Accessibility: The art of designing for everyone

<p>One of the most common buzzwords in the design community is accessibility. But do we really know what it means? Accessibility is not only about screen readers, contrast, or big fonts. At the fundamental level, accessibility is about every individual&rsquo;s right to access information. We live in a diverse world, and it&rsquo;s simply wrong to assume that people access and experience digital products in the same way. What accessibility really means, then, is making sure your content is equally accessible to all people.</p> <p>There is a persistent myth that creating an accessible experience must be a challenging/expensive/creatively limiting process. However, if you consider accessibility from the start, meeting requirements for accessibility won&rsquo;t require extra features or content; therefore, there shouldn&rsquo;t be additional cost and effort. Further, accessibility is NOT a barrier to innovation. In fact, creativity loves constraints &mdash; and working within a set of defined constraints will force you to think of creative solutions that benefit a wider audience base and lead to better products.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Designing