Please Take Care of This For Me

<p>&ldquo;<em>You should have screamed, Charlie. You should have woken everybody up. You shouldn&rsquo;t have felt scared to tell people. Your safety is more important than that</em>,&rdquo; my boss tells me, in his serious German accent, on the stoop of the hotel we work in, with rain pouring down around us.</p> <p>For about the past year, I have been voluntarily celibate in order to heal from&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">my sexual trauma</a>. I was raped for years. The police got involved when I was 13, and I never saw my rapist again. It took me ten years, and several therapies, to recover from this abuse. This past year, I stopped having sex as a declaration to myself and God that I would finally heal the bulk of this pain.</p> <p>This isn&rsquo;t to say I expected myself to be fully healed. My sexual trauma will follow me for life. My goal with celibacy was to find peace about the fact I had been raped. And I did. Miraculously. In that year of celibacy, I accomplished what 8 years of therapy never could. I found peace. I accepted my story for what it was. I had been raped. A lot. My relationship with sex will forever be abnormal. I stopped denying the reality of the story and I faced it. I learned to love and forgive the version of myself that was abused and traumatized. And this past month, I decided I was ready to have sex again.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Lessons Life