Falling in Love with Life in the “Beco”

<p>One morning, I woke up and opened my two french doors to the sunshine warming our little square. I was greeted with what sounded like two ladies having a terrible argument! I was almost afraid to look out of the window as I considered locking the French doors to avoid becoming collateral damage.</p> <p>After a few minutes, the dialog toned down and it was apparent from the few words I could understand, that these neighbors were just saying an animated good morning. Now I see them every day, talking on our little beco&rsquo;s bench or sitting on the steps that lead up to the orange tree. I would just love to know the topics of conversation!</p> <p><a href="https://tistravels.medium.com/falling-in-love-with-life-in-the-beco-e6d6acfc1141"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Life