Is Realistic Art Relevant in the 21st Century?

<p>Inthe digital age, does realistic art still have a relevant and relatable place in the art world?</p> <p>This question and others like it are often posed to artists who still paint classical portraits. Many critics wonder why in the 21st century a camera wouldn&rsquo;t be used instead of carefully creating a realistic painting.</p> <p>Absolute detail and truthful representation are what make up the foundations of realism. However, realism is not bound to those confines, and arguably realism is the jumping-off point for all types of art.</p> <p>Realism offers artists a starting point from which they can launch themselves into an infinite number of artistic styles.&nbsp;When you understand how to faithfully render what is in front of you in a way that expresses the reality of those objects, you can begin to bend and shift the realities into something more abstract.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Relevant