Art Blocks in Rio

<p>I&rsquo;m back home from Brazil and wanted to share a dispatch about our participation at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">NFT Rio</a>. It was an amazing experience in a new part of the world for Art Blocks and everyone&rsquo;s excitement and kindness was truly contagious. Conversation after conversation, I was impressed by the enthusiasm and optimism about the power of Web3 and NFTs to be a social equalizer and vehicle for good, and I return reinvigorated by the potential of our work.</p> <p>I arrived on Thursday and gave a one-hour presentation on&nbsp;<em>Arte Generativa</em>&nbsp;and NFTs. I was humbled by the positive response and it was great to connect with many artists from the Brazilian creative coding community. The remainder of the conference programming was in Portuguese, but I was lucky to have a personal translator for&nbsp;<em>Computadores fazem arte</em>, a rich philosophical conversation about using computers and AI to create art with our own Vamoss and Jorge Ledezma, along with Thiago Yaak. Day in and day out, the presentation room was completely packed to standing room only.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Blocks