Another F**King Debate About What Art Is And Who Gets To Decide (Ft. JESWRI)

<p>Since the beginning of the co-opting of urban art, there has been much debate about what art actually is and who gets to decide.</p> <p>Actually, more likely, it&rsquo;s been debated since the beginning of the creation of art in general, but we&rsquo;re most concerned with urban art; graffiti and street art.</p> <p>Spurred on by the chaos around Graffiti Removal Day, we&rsquo;ve been having more conversations than usual about the &ldquo;powers that be&rdquo; interfering with an art form that is, at its core, all about freedom of expression.</p> <p>Wanting to look at this topic from all angles, we connected with Melbourne based muralist and illustrator, JESWRI, who hails from Sydney and grew up in the Sydney graffiti community.</p> <p>Aware of his mainstream popularity and the subculture that enabled it, JESWRI shares his thoughts on the culture as a whole, the problem with policing it, and what our streets could look like if we left the policing of urban art to the artists themselves.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Debate Art