Why your Why is Key

<p>The why would be the meaning we give to our lives. The life essence driving us to give our all to achieve something. A motivating quote at first glance, probably triggering a little shot of dopamine.<br /> But today, we&rsquo;re going to go a step further and try to cut through the Gordian knot that may be lurking beneath that&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Why&rdquo;.</strong><br /> I&rsquo;ll illustrate the concept in relation to my career as a writer, but&hellip; it can be transposed to whatever career you wish to follow.</p> <p>When we talk about the Why, we have this vague concept. We&rsquo;d have this indestructible assurance deep inside us that would make us triumph over all trials. But what they forget to tell you is :&nbsp;<strong>your Why will evolve.</strong></p> <p>I&rsquo;m not at the last level yet, it&rsquo;s a pathI haven&rsquo;t finished, but let&rsquo;s explore the road I&rsquo;ve travelled.</p> <p><strong>Why? Level 1: I want to write because I love it</strong><br /> I&rsquo;m a young adult. I realize that I have a passion for words. In my spare time, I sit down and ink pages. I have no goal of becoming a writer. It&rsquo;s something I do in my spare time. A passion for writing emerges. My Why is born.</p> <p><strong>Why? Level 2: I&rsquo;d like to be a writer one day</strong><br /> I&rsquo;m sharing some of my writings around, the feedback is good. I&rsquo;m hesitant, maybe my family doesn&rsquo;t want to hurt my feelings. I share some writings online and I also get good feedback. My Why is evolving, I&rsquo;m convinced that one day I&rsquo;d like to do that. I want to become a writer, it&rsquo;s vague, i don&rsquo;t know how i&rsquo;ll do it.</p> <p><strong>Why? Level 3: Life is a cycle&hellip; and I hit the most solid rocks in the abyss</strong><br /> My only hope in the darkness: the light of words. A few books manage to extricate me from the depths of the sea, and I have a realization: words have power. They saved me. A few months after getting my head above water. I want to do what these people did for me. I want to give strength and energy to those who need it. I know that some people need it. They&rsquo;re going through hard times. If I&rsquo;m good with words, that&rsquo;s what it&rsquo;s for. I&rsquo;m starting to write online, almost daily.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@viam_/why-your-why-is-key-a3e222d71d5c">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Lessons Life Key