Life Drawing 2023 II: Mirrored model!

<p>Regular readers might recall I visited a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">new local life drawing group</a>&nbsp;back in April. They are held monthly so I hoped to start going regularly. However they also have a monthly theme, and the last couple didn&rsquo;t appeal to me so much, so I skipped them, so only now have I found my way back at last!</p> <p>This month&rsquo;s theme was an interesting one that I really liked the idea of, but didn&rsquo;t ultimately make much use of, which was mirrors. The model was set up surrounded by mirrors, which meant sometimes you got nice alternate angles of the poses. This looked cool as a setup, and in theory would mean either you could pick from drawing multiple angles, or drawing them all at once. Alas from my particular spot it didn&rsquo;t really deliver many interesting combinations of reflected poses. But I liked the concept a lot, and at least one of the drawings I did draw from the reflection rather than directly. I did a very quick sketch of the set-up towards the end of a pose I&rsquo;d got bored of:</p> <p><img alt="" src="*3AhcDBh0ltmaupqd4_nw6Q.jpeg" style="height:456px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Quick sketch of the mirror set-up around the model.</p> <p>As with my previous visit to this group, we started off with a series of very quick two-minute poses. I really enjoy this sort of drawing, and cramming lots of them onto a single page. I don&rsquo;t think this time I got one of my better multi-pose compositions going, and was initially struggling to capture the correct scale of the model&rsquo;s head!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Life drawing