Using Art Prompts to Inspire Creation

<p>Somedays, we may be so drained for ideas even if we want to create badly. It can even become so bad that we get frustrated and moody for not being able to find ideas. I have used different methods to tackle this: drawing the things relative to time (autumn leaves, hot summers, etc), looking through my list of ideas from the past that I haven&rsquo;t gotten around to yet, doing art challenges, or using art prompts. Sometimes these things are combined to inspire.</p> <p>Some art challenges are even based on a list of art prompts, especially ones like InkTober. I have found a lot of pleasure using art prompts in the past. It is so cool because sometimes you get to indulge into something you like, or even get to discover a new subject matter. Prompts can be words or trends, and more.</p> <p>I entered an art prompt challenge last year called Inatober, (Ina, not Ink), for a favourite show of mine. I had to draw something based on a different term for 31 days. I got to draw a lot of characters I wouldn&rsquo;t otherwise have drawn, or things like action poses which isn&rsquo;t something that comes out of my style much.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Prompts