Life Genuinely Becomes A Lot Better When We Just Stop Reacting To Shit

<p>Time is no doubt limited.</p> <p>Our energy is not.</p> <p>It can go beyond any limit to where we want it to be.</p> <p>But things just don&rsquo;t get into our heads. We are so busy reacting to something DOESN&rsquo;T even matter that we forget that our energy is being drained like anything.</p> <p>Things keep going this way.</p> <p>AND. One day you get up with&nbsp;<em>OLD AGE.</em></p> <p>Oh god!! Zero energy.</p> <h2>Our brains are not meant to be stored with shit</h2> <p>You see.</p> <p>When we react a LOT, things keep going in our head.</p> <p>The MENTAL CHATTER just doesn&rsquo;t stop. And there is zero clarity in our minds to actually relax for a minute and look things the way they are.</p> <p>Donkeys also react.</p> <p>But they do not have any brain.</p> <p>We HUMANS have. And that makes us stand out.</p> <p>We just don&rsquo;t know how to use that brain to bring more peace and clarity into our life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Life Genuinely