When Life Throws You Curveballs

<p>As a little girl, I loved to cuddle on my grandpa&rsquo;s lap. Papa Joe was lanky and pale-skinned, like many of his fellow immigrants from Ireland.</p> <p>The only parts of Papa Joe that weren&rsquo;t pale were his knuckles. They were wrinkled and gray &mdash; like they were somehow older than the rest of him.</p> <p>When I asked my grandpa about them, he told me he&rsquo;d been a Minor League baseball player, with big dreams of reaching the Majors.</p> <p>But one day he stepped to the plate, and the pitcher fired a monster curveball.&nbsp;As the ball zipped past the inside corner, Papa Joe jerked back. But it was too late.</p> <p>His knuckles were crushed. And that was the end of Papa Joe&rsquo;s baseball career.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/crows-feet/when-life-throws-you-curveballs-5a675a1da2bb"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Life throws