Mastering the Art of Rain Photography

<p>When clouds become saturated, raindrops fall onto Earth. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Other times, a sheet of water is pouring down.</p> <p>Today, it rains on and off. More or less. The weather is moving in from the southwest bringing saturated clouds for the next three days. Knowing it will be rainy makes my life easier. I can prepare myself. I know what the weather is going to be like. I can now decide to sulk and be sad about the last days of summer being flooded, or I can make the best of it.</p> <p>Since I can&rsquo;t change the weather but my reaction to it, I&rsquo;m sure you know which one I picked. Reading and writing are lovely on rainy days, but in between, I do enjoy going out as well.</p> <p>Usually, when I go for walks, I take my camera with me. Not in the rain&nbsp;though. I&rsquo;ve had one camera damaged under the spray of a waterfall and another zoom of a lens destroyed with a few raindrops while capturing a rainbow.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Rain