The “Snap” of Life

<p>One of the challenges of writing about food is the difficulty it is to convey the personal experience in words relating to taste, texture, smell, and visuals when describing a meal to someone else. I would also go so far as to say that we need to incorporate the fifth sense of sound into the description of food as well. While obviously the overriding senses most readily associated with food are the one-two punch of taste and smell; however, when thinking about a memorable/pleasurable (or even disastrous) meal, we need to be careful not to cheapen the memory, but rather strengthen it with all five senses.</p> <p>And then there&rsquo;s the 6th sense (not the movie), which is ever-so-important and diverse according to the individual. It could be intuition, personal schema, radar sense, depth of connection, a sense of luck, anticipation, a vivid connection to the past, etc. How do we relate to one another&rsquo;s 6th sense, especially when it comes to the feelings associated with a really good meal, or even more specifically, just the first bite of an amazing hot dog? I&rsquo;ll try my best.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Snap Life