What is a Fine Art Print

<p>The answer comes in two parts.</p> <p>Fine Art is something produced or intended for beauty rather than utility. In photography, the created image is not meant solely to record the scene as in news reporting, event coverage, or scientific research but, instead, for the viewer&rsquo;s enjoyment. The photographer chose to capture the image by selecting the camera, the settings, and the composition to achieve an artful outcome.</p> <p>The practice of Photography is not limited to image capture. The photographer must also process the recorded image into a form designed for consumption. This may include one of the various electronic presentation forms, such as on the Internet, or a physical form, such as a print.</p> <p>The second part of the answer addresses &ldquo;What is a print?&rdquo;</p> <p>For the most part, photography has always been a two-stage process. The images you see are captured and developed twice. The first capture is to the film, now the sensor, in a camera, and the second exposure is from the captured negative or the digital file to the outcome.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@the.eric.hagemann/what-is-a-fine-art-print-621d1bff9dfe"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Art print