My way: how I became an art dealer

<blockquote> <p>Life is a mesmerizing tapestry, woven with threads of serendipity and surprise. It unfurls before us, offering countless avenues for self-discovery. The true essence lies in our ability to discern these opportunities, for none of us truly knows our destined path. Sometimes, as we strive toward a particular goal, we find ourselves in the most unexpected of places.</p> </blockquote> <h1><strong>Where did it all begin?</strong></h1> <p>My love affair with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began at the tender age of three (<em>You might wonder, &ldquo;What do the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have to do with all of this?&rdquo; To find out, you&rsquo;ll have to read the whole story</em>). I could watch those three movies in succession, marveling at the quality of those costumes &mdash; so supple, so intricate. What&rsquo;s more, the actors inside those formidable shells executed astonishing stunts. To my young eyes, those diminutive Turtles seemed utterly alive. Even now, as I revisit those films, a part of me clings to that belief. The sets, the ambience, their nimbleness with nunchucks &mdash; it all captivated me. The plot played a secondary role; I was simply enthralled by the dynamic spectacle on the screen, a testament to the dedication of countless specialists. Only later did I discover that those turtle costumes were groundbreaking for their time, and the actors behind them were true kung fu masters, honing their craft for years. That&rsquo;s when I realized I was a visual enthusiast, someone who reveled in gazing at marvelous things for hours on end.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art dealer