God Ruins Yet Another Work Of Art With Love

<p>The scariest photograph I&rsquo;ve ever seen was stapled to a hikers&rsquo; information board on a mountain in Maine.</p> <p>It was a photo of a smiling boy. He&rsquo;d gotten his picture taken up on a mountain, and something about him was very strange.</p> <p>At first, I thought it was his smile. It looked wrong because it&rsquo;s wrong to smile in photographs. That&rsquo;s not who you are. If you ever get lost or stolen, we&rsquo;ll tape your picture to telephone poles, and if you&rsquo;re smiling in those pictures, you will never be found. That&rsquo;s not your real face. Your real face is scared, bitter, bored, and hungry, and a disappointment to your parents.</p> <p>Welcome to the human race, you smiling liar.</p> <p>But it wasn&rsquo;t his smile that was strange and wrong. His smile was actually real. Completely natural. I could tell because his eyes didn&rsquo;t look like two holes full of desperation and shame.</p> <p>It was his hair that was strange.</p> <p>It was standing straight up.</p> <p>This wasn&rsquo;t bedhead. It hadn&rsquo;t dried wildly after a swim. It was truly vertical. Cartoonish. A little like the hair of a kid rubbing balloons all over his head like a perv.</p> <p><em>Exactly</em>&nbsp;like the hair of a kid standing directly beneath a bolt of lightning as it hunts for the perfect place to strike.</p> <p><a href="https://danielwilliams737.medium.com/god-ruins-yet-another-work-of-art-with-love-37673b8d461"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art Love