Street Art Challenge: Tokyo

<p>Globetrotter&rsquo;s August challenge has been especially fruitful for me. The topic &ldquo;street art,&rdquo; whatever exactly we mean by that term, fits perfectly with how I like to spend my free time:&nbsp;Wandering new and familiar places, camera or smartphone in hand, peering around corners and down dead-end alleys looking for the over-looked, appreciating the under-appreciated.</p> <p>Perfect street photography mode!</p> <p>At the beginning of the month, I shared snaps from the (not so) mean streets of Toronto after returning from a trip, the first in five years, to my first adopted hometown.</p> <p>Now I&rsquo;m back in Tokyo, my second adopted hometown, and every day I try to break up my commutes in this record-breaking rice cooker summer heat and humidity by once again turning left instead of the usual right at intersections and walking the city&rsquo;s labyrinth of hiways and biways with &ldquo;beginner eyes.&rdquo;</p> <p>In fact, despite the fact that I have been shooting street photography in Tokyo for at least a decade now, this month&rsquo;s challenge has re-focused my attention on all the forms of street art, intentional and otherwise, that decorate this ancient, postmodern megacity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Challenge