an art, meant to be appreciated, gawked&nbsp;at, marveled. It can be short, like my little toes, or long, like my legs, yet the beauty of it lies in the touch, the feel, the fragrance, the sound, the form, the color, the emotions it evokes, the meaning.</p> <p>A man isn&rsquo;t born to exist, but existing to live. All sorts of activities are done daily, we play, we read, we work, we walk, we talk, we build, we break or take a break, we try new things or go back to our old routine - that&rsquo;s a norm for most of us. All of the above mentioned are daily strokes that we add to our lives, but what sort of meaning does it bring?&nbsp;Some&nbsp;strokes are&nbsp;beautiful&nbsp;while some are beastiful, some&nbsp;strokes intensify&nbsp;the&nbsp;beauty&nbsp;of&nbsp;life,&nbsp;some&nbsp;do&nbsp;mortify.</p> <p><strong>Constant searching</strong><br /> Searching high and low, or amidst a stack of hay for a silver needle is a daunting task, seemingly impossible, yet meaning in life can be found so easily that one would think a silver needle is more precious, and regard it wantonly.</p> <p>Easy, yet not so&nbsp;easy is it, to be consistent in your act, songs&nbsp;or&nbsp;music, words, reading, writing, runs, walks, jumps, calculations, drawings, paintings, work, drama, and everything you do. You make your life a meaningful work of art, by constant and deliberate strokes, because when you&rsquo;re carelessly drawing the strokes, then the art becomes meaningless. So many careless strokes there are, but with a few deliberate ones, you add meaning to it. That small, and witty act turns the ordinary to extraordinary, the plain to spectacular, the obvious to mystifying.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Life