The Mystery Of Life

<p>There&rsquo;s a mind beyond the brain which we sometimes call our &ldquo;consciousness&rdquo; or our &ldquo;spirit.&rdquo; From the perspective of the hard sciences it doesn&rsquo;t exist. But there are some clues that it does exist. What we know of it is much more a matter of personal experience though. What we sometimes refer to as&nbsp;<em>intuition</em>,<em>&nbsp;epiphanies</em>, and<em>&nbsp;revelations.</em></p> <p>Even what we experience as the physical or material world is actually non-physical and non-material at the quantum level. What we regard as &ldquo;matter&rdquo; actually only is so according to the perception of the observer. Everything otherwise exists as what physicists call &ldquo;probability waves.&rdquo; Or as physicist Niels Bohr said &ldquo;everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.&rdquo;</p> <p>Neuroscientists have developed methods to detect and even to some extent observe thought and emotional activity in the brain and can even influence certain thoughts and behaviors. But they have not been able to explain how it can also work in reverse &mdash; how a person can influence their own brain and control their thoughts. Hence the &ldquo;mind beyond the brain.&rdquo;</p> <p>And that is the great mystery of life. That we and everything we experience is beyond what it appears to be. That we are not just our DNA. That we have a higher existence. It&rsquo;s our connection to what or who we call God.</p> <p>But we don&rsquo;t need to fully understand this mystery. What&rsquo;s most important is that we accept it the way that it is. If your queries about the nature of reality cause you a lot of stress, let them go for a while. Anything you need to know will come to you when the time is right.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Life Mystery