Street Art: Austin, Texas

<h2>Welcome to your Virtual Tour!</h2> <p><strong><em>Today, we&rsquo;ll be exploring the vibrant street art scene in Austin.</em></strong><br /> Many artists have chosen this city as the place to display their creations; their art has become a significant part of local culture.</p> <p>Above, the tallest mural in town is pictured. Named after a star, this rainbow prism creates an illusion in the right lighting.</p> <p><strong>&ldquo;Tau Ceti&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;stands in the corner of a 10-story parking garage downtown and brings a much-needed splash of color to this intersection.</p> <p>Another iconic mural that towers over downtown is titled<br /> <strong>&ldquo;The Beauty of Liberty and Equality.&rdquo;</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="*e7jbVU7ucPp5QcEbnIIHog.jpeg" style="height:850px; width:381px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="*Y0voG4yOyWtN8EwHAu2DsA.jpeg" style="height:591px; width:620px" /></p> <p>Author Photos &mdash;&nbsp;<strong>The Beauty of Liberty and Equality</strong></p> <p>Painted by Sandra Chevrier and Shepherd Fairey, this was created to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Women&rsquo;s Suffrage. It is best viewed from the bridges that cross over the river into the south side of Austin.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Street Art