Tag: Life

If I Could Only Use 5 Apps For The Rest Of My Life, I’d Pick These

“Focus your online time on a small number of optimized activities that strongly support things you value,” wrote Cal Newport in his bestselling book Digital Minimalism. “Then, happily miss out on everything else.” In this article, I’ll share some of my favorite ...

Can Life Exist on the Blockchain?

The Four Requirements for Natural Selection Darwin’s theory of evolution explains how, with a few straightforward conditions and sufficient time, all of the wonderful variety we see in life can emerge. It reveals how the earliest single-celled organisms swimming about in a sea of molecules ...

4 Lessons From 40 Years of Life

Honestly, I’m relieved it’s over. This birthday loomed over me for months, like an ominous dark cloud I didn’t want to get closer to. I feel better now. Hitting a new decade does bring about reflection. I took stock of my life and thought through what I’ve learned and hope...

Five Books That Can Revolutionize Your Life

Books have the incredible power to change lives, offering new perspectives, profound insights, and the wisdom of countless generations. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, a deeper understanding of the world, or simply a captivating read, here are five life-changing books that you should a...

The Journaling Method That is Changing My Life

  Journaling is like choosing a specific diet: Want to use intricate layouts and symbols? Try bullet journaling. Want to focus on managing your negative and positive thoughts? Try mindfulness journaling. Want to document your life on a strict, day-to-day basis? Try daily journaling....

I Wish Someone Had Told Me About These Life Changing Weight Loss Habits Sooner

When you get into your mid 30’s or early 40s, your metabolism mysteriously throws an anchor overboard and says no way, José. It’s as if every greasy cheeseburger, beer and Galaxy dairy milk chocolate you devour is more challenging to shift than a tenant who stopped paying the r...

How Meditating for 1 Hour a Day Has Changed My Life

Recently, I’ve challenged myself to do an hour of meditation a day for a whole week. Before that, I’ve never meditated anywhere near this amount or this consistently ever before. I do meditate usually like 10 to 20 minutes. I’ve been dealing with huge waves of anxiety recentl...

How I did my biggest comeback in life

This is my first email newsletter. I´m not really sure what I´m doing. The plan is to be sharing thoughts and musings from the week. Not sure if anyone is going to find this useful but I want to share with you how I became a totally different person, with a totally different mindset with...

How To Create a Happy Life Outside Your Phone

I got my first smartphone when I was 13. I remember the feeling of happiness that I had because I did not have to say goodbye to any of my friends and leave my parent’s computer. I was finally going to be online all the time. From that moment, I never stopped using my phone. I took it...

Your Life Is Built By What You Do After Your Work Hours

Your work does add value to your life. But not that much. Especially if you are young, your life is mostly built by what you do after your work hours. We work for 6 to 8 hours everyday. If I exclude the sleep time, we still have 8 hours of FREE time left. That time has insane amount of p...

I Gave My 100% to These 4 Habits, and They Changed My Life

The correct answer: you integrate them into your lives, into your routine and habits. As we all wake up, eat, and bathe, our habits are influenced by what we’ve learned. Some people wake up early, and some don’t. Some people eat less. Some prefer being vegan. Our learnings change how ...

A Day in the Life of Supermom

Once upon a time, in a not-so-far-away land called Suburbia, there lived a superhero named Supermom. Her powers were extraordinary: she could grow humans inside her body, remember every family member’s favourite food, and clean up an entire house in a single day. It was a true wonder to behold...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

5 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Life

I used to suffer from a lot of bad habits. Some of them honestly did ruin my life. Why? Because I didn’t think anything was wrong. My life was terrible, yet I clung to my bad habits like a magnet. I’ve learnt the lessons the hard way so you don’t have to. In this ...

Stop Trying to Find Yourself — It’s Not the Key to a Fulfilling Life.

A man I worked with was on a self-improvement bender. He’d been through a devastating marriage breakup, moved to a new country and wanted a fresh start. He had enough money that he didn’t need to work immediately so he’d given himself six months for the project that was Him. ...

The Mundane Parts of Life are the Best Parts of Life

We snap pictures and hire photographers for the big moments in life. We go on vacations with family and take hundreds of pictures of moments that will soon be lost to time. We can’t wait to capture them for posterity. Our phone galleries are filled with special moments. But what about the r...

The Hitcher’s Dead End

It was pitch dark, and I was alone. Just like the old days when I was the most dangerous hitcher on the road. My favorite time to work was always at night. Surprising the creeps that picked me up with a shotgun to their chest was scarier in the dark — for them. I looked at hitching like scr...

Two Bob

Double dip dichotomy, Put two *bob each way, Winning isn’t sinning, Let’s go out and play. Weasels that have measles, And mice that have lice, And people who want permanent, None are very nice. Carousing is contagious, I’d rather throw the dice, Come cruise in my crui...

11 counterintuitive ways to improve your life (no one talks about these)

None of the ideas I’m about to share with you came from any self-help book. (Ok, maybe a couple). But it’s only through being immersed in the beautiful strangeness of life that these lessons can be felt, seen, and used to see the truth of them. Funnily, none of these are ‘...

10 Red Flags That Say: This Love Won’t Last

You’ve got that sneaking feeling that you just might be going down the wrong path with the wrong person, but you’re not quite ready to admit it yet. It’s understandable, we’ve all been there before. Whether you’ve been together weeks, or months, or even years,&n...

When Life Gets in The Way of Writing

In recent days, I’ve been facing a tough situation that’s made it incredibly hard for me to focus on my writing. Life has a knack for throwing challenges when you least expect it, and I want to share my experience of what happens to writing when these challenges hit. Writing, for me, ...

4 Lessons From 40 Years of Life

Honestly, I’m relieved it’s over. This birthday loomed over me for months, like an ominous dark cloud I didn’t want to get closer to. I feel better now. Hitting a new decade does bring about reflection. I took stock of my life and thought through what I’ve learned and hope...

To Get Over, We Must Go Through

When we find ourselves in a challenging situation, our instinct is to wish it away because it is unpleasant. We often want to rush to the point when our troubles no longer cause us discomfort. However, to heal and transmute our hardships to help us grow, we need to face them. Healing happens when...

The Tones of Friendship

Growing up, you’d say it’s not easy to make friends. As you get older, say past 40, it’s not easy to keep friends. That’s not me having a mood. It’s the gospel truth. It’s been said, “You are the friends you keep.” I won’t dispute that althoug...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so I distanced myse...

Nothing happens by accident in this life

Hello, I’m Diana Febrina. This is my first article on Medium. I am proud of myself who always being brave to try something new, like writing an article, even though I felt afraid and confused about the topic I would raise on the first step. But I always remind myself that “The first step...

What Planning a Surprise Party Taught Me About Myself and Life

I was planning a dream surprise party. For my ex’s 40th. (When I still loved him, of course). I’ll call him Darren. I was super excited! And STRESSED. There was sooooooo much to organize. I had to find a way of covertly arranging all the activities I loathed. Activities he happened to...

Half-Dead but Fine

Every morning, I drive my youngest to school. She gets to sleep a little later, and I get to watch her walk inside the school and at least know she was safe up till that point. (I have serious anxiety issues, especially when it comes to my kids. Don’t worry, I do still let them live normal liv...

Pursuing Serenity: Embracing the Slow City Life

Slow living is a philosophy and lifestyle that emphasizes living deliberately, comfortably, and with a focus on quality. It encourages individuals to decelerate their pace, reduce stress and anxiety, and fully immerse themselves in present experiences and inner emotions. At the core of slow livin...

The Fremen from Dune are Stoics

With the new Dune movie, which was a masterpiece of imagery and story — and of course, great characters — I also started to read the book by Frank Herbert. And I have to say, that there are many more nuances in the books, especially when it comes to the Fremen and the...

My beloved narcissist

In recent years, we have been witnessing an excessive use of terms related to pathological personality disorders diagnosed and used by individuals who have no expertise in the field, no degree in psychology or psychiatry. The constant need to label and control everything that has to do wit...

Why your Why is Key

The why would be the meaning we give to our lives. The life essence driving us to give our all to achieve something. A motivating quote at first glance, probably triggering a little shot of dopamine. But today, we’re going to go a step further and try to cut through the Gordian knot that may ...

That Time Being Nice Paid Off in the End

In Oregon, where I live and practiced elder law, you can’t disinherit your spouse. If you try, your spouse can choose to have your will or trust ignored and instead receive a percentage of what you owned at death, with the percentage determined by how long you were married. An old woman cam...

You’re Only as Good as Your Person Is

I’ve noticed over the years that couples often are quite similar to each other. Mainly, in regard to how good each person is as a human being. It’s been rare that I’ve noticed a truly wonderful, caring, charming person being in a long-term relationship with a horrible person. It...

A Wisp of Air

When I was a young child, my mom shared with me that time seems to accelerate the older we get. She told me I was trying to grow up too fast. I should enjoy my youth, as those days would disappear soon enough. There was no need to rush into adulthood. She further warned me to never poke fun of ol...

The Mystery Of Life

There’s a mind beyond the brain which we sometimes call our “consciousness” or our “spirit.” From the perspective of the hard sciences it doesn’t exist. But there are some clues that it does exist. What we know of it is much more a matter of personal experience th...

Please Take Care of This For Me

“You should have screamed, Charlie. You should have woken everybody up. You shouldn’t have felt scared to tell people. Your safety is more important than that,” my boss tells me, in his serious German accent, on the stoop of the hotel we work in, with rain pouring down around us. ...

Love Becoming Soul

In the realm of hearts, where love sets its goal, There lies a truth, of love becoming soul. Two beings entwined, their paths interlace, A dance of harmony, a divine embrace. It starts with a spark, a flicker so small, A gentle pull, a heart’s whispering call. Two souls drawn near, as ...

Don’t Be a Nice Person.

Most nice people are merely signaling their niceness. They aren’t good people in reality, they are just great at signaling. We are so good at it that we don’t realize we do it until it’s brought to our attention. Here is a test from the trolley problem to see where you lie. Imag...

When you Feel Behind in Life

Life moves on and we can’t help comparing ourselves (even though we know it steals our joy). As soon as we enter adult life, there’s this kind of invisible competition that sets in. It’s as if we’re all heading somewhere, and the first to get there will be the happiest. ...

You Don’t Have to Keep Living That Way

I just finished watching Painkiller on Netflix. It was very similar to Dopesick and my husband even asked why I was watching it because I already knew the whole story. If you are unaware of either show, they tell the disturbing story of the rise of OxyContin and the twisted Sackl...

Invite a Special Guest into Your Life

Every once in a while, I’ll ask a question to the Archangels, and their answer goes in a completely different direction than I expected, sometimes to the point of addressing a completely different topic. That happened today when I asked them if all of us are on a spiritual journey. It ended up...

When I was young I wanted PROOF that God was real. (40+ yrs later He gave it to me)

When I first got the idea to write a book, it was 2012. I had just come out of the darkest time of my life, and I had discovered the love of God. I had spent 9 months in a string of Bible Studies, and I had learned things I had never known before. The most life-changing being: “For I know t...

The Transformation that Takes Place Once Your Life is Half Over

Every now and again, my wife likes to remind me about how she is so much younger than me — two weeks younger, in fact. It started when I hit 30, and she was still 29. She would have a little boast about how she was still in her twenties, but I was seemingly over the hill in my thirties. So ...

He Loves Me

Twenty-four years is a long time to spend with someone. (Twenty-two married.) Pretty much my entire life, actually. (I know plenty of you may have clocked more, but to me, it’s a lot.) Sometimes it feels like there was never a time I wasn’t with my husband. Getting married so yo...

Don’t stop doing you because people think your crazy.

There is nothing I find more pathetic and sad then that a group of stupid, cowardly human beings will do their best to bring down a smart and courageous one. When outright ridicule, shaming, and laughter doesn’t work to achieve their dark objective, then they resort to their trump card(not ...

My Most Valuable Life Lesson — When You Do The Right Thing, You Don’t Have To Redo

I like order. Thanks to my sons and life I learned that when you do the right things, you don’t have to re-do anything. Can you imagine having to regrow your children after they become an adult? With children, you learn from them while raising them. My son teased, “Mom, you are ...

My Favorite Plans Are the Ones I Cancel

People find it strange when they hear that you don’t enjoy socializing in person very often. It’s almost as if you’re strange for not wanting to go out into the world and hang out with other people. I mean, have you SEEN what the world is like, lately? Do you hear the dumb thing...

We Will Choose What’s Best for Us, If We Have To

For many years I taught Gentle Yoga in the Maricopa, Arizona Community College System, as an Adjunct Faculty member. An Adjunct Faculty teacher was someone with a Bachelor’s Degree — not a Master’s — who was hired on a semester-by-semester basis to teach individual courses...

Life is Not About Being Active or Inactive

There is an old saying that “Life is about movement.” It means that people must be active and do something instead of being lazy and idle. This way, energy can build up and form a positive cycle. This statement is indeed correct. However, we should not interpret the phrase &ldqu...

These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life

It’s a weird thing to say, but I guess I’m a professional reader. That’s really what authors are. A book is made of books. “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book,” Samuel Johnson said. I&r...

11 counterintuitive ways to improve your life (no one talks about these)

None of the ideas I’m about to share with you came from any self-help book. (Ok, maybe a couple). But it’s only through being immersed in the beautiful strangeness of life that these lessons can be felt, seen, and used to see the truth of them. Funnily, none of these are ‘...

5 Morning Routine that Changed my Life

What you do after waking up is more important than when you wake up. We all have 24 hrs in a day, yet some people are greatly successful and others aren't. Although there are multiple factors responsible for it. one of the most important factors is having a routine. Everyone who has achi...

The Mystery Of Life

There’s a mind beyond the brain which we sometimes call our “consciousness” or our “spirit.” From the perspective of the hard sciences it doesn’t exist. But there are some clues that it does exist. What we know of it is much more a matter of personal experience th...

An Unlived Life

Loud ticking of the clock a reminder of an unlived life. Always in the rush — cooking, cleaning, raising between the walls that once felt like home. The echoing silence numbing the soul, the spirit was broken a long time ago. Now, in the sunset of my days I will be left with reg...

10 Harsh Truths About Life That No One Tells You About

Life is beautiful and rewarding. However, it also comes with its share of harsh truths we must face head-on. Facing these truths about life can be challenging because they can bring us discomfort. But these truths push us to confront painful realities and trigger emotions we must avoid. When y...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

Was it a dream…

You were there right behind me, as we were walking in the crowded street or was it a wild party, like, a carnival. People were everywhere, milling around, in strange costumes, their eyes on painted faces, shining, behind their masks, and I, got lost, separated from my mob, following another group...

Your Peanuts Are NOT More Important Than Someone Else’s Life

She was only 12 years old. She had her whole life ahead of her. But now she’s been cruelly taken away by a culture that still doesn’t take nut allergies seriously. Her family is broken into pieces that can never be fit back the same way again. All because education and legisla...

These Small Things in Life Bring Me Joy

Let’s face it: Life is tough. At times, it can be difficult, even bordering on unbearable. You have to take a win whenever you’re able to. Big wins, medium-sized ones, and even small little things can help make your day enjoyable. I’ve learned the value of appreciating the small...

9 curious little tricks to create an insanely unfair advantage in your life

1. Be a ‘top-level asker.’ Most people are too scared to ask important, higher-status or more good-looking people for things. They don’t want to feel the sting of rejection, and they don’t believe they’ll get a yes. But those that go far know that to get a &lsq...

If You Feel Lonely or Isolated, You Need a Third Place in Your Life

Not your house. Not your work. A third place where you can exist just for fun and bump into people you know. Sound unfamiliar? I’m not surprised. Common third places like churches are emptying, and coffee chains fire you through like you’re being served by a pump action shotgun f...

7 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit

How often do you feel lost and confused in life? Probably quite often. And that’s because life is like operating a high-tech machine without any instruction manual. You have to learn things on your own and figure out the rules of the game, or you will be left behind. So, here are 7 harsh...

Building More Than Just Blocks in your life

You place the first brick, and it feels like a promise. But to keep building, you need to eat. So, you start teaching people how to stack Lego bricks. Soon, it gets boring. You’re saying the same thing over and over. “Hi everyone!! Welcome to my YouTube video of how to stack ...

The 6 Powerful Life Lessons I learned while planting flowers with my Mother

At age ten, I was a key member of my mother’s plantnapping operation. I am confident the statute of limitations has passed for transporting plants across county lines, so I’m ready to discuss it. Let me share with you what I learned from being a plant smuggler. What Mom taught me d...

Don't live your life in your imagination.

Fear is a forward-looking response alert that arises with the awareness of an impending danger that cannot be avoided. Because it is something that occurs in the future, it is aroused by our imagination and our memory. The imagination and memory of perceived fear can manifest uncontrollable anxiety....

14 rules for living the good life (in less than 600 words)

I ain’t here to preach. I’m here to speak to my younger self and my future children. If you gain something from this too — added bonus. My 14 rules for a good life are based on years of struggle and seeing others fall into pits. Let’s go: If you’re anxiou...

Music = Life

Inspired by the one of the writing challenges,  Toni The Talker  gave our team & for the inspiration from  Henery X  ‘s written offering. (links to their articles at the end of my story) The song, “Centerfield", by John Forgety popped...

I’m Okay With Being On Antidepressants For Life

My doctor and I made the decision together, after long conversations with my friends, family and partner, who all believed I was in a good position to do so. I tapered off them slowly, as you’re advised to. I built in self-care, cut down on drinking, took a week off work, exercised, and ate he...

No, Your Children Won’t Have a Better Life Than Yours

Myyounger cousin recently had a baby girl. She named her Francisca Francis in English. For a moment, I was happy, and I sent her a text wishing them all the best. I must confess, however, that a more irrational part of me did so while also wishing to be myself a mother. But I know that probabl...

The Right to Life Must Include the Right to Eat

When writing about human rights, I often find myself frustrated by a simple and infuriating concept. There is a difference between having a right on paper and having a right in practice. Take for example the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as put forth by the United Nations. This is a la...

When you Feel Late in Life

Life moves on and we can’t help comparing ourselves (even though we know it steals our joy). As soon as we enter adult life, there’s this kind of invisible competition that sets in. It’s as if we’re all heading somewhere, and the first to get there will be the happiest. ...

11 counterintuitive ways to improve your life (no one talks about these)

None of the ideas I’m about to share with you came from any self-help book. (Ok, maybe a couple). But it’s only through being immersed in the beautiful strangeness of life that these lessons can be felt, seen, and used to see the truth of them. Funnily, none of these are ‘...

The Love of My Life

In your arms, I find myself, strong and true, We are meant for each other, forever I'll love you. Through life's twists and turns, you stand by my side, With love and support, you are my endless guide. You cradle our child with tenderness and care, A father so gentle, it’s a lov...

Going First Gives You an Unfair Advantage in Life

If there’s one thing that can change your life, it’s going freaking first. Who the heck wants to do that though? At work I used to weasel my way out of anything. “Any volunteers to stay back late and help clients?” I’d run for the elevator. One evening our...

Maybe Attaining Work-Life Balance Isn’t the Best Goal for You

At one point several years into my General Counsel role for an S&P 500 public company, I wrote three letters up on my whiteboard. They were to serve as my guideposts for the rest of my career. The letters were these: F H W. My boss came in one day and asked “What’re those?&rdqu...

Life Genuinely Becomes A Lot Better When We Just Stop Reacting To Shit

Time is no doubt limited. Our energy is not. It can go beyond any limit to where we want it to be. But things just don’t get into our heads. We are so busy reacting to something DOESN’T even matter that we forget that our energy is being drained like anything. Things keep goi...

How To Use A 3-Tiered “Action Plan” To Have A Consistently Better Life

These are the words that I try and live my life enacting on a regular basis. It doesn’t always go off without a hitch, but having them as a touchstone helps me spend as much time as possible as a joyful, fulfilled person doing what I’m called to do in this life. Of...

The Art of a meaningful life

Life is just not a bush trail that we pass through, forgetting the path we took, but it’s an art, meant to be appreciated, gawked at, marveled. It can be short, like my little toes, or long, like my legs, yet the beauty of it lies in the touch, the feel, the fragrance, the sound, the form...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

You Haven’t Wasted Your Life. Here’s Why.

It’s a common element I see in a lot of motivational videos. They’ll start with the secret to growth (or whatever they think that is), and then they’ll go into personal accounts: Stories of people who discovered this new, magical approach later in life. I hear it a lot, and it make...

20 Life Philosophies for My 40th Year

Standing on the precipice of my 40th year, a pivotal milestone, I feel reflective. As I meticulously pack my bags, filled with anticipation for my long-awaited journey to China to reunite with my family, I can’t help but reflect on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted my travel...

Stop Wasting Your Life

I want you to use your imagination for a second. I don’t know who you are or what you do. But I’m going to assume you’re someone who suffers from distractions. I do too. In fact, most of the world does. Especially if you have the luxury of being able to use modern te...

How I Found the Good in My Life

Whatever your age, it feels unpleasant to look back and only recall challenges, struggles, and troubles. Imagine how the unpleasantness compounds after six decades of lived experience. This likely explains why I rarely looked back at my life. I didn’t want to open the Pandora’s box of...

Is Your Life Boring?

My life is boring. At least, that’s what people tell me. And I don’t blame them because I’m an introvert who prefers to be alone most of the time. I don’t have 20–30 friends to talk about things friends talk about. I mean, I’m not particularly eager to be fr...

How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life

Most people can imagine how much their mindset can affect the life that they live at the moment as well as their future life. Your mindset is your perception of the world, everything you believe is true or false is because you believe it is. So how does your mindset affect your reality? It&rsq...

Is True Love Enough To Weather The Storms Of Life?

In true love, you attain freedom. When you love, you bring freedom to the person you love. If the opposite is true, it is not true love. You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free. ~Thich Nhat Hahn, from the book True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart Did you know ...

You’ll Find These 15 Qualities In The Best Life Partners

Ifyou feel like you’ve fallen victim to negative dating patterns in the past, rest assured that you’re not alone. I have worked with and spoken to hundreds of people who feel like they’re spinning in circles when it comes to dating. Where are the good men/...

When you Feel Late in Life

Life moves on and we can’t help comparing ourselves (even though we know it steals our joy). As soon as we enter adult life, there’s this kind of invisible competition that sets in. It’s as if we’re all heading somewhere, and the first to get there will be the happiest. ...

6 Creative Ways to Document Your Life

I’ve always been a firm believer that memories and documenting memories are important. I understand the whole argument for being present at the moment and, for instance, not behind a camera but even being present there’s a lot that my mind doesn’t hold on to. When traveling or site...

You Don’t Have to Find Your Purpose In Life.

Weall yearn for that magical answer to life’s most perplexing question: “Is this all there is?” As I approach 40, I’m realizing that many of us have been asking the wrong questions. Worse, we’ve been living someone else’s story without fully embracing our own uniq...

The Garden of Life: How My Grandfather’s Wisdom Cultivated My Soul

My grandfather taught me more than just how to cultivate land; he taught me how to cultivate my spirit. “All the images are captured by myself, so no copyright infringements” The swan song is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just...

Stop Trying to “Find Yourself” — It’s Not the Key to a Fulfilling Life.

A man I worked with was on a self-improvement bender. He’d been through a devastating marriage breakup, moved to a new country and wanted a fresh start. He had enough money that he didn’t need to work immediately so he’d given himself six months for the project that was Him. ...

When Life Is Out To Get You

“You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.” — Amelia Earhart “What do you want to do after high school?” my first boyfriend asked me on one of our early dates. We were bot...

Waking Up at 4:00 AM Every Day Will Change Your Life Completely!

Why is waking up early so important to your life? Some of you don’t want it that’s why you don’t have it! like we say time is money right, but sadly many of us are still wasting it. “I sleep when l ‘m done not when l am tired!” You may wonder, why 4 AM? ...

The Only Regret That Will Haunt You Your Whole Life

My friend desperately wanted to quit his job. He hated it, the environment drained him of energy. The people were not his tribe. But he clung to it, afraid to let go of the income, afraid of life on the outside. Just another year, he said. Just another month. Then, six years after he first rai...

My 10 Favourite Life Changing Quotes and How They Apply to My Life

Cleverly constructed quotes can either motivate us to do something useful with our lives or exactly the opposite. How many times you have read quotes like the ones below and thought, ‘Hell yeah!’. ‘Friday is My Second Favourite F-word!’ ‘Why Don’t You Get ...

How Sylvia Plath’s “The Fig Tree” Changed My Perspective on Life

A Poem Changed Me. I was 17 when I first read The Fig Tree. I was just about to graduate school and begin my life. My mind was overflowing with ideas, countries, and careers I wanted to pursue. But the overwhelm of choosing hadn’t yet kicked in. I was spinning around in possibilities, ...

Sync Your Daily Actions With Your Vision for an Extraordinary Life

RPM is an acronym for Results Purpose Massive Action Plan, developed by Tony Robbins. It’s a way of thinking and conditioning your mind to focus on the outcomes you want (Results), the reasons you want them (Purpose) so that you zero in on doing the things that will get you there the fastest (...

Stop Wasting Your Life

I want you to use your imagination for a second. I don’t know who you are or what you do. But I’m going to assume you’re someone who suffers from distractions. I do too. In fact, most of the world does. Especially if you have the luxury of being able to use modern te...

Extraterrestrial Life: Are we alone?

Amidst the discovery of what is apparently a 1000-year-old alien body, it is imperative that we state the facts and learn the truth about extraterrestrial life rather than letting our imaginations run in a downward existential spiral. On a slightly less serious note, lets begin exploring! In t...

Don’t Let Procrastination Rule Your Life

Am I the queen of procrastination? It’s not a title of pride, it’s a habit I wish to break. I’ve come to realize that procrastination is simply a lack of action — knowing what needs to be done but postponing it, often by focusing on less important things. However, this approa...

Understanding These 3 Laws Will Give You an Edge in Life

We’re constantly seeking ways to optimize our time and effort to achieve greater success in life. Putting 20 things on a to-do list everyday is pointless. Streamline your efforts. With the number of daily distractions, starting with checking your phone first thing in the morning, it’s...

Sympathy Is The New Modern Shit That Holds You Back From Getting Rich In Your Life

You are rich only because of YOU. You are poor only because of YOU. The rich live life on this principle. So they never get into a situation of seeking sympathy from anybody in the world. The poor folks think OTHERS are responsible for their poverty. That’s why they are still poor....

Making a Living Writing — How I Designed This Life (Part 2 of 5)

3 years ago at this time, I also had questions like — “How to make money online writing” and “passive income streams.” Now that I get these Qs in my DMs, I don’t respond to most of them. I have a reason — hear (or maybe read) me out… Because ...

From Workaholic to a CEO with Balance. My Journey to a Happier Life

In today’s fast-paced world, the pressure to succeed often leads many of us to become workaholics. As a CEO of a startup, I was no exception. I dedicated every waking moment to my work, neglecting my family, friends, and even my own well-being. However, through self-reflection and a burning de...

It is what it is. Is it, though? Empowering Change in Business and Life

In the vast landscape of corporate jargon and catchphrases, few expressions elicit as much collective eye-rolling as the infamous “It is what it is.” These five seemingly innocuous words have become a fixture in business conversations, but are they truly as harmless as they seem? T...

19 principles and life lessons I’ve gathered throughout my career

If you are a born leader, you’ll find yourself spending increasing amounts of time in discussions helping people make decisions. At a small scale, you can do this by just adding meetings to your calendar or more emails in your inbox. But inevitably, you will reach your maximum capacity. The...

The Mysterious Life of Batman’s Wife

The Dark Knight, Batman, has long been a symbol of justice and vigilante heroism in Gotham City. His story has captivated audiences for generations, but there is one aspect of his life that remains shrouded in mystery: his wife. While Batman’s alter ego, Bruce Wayne, has had numerous love in...

Rediscovering Life Memories with SVG and Inkscape

Embark on a captivating journey of rediscovery as I explore the intersection of art and technology through the project Rediscovering Life Memories with SVG and Inkscape. This artistic endeavor, driven by a passion for visualization, precision, and storytelling, delves into the meticulous recrea...

Life Drawing 2023 II: Mirrored model!

Regular readers might recall I visited a new local life drawing group back in April. They are held monthly so I hoped to start going regularly. However they also have a monthly theme, and the last couple didn’t appeal to me so much, so I skipped them, so only now have I found my way ...

Why Are There So Many Falcons in My Life?

The first falcon I noticed had a mouse riding on its back. The mouse’s name is Soma, and she’s the heroine of one of the books I’m writing (I know, a mouse? Really? I hear that critic too). Years ago I told my children this story, conjuring it out of the fog of double-toddler bedti...

The Sadist, Neurotic and Masochistic Life of Francis Bacon

Yesterday, I saw a BBC Documentary on Youtube: Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence. I have been postponing this for the longest time ever. The glimpses of a few of his violent artworks consciously kept me away. But after spending the weekend reading a cathartic book by Suleika Jaouad&r...

Which Artwork Changed Your Life? — Mr Richi

From the very first second we asked Mr Richi about a piece that changed his life, he knew which one it was without flinching — The Holder. Mr Richi, The Holder, 2021 The Holder is an artwork of many firsts for me. It was my genesis 1/1 on Async Art- the first curated p...

Sony, Please Fix The Battery Life

Recently I picked up a Spider-Man Dual Sense Controller which is now my third controller for the PS5 and it prompted me to do some gamer maths. I love the Dual Sense controller and the ergonomics are excellent but the one thing that has always annoyed me is the battery life. This was also an issue w...

Sony, Please Fix The Battery Life

Recently I picked up a Spider-Man Dual Sense Controller which is now my third controller for the PS5 and it prompted me to do some gamer maths. I love the Dual Sense controller and the ergonomics are excellent but the one thing that has always annoyed me is the battery life. This was also an issue w...

Hokko Life Review

Heya folks, Shaun here, and I’m back with my latest review! In this one, I’m covering an indie life simulation game called Hokko Life by Wonderscope and Team17. A big thank you goes out to the developer and publisher for the chance to cover the game, it’s much appreciated, thank yo...

The 5 Best Setapp Mac Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier and Better

The macOS operating system after the update of the latest Sonama has gotten better with its tons of small yet useful features. With Apple now making its MacBooks and iPhones capable and compatible for gaming their demands are becoming higher than ever. Source: Jamf I am using the M...

Developer life: relocating to the Netherlands

Moving to a new country is always a bit scary. There are unfamiliar bureaucratic processes to deal with, different cultural norms and behaviour to learn and you have to figure out a new way of getting around. To offer a helping hand, there’s Miriam. She made the whole process really smooth....

Seven Important Lessons From Life

When people come to me, they have a specific request. They ask for my help to meet a challenge or to achieve something. They arrive carrying the problem and want to find a solution to it. They do not come to discover themselves. They do not come with the primary goal of improving their understand...

Life and Lumphini

I first visited Thailand in summer of 2018 for an internship working for a Japanese hotel company. It was the happiest time of my life. Being somewhere completely new, but feeling welcome so far from home was truly special. I learned a lot about myself in that time. I learned I was fine living in a ...

Anthony’s Exchange Life in Spain — Barcelona — Part III

Welcome to Barcelona, a vibrant city that captivates visitors with its rich history, stunning architecture, and lively atmosphere. Nestled on Spain’s northeastern coast, Barcelona is Catalonia’s capital and a hub of culture, art, and gastronomy. From the awe-inspiring works of ...

Zulma, a notable life

Look at her. Confident, stylish, a woman with a mission. She was clear in action and in speech. Look at her walk in this picture. She knows herself. She knows where she is going. She holds one baby in her arms and she has another in her womb. Her devoted husband looks at her as if she were her perso...

The Life and Death of Mad Sam, The Chicago Mob’s Most Deranged Killer

Sam DeStefano was a notorious loan shark and murderer who terrorized Chicago in the 1950s and 1960s. He was associated with the Chicago Outfit, a powerful organized crime syndicate that dominated the city’s underworld. But he was never made a full member of the Outfit due to his lack of loyalt...

Life in Hyderabad, India vs. Life in Copenhagen, Denmark

The two cities I’ve spent the most of my adult life are Hyderabad, India and Copenhagen, Denmark. I feel at home in both of them. Yet, my everyday life could not be more different in the two cities. Work, chores, recreation, or schedule — everything is completely different. Let me off...

Life in Dubai: I nomadi non accumulano / Los nómadas no acumulan / Nomads do not accumulate

Riempire le valigie, chiuderle e pesarle. Calcolare quanto peso spostare, e versare tele colorate da una all’altra. Si ritorna a Dubai con le valigie traboccanti e il cuore rivoluzionato. E di nuovo in un monolocale, lontano da casa. Una vita liquida caratterizzata da piccoli spazi e ...

Life in Dubai: Careem

Una App fondamentale per chi vive a Dubai è Careem, che in arabo significa “generoso”. Il logo è un sorriso bianco su sfondo verde. Uno dei servizi principali è il servizio taxi che si divide in “Hala Taxi” e “Car”. Gli Hala Taxi (“Ha...

Anthony Wong’s Travel Life — Dublin

Ireland is an island nation situated in northwestern Europe. It is a land of breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and lively culture, is a dream destination for travelers. Immerse yourself in the warmth and friendliness of the Irish people, savor traditional music in cozy pubs, and explo...


Thankfully we have come a long way from those days and understand that our posture is a little more complicated. So what is posture? If you look up the definition, you will get something like this Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sittin...

A Sweet New Life in Istanbul

As you pass by the little shop, it overtakes you with aromas of coffee bean and cardamom. The front screams with color and flavor, while a small courtyard in the back, decked with a few tables, serves as a cozy spot for visitors to idle around. Yehya rotates between the front and back of his shop re...

Return to My Lisbon Life

Conveniently, one of the popular places the friends I’ve made like to go is a tiny restaurant a few minute’s walk from my apartment. The place is so small, there is only room for about 10 people so tables spill onto the narrow sidewalk outside. This works fine until taxis start coming do...

Learning the Language of My New Life*

Let’s face it. Portuguese is not a beautiful language. It’s harsh sounding and choppy. On the contrary, the Italian language is so melodic and beautiful. I loved learning Italian as it just rolls off the tongue and you can easily convey your current mood by your tone. Portuguese is not l...

Falling in Love with Life in the “Beco”

One morning, I woke up and opened my two french doors to the sunshine warming our little square. I was greeted with what sounded like two ladies having a terrible argument! I was almost afraid to look out of the window as I considered locking the French doors to avoid becoming collateral damage. ...

Life is shorter than we used to think.

Ihad a fantastic night out in London last month with a whirlwind of friends, filled with an exuberant vibe. This was especially enjoyable after slogging through a hectic work schedule. Walking along the streets carefree, alongside friends who share your way of thinking, was an incredibly captivating...

Anthony Wong’s Travel Life — London

The United Kingdom (UK) is a country located on the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. Comprised of four constituent nations — England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland — the UK is known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and influential contributions to the world. F...


I believe that living in a city is better than living in a country or village because when you live in a city you and your family will have great health and safety, you can find jobs and careers easily and you will have a better education. So the first reason why I believe city life is better tha...

Life takes a life

I’m standing here in the wind tying a blanket around the cage as a barrier. She’s breathing these laboured heaves. On the phone waiting for the local ranger. I’m on hold. There’s that standard wait time music. Chilled ambient sounds. How surreal. Under other circumstanc...

Life changes in the instant

I first read these words in 2017. They come from a beautiful little book called The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion, which accounts Didion’s notes on grief after the death of her husband. I picked this book up for my course readings. It was one of several texts we could choos...

Life in Prague, Writing My Dissertation — Stories from My Past, Pt. 8

I spent the summer of 2023 in Prague, where I was focusing on some dissertation research. It was a slow process, and I mostly felt quite burnt out from the tumultuous year at grad school. In this post, I will continue in the series I am writing where I detail my spiritual journey from fundamental...

My life abroad

It was a sense of naïve optimism that helped me move abroad. At 21, I was ambitious, fearless, and wide-eyed enough to take my chances on starting anew overseas. Now, I’m celebrating 10 years living as an American expat in Europe. I’ve spent most of the decade living in Prague, w...

Life in Prague

Anthony Bourdain had an uncanny ability to portray the essence of a place. His introductory monologues were so freaking inspiring and something I’ll forever attempt to emulate. How the hell can you capture the energy of a city in words? They’re such unique, ever-changing, and liv...

A Glimpse into the Daily Life of a Roman

Morning Routine: A Roman's day typically began at dawn. They would rise early and partake in a simple breakfast consisting of bread, olives, and perhaps some cheese. Romans placed great importance on personal hygiene, and a visit to the public baths was a common morning ritual. Work and Occup...

An Authentic Life: Celebrating Sydney World Pride 2023

Being able to express your authentic self and finding your tribe is often a struggle for many of us, especially in cultures where your life path is mostly mapped out or implied from the moment you are born. But imagine if your innermost desire is to express yourself as a queer person. This yea...

Entrepreneurship, Life and #PropTech

I arrived on the eve of my 19th birthday in 2011 into Sydney, following my father and brother who had moved here 3 years before. Entrepreneurs by heart, my father Carl founded and built one of Australia’s leading e-commerce sites The MySale group, and alongside his brother Jamie they sing...

The “Snap” of Life

One of the challenges of writing about food is the difficulty it is to convey the personal experience in words relating to taste, texture, smell, and visuals when describing a meal to someone else. I would also go so far as to say that we need to incorporate the fifth sense of sound into the descrip...

To Fear Life is Death

As I sat here, watching Prince’s 1986 performance in Detroit, I couldn’t help but feel amazed and in awe. I spent most of the hour watching live performances of some of my favorite artists after being inspired by Victoria Monet’s energetic performance on Jimmy Fallon. ...

The First ‘Red-necked Phalarope’ Record in Life and BKK?

Unexpectedly Encountered a Lifer and Achieved a First in the Province. On Saturday, September 2, 2023, it was a worry-free weekend when I made an appointment with my friend to go for early morning birdwatching in my favorite place in Bangkok — a rice field and paddy in Lad Krabang. We aimed...

Investment Strategies for Different Life Stages

Investing can be an intimidating topic, but the truth is that it’s an important part of any financial plan. Knowing which investment strategies to use can help you make the most of your money, no matter what life stage you’re in. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for ways...

How to Avoid an Investing Mid-life Crisis

In the paper, “panic selling” is defined as a 90% decline in the balance of an investment account, of which at least 50% was due to the investor choosing to sell off assets. Say you had $100,000 invested, and the stock market went down 20% — leaving you with $80,000. B...

5 Money & Life Lessons I Learned from a Life Hustler Turned Millionaire at 43

I have intelligent friends. IQ 140. I have hardworking friends. 80 hours work week. I have opportunistic friends. They have a keen sense of what may happen. Then they position themselves before the eventual unfolding of the event. Many folks I know sit in one camp. A few in two. Dea...

7 Сool Life Lessons I Learned Living on Less Than $100/month.

Lesson 1 — Scrambled eggs are incredibly delicious, especially with onions Just look at that, folks! Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash Оh m-y-y … gulp! For ordinary food to become a real pleasure, we don’t need to add a lot of spices or ...

Uncle Sam, Age 65, Raced Through 30 Years of His Life to Hit Retirement. He Got Lost

Uncle Sam isn’t a real Sam. Sam in Cantonese means 3. Uncle Sam is the 3rd brother in his family. We got acquainted when I was younger. Uncle Sam was my direct neighbor. He was a kind man. I played with his children, and our families had dinner(s) together after work. He would routi...

Empowering Lives: The Transformational Role of Remote Work and Work-Life Balance

In a world that never sleeps, where the boundary between work and personal life becomes increasingly blurred, the pursuit of work-life balance has become not just a wish but a necessity. It’s a pursuit that carries tremendous weight, both for the individual seeking fulfillment and for the orga...

Blending Life and Brewing Coffee: This is Seattle.

Home to Amazon and Microsoft HQs, Seattle is a powerhouse of innovation and tech growth. This technological heartbeat boosts the city’s economy, drawing a skilled workforce and elevating the real estate market. Urban (&) Jungles  The city offers a unique blend of urban developme...

How to Choose a House That Will Save Your Sex Life — and Relationship

My poor real estate agent is very confused by me. I’ve been looking for a house for a while now, but we haven’t found one that’s quite right. My agent is used to giving standard spiels about the school district to help people decide to buy a house, but I don’t have kids, s...

The Most Useful Life Hacks I’ve Found This Year

Hey there, folks! So, this year has been a whirlwind, to say the least. It’s got me thinking about how to navigate this crazy world with a little more ease. And, let’s be real, life hacks are like the secret weapon in our back pocket that makes everyday tasks a tad less daunting. The ...

Retirement Life: Kindness Comes In All Colors And Ages

I made a comment on a magnificent story by Darrin Atkins (May the Train of Kindness Stop at Your Station This Year) that made me think of this story a few days before Christmas. Kindness shouldn't just be shown during Christmas. It should be displayed year-round. I learned that lesson ...

When Life Throws You Curveballs

As a little girl, I loved to cuddle on my grandpa’s lap. Papa Joe was lanky and pale-skinned, like many of his fellow immigrants from Ireland. The only parts of Papa Joe that weren’t pale were his knuckles. They were wrinkled and gray — like they were somehow older than the rest...

101 Zen Stories: Story # 9 : The Moon Cannot Be Stolen — Sharing the Innate Richness of Life

Ryokan, a Zen master, lived simply in a small hut at the foot of a mountain. One night, a thief broke in, only to find nothing to steal. When Ryokan returned, he caught the thief. “You’ve come a long way, so you shouldn’t leave empty-handed,” Ryokan said kindly. “Ple...

The Tragic Life Experiences Of The First World War, Which Ended Happily

The complex contains the new basilica, cloisters, accommodations for tourists and pilgrims, shops, restaurants and also a Treasure Museum and the Royal Apartment, Meteoroseismic Observatory, the Library, and the Botanical Garden, which protects and promotes knowledge of the Alpine flora. It ...

Question #52: What hope does everlasting life hold for us?

Answer: It reminds us that this present fallen world is not all there is; soon we will live with and enjoy God forever in the new city, in the new heaven and the new earth, where we will be fully and forever freed from all sin and will inhabit renewed, resurrection bodies in a renewed, restored crea...

What Happens After Death: The Hindu Theory Of Life, Death & Re-birth!

Heaven and hell are two of the most anticipated terms in human curiosity because we have been told numerous stories about them both — in different cultures, religions, and countries. Yet, we don’t know about even one person who has been to either heaven or hell, and could narrate a tr...

7 Pillars of Hinduism

Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. By our actions, we create our destiny. Beliefs about sacred matters-God, soul and cosmos-are essential to one’s approach to life. Humans live their life based on the deep seated beliefs they hold....

Land For Life

A historical perspective To truly comprehend the significance of Indigenous land rights, it is essential to delve into the historical context that has shaped the plight of Indigenous peoples in North America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand. The concept of Indigenous land rights revolve...

What is life-centred design?

Life-centred design is an emerging design approach that expands human-centred design to also include consideration of sustainable, environmental, and social implications. It connects micro-level design (UX, product engineering, etc.) to global goals by increasing the stakeholders from just ‘us...

Show Me What You Got: Kickstarting My New Gay Life in Melbourne

Like many queer kids, I spent the earliest years of my adult life running away. The small town in southwest England where I grew up was so bereft of other residents “like me” that I had no practical understanding of how to form relationships with other queer folk. I felt so isola...

I Was Straight My Whole Life. Then She Came Along.

There she was, her smile glorious like the sun. And next to her, a man with his arms around her. She’s in a tight-fitting white dress, holding a bouquet of white roses, her favorite. He’s in a white tuxedo. I scroll to another picture of her on Facebook, then another. My heart drop...

My New Life-Changing Word for this Year

I spent most of my life feeling like an alien. Something always seemed to set me apart from other people. While other kids could mind meld with one another on the playground, I crawled into the nearby tractor tires that served as kid-sized caves for anyone who hated kickball. I’d curl up in...

Being Male, Being Pro-Life, and Other Lies I’ve Lived

When you grow up in Albuquerque, you think, “damn, it must be greener somewhere else.” When I graduated, I decided to go to a liberal arts college in Alabama. My dad was from there, and we had visited every summer of my life. It was definitely green, and it was familiar. Mostly, though, ...

On the Purpose of Life

Thankfully we have evolved into hedonic pleasure fleshbots, jacked into a matrix, cyborg monkeys quivering with electric pleasure, neon reptilian brained beings wandering endlessly through a flickering crashing metaverse of zeros and ones and dollar signs, genuinely puzzled why we don’t feel t...

The Dance of Life

The first time I heard Marc Bolan’s hypnotic anthem ‘Cosmic Dancer,’ its mystical lyrics stirred a sense of connection to something enigmatic beyond intellectual grasp. The more I immersed myself in the haunting melody, the more its meaning eluded me. Marc Bolan’s mel...

My Former Life as a Nun

One friend went to see a woman who was a Reiki healer just oustide of Dublin and she came back to us raving about her session as well as the woman who gave it — “God, she knew everything about me” Jen screeched. Apparently this healer worked wonders on her. One by o...

31 Year Old Reinventing Life

I was born and raised in New York City to an immigrant family. I went to a commuter college in New York City and graduated in 2014. As you can tell, I have been out of undergrad for the past 9 years, which makes me a non-traditional law school applicant. I will share a series of blogs. Each blog pos...

How an Indian-American Family taught me a Lesson for Life.

I was at the Dubai airport last night, sitting in the waiting area after checking into the terminal for my next flight to Orlando. I made a few calls home and as soon as I cut the last call, I saw an old lady (late 70s)(lets call her granny) trying to ask me if I spoke her language. Luckily, I knew ...

7 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Everyday Life

The good news is that improvement is easy and change always starts with us. It is common to think that an inclusive model of behaviour has to do with others. Instead, it is important to start from ourselves and our own level of awareness, openness, and information on the subject. The mo...

When “Life Hacking” Is Really White Privilege

The line at the post office was 18 people deep. I’d been waiting awhile, and was thinking about something I’d read: that in Europe, public services are for the public — meaning everyone — whereas in the US, public services are for those who can’t afford a private alt...

Life is Strange: True Colors and Modern Asian American Representation in Video Games

The Life is Strange series has consistently excelled when it has come to the representation of its LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC characters. The games create an overarching narrative of acceptance and recovery that many LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC individuals can relate to as they traverse the intricate ficti...

Learning from “The Covenant and Our Way of Life”

Compared to previous General Synods, there is one theme that is largely absent from the motions proposed for this upcoming one: indigenous Christianity. For many decades, indigenous Anglicans have been on a journey towards self-determination within the Anglican Church of Canada. At the last Gener...

Choosing Our Life Path

The story begins as the remnant of Judah, having survived the Babylonian siege, stands at a pivotal crossroads. Jeremiah, the prophet appointed by God, has just delivered a clear directive: remain in the land promised to their ancestors, and God will build them up and not tear them down. Yet, the pe...

Life cycle of a star

Stars are large spheres of gas atoms and molecules that produce energy through their nuclear activities, and as a result of this energy that causes light, they shine. Stars convert the hydrogen in their cores into helium. The energy created by this change and transformation is released into space. T...

MoleculeNet Part 1: Datasets for Deep Learning in the Chemical and Life Sciences

Image and speech recognition seem like gargantuan tasks, but they are really pretty simple compared to the kinds of problems we see in physics, chemistry, and biology. That’s why it’s comparatively rare to see anyone claim that a problem in physical or life science has been &ld...

Life and Death at a Distance

The virologist who founded our firm closed our office ahead of the curve. We packed up laptops and notebooks. The pessimistic among us, sensing this would not be a short hiatus, took their plants. By a window overlooking Boston, my orchid withers. Our endeavor is to create and finance new...

Everything is Possible: Real Life Vibranium

A lot of people were first introduced to vibranium when they started watching the Black Panther movies. This miracle metal has a number of properties. It can be used in weapons to cut through any metal, stop attacks and absorb falls when used in armor, absorb mechanical and kinetic energy, and disin...

Carbon: An Element of Life

Carbon is an element of life. We, humans, use carbon so much that we can’t think of living without carbon and its compounds. Carbon is an element formed in stars during a process called “Nucleosynthesis”. This is the process by which smaller nuclei fuse together to form larger n...

Decoding Life: Navigating the Wonders of Genetics

Exploring the Wonders of Genetics: Unraveling the Blueprint of Life Genetics, the study of genes and heredity, is a captivating field that delves into the fundamental building blocks of life. From the intricacies of DNA to the inheritance of traits across generations, genetics plays a pivotal rol...

What You Should Know about Life Coaching

Life coaches describe themselves as a beacon of support — there to help you envision personal goals, find solutions, and offer loads of encouragement along the way. What could be so bad about that? Who doesn’t need a little coaching sometimes? Life coaching and its close cousins -&...

I Have Unknowingly Been Living With ADHD My Entire Life

I have unknowingly been living with ADHD my entire life. I am about to turn 47 and received my diagnosis just a few weeks ago. I am now beginning to put together a complex puzzle comprised of some considerably misshaped pieces that I have collected over the years. I’m pretty sure I don&rsqu...

Ask Ethan: How long will life persist in our Universe?

One of the most humbling aspects of our Universe is the knowledge that, in enough times, all things will eventually pass away. New stars and stellar systems, while they’re expected to keep forming for many billions or even trillions of years to come, are on the decline, with the current star-f...

Understanding the Pain: A Look Inside An Addict's Life

A child grows up, attends college, obtains employment, marries, and starts a family. That young person, who is now an adult, developed an addiction to prescription medication. When he can no longer obtain the prescriptions, he becomes addicted to heroin. Now this person is a criminal because this pe...

Still Living a Double Life in Addiction? Read This.

My first sponsor in recovery knew I was in serious trouble. A cocaine and sex and love addict who could barely stay clean a week, blowing tens of thousands each time I relapsed — the writing was on the wall for me. ‘Just come clean with everyone and surrender,’ he s...

Smoking Too Much Weed Almost Ruined My Life

One of the squarest, most socially alienating things you can say in SF is this: “I was addicted to pot.” “Bullshit,” people will respond, rolling their eyes. “You can’t get addicted to pot. Cannabinoids, dude. Look it up!” Drug addiction, acc...

Weed has more to do with your love life than you think

Look. Weed can affect your love life. No, this isn’t an intervention. In fact, if you think an intervention would ever happen over a blog post, you’re probably high right now. Back to the point: weed is a dating deal breaker. And as weed is becoming decriminalized and de-stigmatized, we ...

The Power of the Ganesha Bald Statue in Dark Black — How this Enigmatic Figure Can Transform Your Life and Spirituality

Ganesha, also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka, is one of the most revered deities in the Hindu pantheon. He is worshiped as the god of wisdom, knowledge, and new beginnings. Depictions of Ganesha are found all over India, often in the form of a statue or idol. One such depiction is the Ganesha Bald St...

2 words that will destroy your entire life

The word NO is powerful. It is the shield that guards your boundaries and protects your priorities. Those who master the art of saying NO wield a powerful weapon. They’re safeguarding their time and energy for valuable experiences and lessons. Saying no clears your schedule and your mind. L...

How I Secured My Digital Life in Hungary With a VPN

Like a virtual fortress shielding me from digital threats, my VPN became an essential companion during my time in Hungary. The ever-evolving landscape of internet restrictions and privacy concerns prompted me to take proactive measures to safeguard my online presence. In a country where survei...

A Detailed Look into the Life and Presidency

Adams received an exceptional education, largely due to the guidance of his father, who was a staunch advocate of education. He attended schools in Europe, where his father served as a diplomat during the American Revolution. Fluent in several languages, Adams developed a deep appreciation for li...

Try Not To Take Yourself So Seriously: Find The Humor and Keep Your Perspective In Life

When we allow the gravity of the situation to overwhelm us, every minor setback can seem like a major disaster, and our problems might appear to be insurmountable. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh to reset my attitude! It’s as simple as changing our perspective and believi...

What are 5 habits that can improve my life?

Famous novelist and International best-seller author Haruki Murakami wakes up at 4 a.m and writes for 5–6 hours consistently when he starts to write a novel. He follows this schedule without variation for several months till finishing his novel. Regular consistent effort for long time makes...

Speak Daily — Beginner Day 1 — The Secret Life of Squirrels

Squirrels are one of the most common creatures you might see in parks or even your backyard. But there’s more to these furry friends than just scavenging for nuts. Squirrels have a fascinating way of life that shows their cleverness and adaptability. They can leap 10 times their body length an...

Business English: How to Use the Conditionals in Your Professional Life

Zero Conditional: The Zero Conditional is used to express general truths and facts that are always true under specific circumstances. It’s all about common reactions to a situation. In it, we only use the simple present tense. Examples: “If you submit your report by 5 PM, it get...

Education and Life Skills

Effective communication, goal-setting, and critical thinking are essential life skills that can help you achieve success in your personal and professional life. Communication is the foundation of all human interaction, and it is essential to convey your thoughts and ideas effectively to others. Goal...