The Anatomy of an AI Art Prompt

<p>Understanding how to write a good prompt will help you in getting the output you are looking for.</p> <p>While there are some good UI tools that can write prompts for you, the ability to change, fine-tune and craft your own prompts is a skill that will serve you well. There&rsquo;s even a term used to describe that skill &mdash; sometimes referred to as &ldquo;<em>prompt crafting</em>&rdquo; or &ldquo;<em>prompt engineering</em>.&rdquo;</p> <p>Of course it&#39;s entirely possible to get some amazing results without following any guidelines at all. I&rsquo;ve seen some beautiful images rendered from just a simple word or phrase. However, if you want consistency and the ability to improve your output, you will need to learn how AI responds to language patterns.</p> <p>The AI artists that I follow on community forums and discord channels have mastered this skill, and studying how they write their prompts has helped me at writing better prompts myself.</p> <p>What I would like to do in this article is show you the&nbsp;<strong><em>thought process</em></strong>&nbsp;that I use when I am writing a prompt. I am also writing this agnostic to any specific AI art tool, as while there might be differences in the syntax between the different tools, the writing approach is largely the same. For the examples below, I will be showing art generated from Midjourney.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Prompt