Master the Art of Cyber Investigation: Mainlining Game Breakdown

<p><em>Mainlining</em>&nbsp;isn&rsquo;t exactly the next hacking scene from&nbsp;<em>Swordfish</em>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<em>Skyfall.</em>&nbsp;I&rsquo;m also positive it isn&rsquo;t that awful scene from&nbsp;<em>NCIS</em>, nor should it be &mdash; for anyone&rsquo;s sake.</p> <p>We&rsquo;re not going to see highly polished fake-hacking animations showcasing polymorphic worms across 19 different computer screens here.&nbsp;<em>Mainlining</em>&nbsp;takes a much more realistic, less flashy, point-and-click happy approach to hacking.</p> <p>In&nbsp;<em>Mainlining</em>&nbsp;you take direct control over a computer where you&rsquo;re able to perform a small number of hacking activities, search the internet, and stealthily connect to other computers. What you do with this power is between you and the computer, no one here is watching you at least.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Master Art