Life changes in the instant

<p>I first read these words in 2017. They come from a beautiful little book called&nbsp;<em>The Year of Magical Thinking</em>&nbsp;by Joan Didion, which accounts Didion&rsquo;s notes on grief after the death of her husband. I picked this book up for my course readings. It was one of several texts we could choose to analyse &mdash; an obvious selection for me, who used it as an excuse to read about grief to deal with my own.</p> <p>At the time I was navigating my first big relationship break up, first year of university &mdash; and if I had to pin one book as the most insightful during that time of sorrow and torment, I would pin&nbsp;<em>Magical Thinking.&nbsp;</em>The &lsquo;life changes in the instant&rsquo; line has never left my memory, coming back to me any time some major change happened in my life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Life Changes