Don't live your life in your imagination.

<p>Fear is a forward-looking response alert that arises with the awareness of an impending danger that cannot be avoided. Because it is something that occurs in the future, it is aroused by our imagination and our memory. The imagination and memory of perceived fear can manifest uncontrollable anxiety. One person may experience fear when going on a aeroplane because they imagine it will crash. Another person may experience fear because their memory reminds them of the time when a plane did crash. The person then must engage their reason to determine whether the threat is real or not. Some people will choose not to fly because there is a strong possibility the plane might crash, or they might not risk travel because the feeling of fear it is too strong.</p> <h1>The most common type of fear is anxiety</h1> <p>This perceived fear/anxiety, which is aroused because the unexpected is often unforeseen, ends up leaving us wondering whether we will be harmed or not.&nbsp;Our imagination fuelled by our unconscious inherited memories, is a lethal combination, which can sabotage our natural ability to explore new things.&nbsp;Our imagination creates an image in our minds, this then produces the body to create a fear response, the fear feeling then produces more images in the mind, until we are frozen by anxiety and unable to behave normally. Its an automatic loop.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>