My Most Valuable Life Lesson — When You Do The Right Thing, You Don’t Have To Redo

<p>I like order.</p> <p>Thanks to my sons and life I learned that when you do the right things, you don&rsquo;t have to re-do anything. Can you imagine having to regrow your children after they become an adult?</p> <p>With children, you learn from them while raising them.</p> <p>My son teased, &ldquo;Mom, you are diluting your blood by drinking so much water.&rdquo;</p> <h2><strong>Today, he drinks more water than I do.</strong></h2> <p>In Jamaica, children wear uniforms to school. Their father taught them how to iron at eleven years old. Every Friday, they would be home early from school to wash their uniforms that they wore for five days. It would be pressed on Saturday after they finished helping me to clean up.</p> <p><strong>Boys who don&rsquo;t help their mothers, won&rsquo;t help their wives.</strong></p> <p>Light often goes away on Sundays.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>