Being Alone in a Sea of Art

<p>However, it made me think of buy-in. That&rsquo;s what it all is really, the line between inane bullshit and profound art, at such a high level of experimentation. Is the exercise where a bunch of people essentially tie themselves together with long, ropy costumes, and navigate tangling and untangling profound? Does it teach us about interrelation, and how one moves the other, about cooperation, about letting go of embarrassment and fear, about pushing the boundaries of performance, about learning to move in a new way? Or is it just fucking stupid. I will tell you this, it looked pretty fucking stupid, until I started doing it, and then it was very serious. Almost compulsively so. And when someone decided to put a dandelion in the middle of the knot, made of five pairs of roped together students, it became immanently important that the dandelion not fall on the ground, and that we do it not with our hands, but by a manipulation of the knot, by moving bodies.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sea Art