The Love of My Life

<p><em>In your arms, I find myself, strong and true,<br /> We are meant for each other, forever I&#39;ll love you.<br /> Through life&#39;s twists and turns, you stand by my side,<br /> With love and support, you are my endless guide.</em></p> <p><em>You cradle our child with tenderness and care,<br /> A father so gentle, it&rsquo;s a love beyond compare.<br /> In my eyes, you can see a reflection of your grace,<br /> You keep our family united, in your warm embrace.</em></p> <p><em>You make me feel special every day and night,<br /> You are my sun, that shine so bright.<br /> With laughter and joy, you fill our days,<br /> In your loving presence, our happiness sways.</em></p> <p><em>In your love, I&rsquo;ve found my lifelong friend,<br /> A love that will endure, from start to end.<br /> You are my love, you are everything to me,<br /> In this beautiful journey&nbsp;of&nbsp;life, together we&rsquo;ll be.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Life Love