Can Life Exist on the Blockchain?

<h2>The Four Requirements for Natural Selection</h2> <p>Darwin&rsquo;s theory of evolution explains how, with a few straightforward conditions and sufficient time, all of the wonderful variety we see in life can emerge. It reveals how the earliest single-celled organisms swimming about in a sea of molecules began to compete&mdash;not intentionally but through the process of natural selection. Those that managed to thrive in their environment were more likely to propagate their genes, meaning their offspring would represent a higher percentage of the gene pool and would, in turn, have a higher chance of spreading their own genes through the same cycle.</p> <p>At its core, natural selection can only occur if four fundamental conditions are true: First, an organism must be able to pass on its genes (&ldquo;<strong>heredity</strong>&rdquo;). Second, that reproductive process must over time introduce differences into the gene pool, such as through mutation (&ldquo;<strong>variation</strong>&rdquo;). Third, the environment in which the organisms live must have&nbsp;<em>limited</em>&nbsp;resources necessary for survival (&ldquo;<strong>scarcity</strong>&rdquo;). Fourth, there cannot be any higher authority dictating how it plays out (&ldquo;<strong>no oversight</strong>&rdquo;). The rules of the game are the rules of physics, chemistry, and biology, and nothing but the interactions of organisms without a governing body determine who wins the battle for survival. This fourth condition is not often cited as a prerequisite for natural selection (whereas the other three typically are), but I believe it to be just as important.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>