Tag: Love

A Love Letter to C’s Square Brackets

I want to share my favorite bit of “forbidden code”, because when you understand it, you’ll never be confused about pointers and arrays again, and you’ll appreciate how much mileage the designers of C squeezed out of a few subtle bits of syntax. I hope to make you doubt th...

Love in the Time of Altruism

The “Effective Altruism” (known as “EA”) movement, which grew in popularity from the early 2000’s until the cryptocurrency scammer and EA-promoter Sam Bankman-Fried’s blowup late last year, seeks “to use evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit other...

A Little Note, With a Lot of Love

Hi. I haven’t been around that much lately. Sorry about that. I’ve missed you guys. There’s a reason. I’ve been working on a new…publication. Website? Idea? Place to be and share my thoughts? Whatever you want to call it. It’s…different. Better, or a...

Tell Me How You Love and I all Show You Who You Are

Doyou know how you love? When I work with people in therapy, this question is often the foundation for our work — especially if they’ve been hurt. When you’ve been through a breakup, it’s natural to want to unpack what led to it, and the psychology of the person you&rsq...

‘We don’t choose who we fall in love with. It just happens.’

I became an unwilling victim to the wild crazy force that happens to be unforeseen love when I left my hometown in Bahir Dar to Addis Ababa, the country’s capital, for my tertiary education. That was where I met Eshé, my first and only love. I guess I never truly knew or understoo...

30 Fun Things to Do Just Because We Love Doing Them.

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately — almost all of my non-work time — doing “unproductive” things. I’ve cooked and gone to the grocery store and helped around the house, but other than those kinds of practical tasks, I’ve focused mostly on fun or rel...

Men Don’t Marry the Woman They Love, They Marry the Woman in Front of Them

In a viral video, Tay explains that men don’t marry the woman they actually love the most, they marry the woman they’re dating when they consciously decide they’re ready to settle down. The idea is that men will only see marriage as an option when they are emotionally and financ...

Did We Fall in Love at the Airport?

I imagined the entire scenario. I go over to interrupt and ask if this gate is for San Francisco. You kindly tell me it is. I say thank you, and I notice your boarding ticket. “You’re in the seat next to me,” I tell you. You joke about how no one prints their boarding pass...

Falling in Love With Someone You Know You Cannot Have

I think the saddest thing is break up with your partner, but it turns out the saddest thing is leaving the person you care about, and we haven’t even started that relationship yet. I know, and maybe we both know, that it’s not easy to build a relationship where, from the beginning, we...

Don’t Ever Fall In Love With A Writer

Don’t ever fall in love with a writer, for they possess a world within themselves that is both breathtaking and treacherous. They are masters of words, weaving tales and emotions with their ink-stained fingertips. Their minds are like galaxies, with stars of imagination twinkling in the v...

Finding Solace from Heartbreak with love in “The Fault in Our Stars”

In the serene aftermath of a heart-wrenching storm that swept through my life, I found solace in the written words of John Green. Amidst the towering stacks of books that took space in my room, each bearing the old beauty of time and cherished memories, one book stood out like a beacon — Green...

ChatGPT, Do You Love Me?

How many products powered by AI do you often interact with? Some use Alexa to control their smart home with their voice. Some use Siri on their iPhones to create reminders and appointments. Some use ChatGPT to get their questions answered, solve tasks, and more. Those aren’t AI tools yo...

Falling in Love With Someone You Know You Cannot Have

I think the saddest thing is break up with your partner, but it turns out the saddest thing is leaving the person you care about, and we haven’t even started that relationship yet. I know, and maybe we both know, that it’s not easy to build a relationship where, from the beginning, we...

Thank You for the Love

Life is a beautiful experiment. We have an opportunity to change and tune our days just like a symphony at every moment. I am overjoyed to have had this opportunity to create a place of gratitude for everyone here. Yet, it is time to say goodbye at last to this publication. Time has allowed me ...

Did We Fall in Love at the Airport?

We were at the same gate. We were both traveling solo. We were about the same age if I had to guess. We both had headphones on and scrolled our phones. The facts are pretty clear. Single. Same age. Both of us are alone at the airport. I must ask. Did we fall in love? We must ...

Don’t Ever Fall In Love With A Writer

Don’t ever fall in love with a writer, for they possess a world within themselves that is both breathtaking and treacherous. They are masters of words, weaving tales and emotions with their ink-stained fingertips. Their minds are like galaxies, with stars of imagination twinkling in the v...

Falling In Love With Taoism

There is something about taoism that is comforting to a highly anxious person like me. It’s about slowing down, valuing clarity over productivity, and accepting the nature of things. It’s about surrendering control but putting in the work for something greater than myself. I&rsq...

The Love of My Life

In your arms, I find myself, strong and true, We are meant for each other, forever I'll love you. Through life's twists and turns, you stand by my side, With love and support, you are my endless guide. You cradle our child with tenderness and care, A father so gentle, it’s a lov...

How to Love Yourself: 10 Life-Changing Tips

You comprehend that little voice inside your head that is relentlessly chiding you? The one that lets you know you’re not sufficient, enough sharp, agreeably lovely, satisfactorily effective? Unquestionably, that voice needs to go. Adoring yourself is perhaps of the best gift you can give your...

For the Love of Dogs

Isak first came to know dogs when he found a stray German Shepherd on the streets of the small Wisconsin town where he grew up. The dog had been abandoned because it was dying of distemper. Eight year old Isak took the dog in. He grew up in poverty and lived in the kind of place where you could h...

What is Love? Two Simple Binaries That Help Us Love Better.

Recently, a friend and I met for coffee. Our conversation predictably landed to her relationship. She was expressing frustration about not feeling seen, or deeply met. It was a longtime story for her, and she was sensing a “used by date” looming. “But she really loves me…in&...

Do you want unconditional love?

Do you want unconditional love? Focused giving without expectation is unconditional love. Focused giving? Is that different than “giving”? Yes. It is giving to a specific and target audience. Focused giving is the corner stone of demand generation. You could be building a ...

How Growing Up With Depression Made Me Fall In Love With Superman

Everybody has this idea that Superman is boring because he’s kind, and I don’t think people realize how hard it is to be truly kind and how that makes Superman more interesting than he gets credit for. I grew up in the age of the Tim Burton Batman movies. I was literally three yea...

How Growing Up With Depression Made Me Fall In Love With Superman

Everybody has this idea that Superman is boring because he’s kind, and I don’t think people realize how hard it is to be truly kind and how that makes Superman more interesting than he gets credit for. I grew up in the age of the Tim Burton Batman movies. I was literally three yea...

God Ruins Yet Another Work Of Art With Love

The scariest photograph I’ve ever seen was stapled to a hikers’ information board on a mountain in Maine. It was a photo of a smiling boy. He’d gotten his picture taken up on a mountain, and something about him was very strange. At first, I thought it was his smile. It looked...

Did I Tell You That I Love Dogs?

Photography Dog Love-Dog Joy shows up in my photography. That’s Scampi pictured above. She was my rescue Jack Russell Terrier. The timing was perfect for me to capture this. Silly girl with that trickster grin. Jacks are like that. Intelligent, funny, intense, loyal. She was short, bu...

Why I Love to Draw

Drawing has been more than just a hobby for as long as I can remember; it has been an integral aspect of my identity, a communication between my inner world and the world around me. While other people find consolation in music, literature, or outdoor hobbies, I find it in the delicate glide of a pen...

For the Love of Merch: A History

Merch is Emotional Connection Made Tangible Ah, merch. So misunderstood! So casually dismissed as mere novelty! But that misses what’s so compelling about it. Merch is a distinctive category of thing among our other things. After all, most of our stuff comes from need or desire — a...

From Locks to Love: ‘Hair Love’ From Book to Screen in ‘Young Love’

This article is a continuation of our previous piece on “Hair Love” and its impact on black representation in illustration and animation. If you haven’t read it yet, we encourage you to catch up on that article for a deeper dive into the origins of this inspiring journey....

Feature: “City of Brotherly Love”

Hannah Price was raised in Fort Collins, Colorado. A graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology, and a self-identified Mexican-African-American, she is interested in minority groups in the US. Price has an affinity for subjects that she is often linked to whether it be family or strangers br...

Why I Love Ungentrified Neighbourhoods

When we moved to our current city in 2013, we were given all the warnings. “Be careful! Don’t go north of Main Street! It’s sketchy! There’s a lot crime in the area you’re moving to!” And yeah. There was some crime. (Name a mid- to large-sized city that do...

If You Love History, Culture, and Street Art, You’ll Love Plovdiv

Selected as one of two European Capitals of Culture in 2019 (the other being the Italian city of Madera), Plovdiv charms with its laid-back vibe, ancient history, cultural initiatives, and of course, street art. To enjoy all of the above, a visit to Kapana Creative District is a must. Close to th...

Intents, Love, and Shooting Your Shot Right

Love, love, oh love. Universal, ubiquitous, inspirator, motivator, companion, friend, savior, and {sometimes} one hell of a daredevil in details. Multifaceted, charming, and complicated as love can be, it, without a doubt, is a universal language that cuts across borders, tribes, cultures, and relig...

How to fall in love with a city

It carries you to the beautiful castle that you’ve built in your mind; My Brave New Life engraved at the gate. There, you’ve meticulously planned each chamber. The Flat & Neighbourhood chamber, which you’re going to love. The Workplace chamber, which you’re goin...

Eight Reasons to Love Amsterdam

My first visit to Amsterdam was also my first ever solo trip at 21, back in February 2018. I was scared and anxious. Adding to that, my Indian culture makes me highly guarded so I’m always looking out for any assaults or harassment. Oh, and that trip was life-changing for me because what fo...

“Transistor’s Love Story” (Teeraphan, Bangkok, 2022) A Theatrical Review

“Transistor’s love story” is a book written by Wat Wallayanggoon. Penake Rattanaruang made it a film in 2001. I remembered indulging in watching it as a young boy. For a while, I have heard that someone will make it into a theatre. And that while is about two years now. I believe t...

I Love Berlin

November 9, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of one of the happiest events in recent history: The fall of the Berlin Wall. HISTORIC ARTIFACT: An East German Trabant parked near the remnants of the Berlin Wall advertises “Trabi Safaris.” Photos by Ellen Girardeau Kempler...

From Knight Rider to Knackwursts — David Hasselhoff’s Unlikely Love Affair with Germany

When you hear the name David Hasselhoff, what comes to mind? Is it the bronzed and well-coiffed lifeguard from the sun-soaked beaches of “Baywatch”? Or is it the intrepid crime-fighter at the wheel of a high-tech, talking car in “Knight Rider”? While these images have become ...

From Berlin with Love: A New Hope

There is hope! Light at the end of the tunnel! Land in sight! Rumor has it the clubs can reopen on the 4th of March and when I saw this news, at first, it kicked me in the face and I passed out (figuratively, of course). Can it be? I remembered the lines to the bathroom and I shivered w...

Love Song for Chicago

I wish I loved anyone or anything as much as The Bear loves Chicago. It’s the kind of love that feels fully realized and all-encompassing, at once over-the-top and deeply practical. I did meet a dog this weekend and immediately say, “Oh, I’d take a bullet for you,&rdqu...

Guinness… Love It or Leave It?

The picture might give you a clue… I love drinking Guinness when I’m in Ireland. To be more specific, whenever I’m in Dublin. And to be even more specific, when I’m at the brewery where they make the stuff. At the top of the seven-storey building, there’s a bar call...

Love and Friendship

I received the news of Dom’s death with a mixture of sadness and joy. He had been my best friend since we were toddlers, but I discovered not so long ago that I was in love with Denise. I had applied for a job in Edinburgh because of him, and almost immediately the world became aware of our...

Young Love

on the Glasgow tube I recall this from a few years ago — I was on the tube into town I witnessed the nicest thing. There was a young woman about 17/18 years old still in school uniform. I know that’s weird but my daughter Ashley went through this stage, being 18 and still in school we...

Wong Kar Wai’s Paradox of Love

Wong Kar-wai is a Hong Kong film director, screenwriter, and producer, born on July 17, 1958, in Shanghai, China. He is considered a contemporary auteur and ranks third on Sight & Sound’s 2002 poll of the greatest filmmakers of the previous 25 years. Wong’s films are characterized by...

Reflexive Representations of Unseen Forces in Wong Kar-Wai’s “In the Mood for Love”

Wong Kar-Wai’s In the Mood for Love makes a statement about how unseen forces conduct and inspire human behavior, psychology, interactions, and even spiritual orientation through reflexive images. The paradoxical bond and conflict between the illusive and invisible forces that tie th...

The Famous Istanbul Love Tape

My father had met my mother in Turkish Cyprus. I was born in Cyprus, but when I was just a few months old, we moved back to my father’s hometown, Istanbul. My mother, until then, had lived in a shack. Dolapdere was a step up for her. The height of that step is much debated. Dolapdere is ...

The Love of the Ghetto

I toss and turn. The call to prayer calls through the valley, rounding up the believers with an ethereal majesty. A coagulating chorus: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allāhu akbar, Allah, Ash-hadu an-lā ilāha illā allāh, Ash-hadu anna Mohamadan-Rasul ullāh&hellip...

My Three-Year Love Affair with Lisbon

The restaurant I used to work at had a heavy identity crisis, much like the identity crisis I would experience when, a few years later, I left the city for good. It was located close to Avenida da Liberdade, the fashion avenue lined with luxury boutiques, yet it was too hidden away from it t...

Falling in Love with Life in the “Beco”

One morning, I woke up and opened my two french doors to the sunshine warming our little square. I was greeted with what sounded like two ladies having a terrible argument! I was almost afraid to look out of the window as I considered locking the French doors to avoid becoming collateral damage. ...

How a powerful, inspiring, and compelling vision in organizations can be an expression of love

When we think of love in the context of organizations, the first thing that may come to mind is the love that employees may have for their work or the love that customers may have for a brand. However, there is another aspect of love that is often overlooked in organizational contexts: the love that...

With Love & Passion from Los Angeles, A Journey to the Soul of Rock Music. In Conversation with STARSE3D, Our Hot New Artist

We’ve all got a bit of ROCK MUSIC in us; ain’t that the truth? Music to scream to, music to dance like a mad thing to, music to mosh to (if we’re brave) — it’s good innocent fun, right? And as we barrel ahead to the end of 2023 — another helluva year — we ne...

A Love Letter to Los Angeles

Happy birthday, Los Angeles. You turned 241 on September 4, 2022, but no one said anything. The city government wrote something for your last birthday when you turned 240, but this year it seems they just gave up. Your own government ghosted you. This makes me sad, and frankly a little mad, bec...

Hypeart ‘Love Letters to LA’ Reflection

Last Friday, on October 13, I visited SIZED STUDIO in East Hollywood to explore Love Letters to LA, a charity exhibition curated by Hypeart and led by Keith Estiler. As the title suggests, the artworks selected revolve around the artists’ personal ties to the city. A portion of the procee...

To Miami with Love

Sometimes we think we know what we would do if we ever got enough money to live the high life. But what if you could afford a sample of what the wealthy does? You know, just to see if you like it? Well I’ll give you a synopsis of what I learned about myself. I used to say when I the lott...

How I Discovered My Autistic Daughter’s Love for Music

Miami pulsates with rhythm. The streets hum, the palm trees sway to salsa, and the ocean waves keep the beat. This city is a symphony, and my family is part of it. One day, as the sun sets, I catch my daughter in a trance. Her eyes are wide, her little body sways. She listens to a street musician...

To Fall Out of Love with NYC

There’s a popular Canadian trope about Toronto being “The Centre of the Universe.” Part of Toronto’s inferiority complex comes from the fact they are not New York. Toronto has it’s problems but they are not NYC and should be grateful. I used to love New York. I would...

Love At First Sight

This was written when I romanticise the feeling of falling in love in Paris as Carrie did with Mr Big. This is me being whimsical. In between clouds (Author’s original work) Bonjour monsieur, Comment ca va? Excusez mois, monsieur, je ne parle pas bien francais! Vous vous parlez...

The Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony Love Triangle

The last Egyptian Pharaoh was neither Egyptian and nor male. Cleopatra VII came from the Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty and was infamous for her personality, wit, and beauty. If there is anything else, Cleopatra was also known for her lover affairs and the struggles that came along with it. Th...

Why I didn’t love Italy

Italy has to be on everyone’s travel shortlist — and, for a long time, it was on mine as well. It’s a destination like Paris or London or Tokyo that fills people with wonder and has an iconic feeling thanks to Hollywood and everyone’s brag-worthy Insta shots. I can’t...

To Forget the Pain is to Forget the Love

The documentary “We Were Here” about the AIDS crisis and the response of the LGBT community in San Francisco brought back memories. Memories that were forgotten, perhaps repressed, returned. What horrible, wonderful times they were. They were horrible with the deaths and loss of friends,...

Unexpected Love and Death in the Heart of the Castro

Love and death pulse through Harvey Milk Plaza, the throbbing heart of San Francisco. The plaza, dedicated to the pioneering gay politician, celebrates his messages of self acceptance and caring for oneself and others. It also acknowledges his violent assassination. But I never expected to witness d...

My Night in San Francisco — When I Fell in Love with Ecstasy

Her name is ‘Ecstasy’. She stands thirty feet tall. She weighs six tons. This love of my life used to be trash. But now she is trash no more. Salvaged and recycled steel make up this unusual sculpture. The artists that created Ecstasy, Karen Cusolito and Dan Das Mann, wanted to use...

You gotta love this city

This was ever-present in the 90s television series ‘Sex and the City’ where the city became the show’s fifth main character. And it really was. The four female leads of the show were regularly traipsing streets, meeting in real bars and restaurants, and recreating quintessential Ne...

5 Reasons Why You Will Love Toronto

As the largest city in Canada, and probably one of the most multicultural cities in the world, Toronto is a special place. But as a good Canadian, I have to start with a note about the weather: we have long winters here and only few months of good weather, so we try to make the most of it. If ...

Vienna, I Love You

It’s hard to believe that I’ve now been in Vienna for over a year. I’ve seen so much, but there is so much more of the city to explore. Often I spend Saturdays walking around trying to see something new. Yesterday was exactly that. I discovered there is an English-language bo...

Introduction To The Book ‘Love Letters To My Clothes’

I recently had the pleasure of writing the foreword to Kim A. Poldner’s new book Love letters to my clothes. It is an inspiring and extremely aesthetically nourishing book that celebrates the clothes we wear and love — and by doing so, investigates the difference between meaningful ...

When Birds Are Making Love

I was sitting on my lounging chair writing on my tablet when a sparrow was attacking another one on the ground. I watched the two of them telling David one bird was ‘killing’ another one. Only a lot later when I watched two more couples doing the same, I noticed this wasn’t an a...

Inflationary Times Call for An Old School Love

I’m a grandmother three times over. I have young adult grandchildren at the age where they understand sex but still go “gross” if there is even a hint that grandma and grandpa could be engaging in physical contact. My sister pointed out that my honey and I are very “old schoo...

My Love-Hate Relationship with 401K Millionaires

While obviously I want people to read my article, I think it’s especially important that readers visit the Yahoo story on recent numbers published by Fidelity Investments. If you’re not familiar with Fidelity, they are one of the largest providers of 401K plans in America, partnering ...

The Purest Love is Detached Love and This is How It Works

The idea of detached love comes from the Buddhist practice of unattachment, which is to be with any thought, feeling, or experience without getting hooked. It’s different than attachment theory, which explains the psychological experience of how we learned to bond with others beginning in infa...

A Manifestation of Love and Devotion

As we begin this new year, John 14:21–23 reminds us of the significant connection between our love for Christ and obedience to His commandments. Our love for God is not limited to our emotions for Him; it is primarily demonstrated by abiding by His commands. Then, God manifests Hi...

The Problem With Saying “Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”

It’s a Christian cliché that has been used with increased frequency in recent years, often by Christians who believe it somehow makes their outright rejection of the LGBTIQ+ community more palatable. You can imagine a well-meaning Christian saying, “Sure! I love the gays! ...

How I got my daughter to love India and stay close to her roots

I am often asked this question by Indian moms but have never given a detailed reply. Let me try today. My daughter was six months old when we moved to Singapore. It was not a happy choice for me — I wept buckets because I was a young mother and wanted to have my extended family around me. Besi...

Where Has The Love Gone?

Of course, it is not love that has gone anywhere; it is the false, fantasy self that has cracked apart. The false self cannot remain indefinitely, and when other parts of our personality begin to emerge, it seems as though the person we knew has disappeared. Charles was devastated. He idolized hi...

Spread the love: help children in need ♡

In this complicated society we live in, every live deserves to be woven with threads of love, compassion, acceptance and the opportunity to evolve and have a better life ahead. For children with disabilities, the path to fullfilment often meet challenges and obstacles that require unwavering dedicat...

Basic Training: An LGBTQ+ Story about Love & Choices

It hadn’t been sudden or unexpected. It hadn’t been a surprise. Despite that, Adrianne found herself looking for her girlfriend Samantha at the grocery store or in the line at the ATM. As she drove past a bus stop, the teen waiting there turned her head, and Adrianne almost stopped the c...

Self-Love Is Easier than I Thought

My good friend  Morgan W.  responded to a photograph I posted to social media recently. She called me beautiful, and I had to stifle the desire to correct her. Instead, I thanked Morgan and told her I could use compliments like hers due to my lack of self-confidence. The...

There’s Something About Queer Love I Want to Say

My bedroom is cool. It is late. The sun set hours ago probably, but time doesn’t hold much purpose right now. My bed feels like a cocoon gently floating at the speed of light while, in my room, time stands still. The coolness of the summer night means that I can hide under the blanket while...

Why I Love Christmas, as an Elderly Gay Man Who Lives Alone

Most people are in good spirits during the holidays, and that is infectious. We are reminded that Christmas is a time of peace and goodwill. Sometimes we get too sentimental about babies. But the joy, excitement, and innocence of little children is what it is about. Sharing the Good News that God ca...

In the Snow I Hear My Father’s Love

My father would stay home from work when the first snow of the year landed. He would allow us to miss school. The night before, he would watch the furious sky. A curious orange glow lit the sky. He watched like a fascinated child. He would take notes, and his eyes would glow like the sky. I used ...

All I Want Is My Family to Love Me, but They Kicked Me Out for Being Trans

It’s been two years. I haven’t heard my mother’s voice for two years. I’ve dreamed of being back in my family home on the other side of the country each night. They are just dreams. They aren’t real. I know they’re not real because my home is warm. My father em...

Self-Love Is Easier than I Thought

My good friend  Morgan W.  responded to a photograph I posted to social media recently. She called me beautiful, and I had to stifle the desire to correct her. Instead, I thanked Morgan and told her I could use compliments like hers due to my lack of self-confidence. The...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: Love Triangle

This new phase of our relationship feels like uncharted territory, yet there’s a part of me that is ready to explore it. The woman we are considering bringing into our relationship — whose name I will hold back for now — has already made a significant impact on us. I reflect on ...

Finding Love as a Trans Woman

Throughout my life, I have gone through three significant evolutions of fear. My first fear was, as a child, being caught wearing my mother’s clothes. I was. I was unpunished. The second was coming out to my then-wife. I did. I was punished. My current fear is dating. I didn’t date. I...

It’s Enough Already

It’s the holidays again, as I am sure you are very much aware. A time most of us dread, especially as we get older, as expectations grow higher, and as money and time are scarcer. Ironically in the ‘Me Too’ era, I don’t think that being a woman could be any more impossible th...

Astrology and Love: Can the Stars Guide You to Your Soulmate?

Many people have wondered if astrology can guide their romantic lives. Chances are, you’ve looked up your horoscope at some point, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. If you’re single, you might wonder if the stars are telling you when you’ll meet “the one.&r...

Zodiac Signs and Love(5): Who is the most giving and the most frugal in love relationships

Leo individuals are known for their love of admiration and are often generous with their partners. They prioritize their loved one’s happiness above their own and are easily won over by compliments and flattery. Leos have a natural inclination to be generous, going to great lengths to please t...

2024 Love Horoscope: A Year of Personal Growth and Deep Connections

Aries The celestial alignment of Chiron with the North Node on February 19th, within your fiery sign, signals a time of profound healing and embracing love with your whole heart. Eclipses on March 25th, April 8th, and October 2nd will inspire you to release relationships that no longer serve your...

Romance for Capricorn in 2024: Navigating the Tides of Love

For Capricorns, 2024 is a year of embracing change, seeking deeper connections, and enjoying the stability and pleasures that come with mature, evolved relationships. Whether single or in a partnership, the stars align to offer profound learning experiences and opportunities for growth in the realm ...

Venus in Sagittarius: A Time for Adventurous Love and Expansive Connections

Venus in Sagittarius: A Time for Adventurous Love and Expansive Connections" could be "Embracing the Wanderlust of the Heart Amidst the fiery hues of adventure and the expansive embrace of the cosmos, two souls journey together under the auspices of Venus in Sagittarius—where ...

Shams Tabrizi’s 40 Rules Of Love: Rule 21–30

As I Always Say These are the writings of the heart which can only be understood by the heart, not the mind. Take a few deep breaths. Anchor yourself in peace and give yourself permission to read slowly and gently, not understanding any word, but feeling it! That’s Sufism! That’s Love...

On Stewarding Love & Liberation

I stare at towering palm trees and rolling hills carpeted by dense emerald shrub. Behind me, men take dips in holy water. It feels surreal to be back at the same ashram where, 15 years ago, I received the Skype call that changed my life: A job offer at United Nations headquarters in New York City. ...

Savage love & marriage

In 2005, I interviewed Dan Savage while he was on tour for The Commitment, detailing the marriage to his longtime boyfriend. It reminded me that even though justice may arrive “like a thunderbolt,” it’s been a long time in coming. “While we enjoyed being the center of...

Dear America, your guns are killing us too, please get some gun control — Love, Canada

On April 18–19th, 2020, Canada experienced the largest mass shooting in our recorded history- 22 were left dead after a man dressed as a police officer rampaged through rural communities outside Halifax, Nova Scotia. On May 4th, our Federal Government banned all assault-style rifles. However, ...

Wishing for A Little More and A Little Less This Thanksgiving

I wish for more this Thanksgiving. More time with those near and dear to me. More love and friendship. More peace. More of all that money cannot buy. I also wish for less. Less of the excesses. Less hate. Less waste. Less war. Thanksgiving is decidedly bittersweet, both individually and collectiv...

Excuse me, America, your house is on fire: Lessons from Charlottesville on the KKK and “alt-right”

On this 50th anniversary of the hippies’ “Summer of Love,” Charlottesville, Virginia, will be weathering a long, hot, right-wing extremist “Summer of Hate.” The July 8, 2017, Ku Klux Klan rally planned for Charlottesville is not the group’s fir...

Cash for Love: My Unsettling Experience on Grindr as a Gay Asian Man

It was a Tuesday evening, and like any modern-day professional, I found myself mindlessly scrolling through Grindr, seeking some sort of connection in a sea of headless torsos and one-liners. But this time, I received a message that was a little different from the usual “Hey, what’s up?&...

Archives as Decolonial Love in This Wound is a World

Billy Ray-Belcourt’s This Wound is a World serves as “an archive of memory” of an Indigiqueer speaker, who strives to find love and acceptance in a world where such love is denied and obstructed to one with an Indigiqueer identity (Whitehead). However, by writing and keep...

“I Love You” — But Too Soon

The poll results on top reflect the votes of students in PSYC 158 (Interpersonal Relationships) here at UCSD, & the votes on the bottom of the image reflect followers/viewers on Instagram. When I presented the question during lecture I nested it within the context of a romantic heterosexual dyad...

If you love humans and the planet and want a future you will not use that word!

You can call me intolerant for not tolerating hate, discrimination and desinformation! There is certain words that would directly show that you are a fan and follower of certain politics or narratives. It is like wearing a Trump supporter basecap! You simply know there is no point starting a disc...

I Love Courageous White People

To be fair, there are some white Americans equally disgusted with their own, and to you, I say, “I love you” for having the guts to reject that vile and deceptive elixir named patriotism. So, what is the only logical reason, so many fake conservative evangelical white people have glee...

“White Culture:” Why Be Proud of Something That Doesn’t Exist?

Iused to love Grimes and her music. My favorite album of hers was Art Angels, which featured awesome songs like “Kill v. Maim” and “Venus Fly” (a song with which she collaborated with queen Janelle Monáe). According to my end-of-the-year wraps, she was one of my m...

Hating Love, Loving Hate

My kink is macrophilia. I find gigantic women attractive, and I’m enamored of the idea of being shrunken down to a few inches tall to start a relationship with a normal-sized woman. The only thing weird about this is scale. Everything else about this fantasy — sensory overload, dominatio...

My Love Affair with the Stars!

A crisp, clear start to a cloudless day is a rare jewel in Florida, where the air is often thick with humidity. The sky of endless blue gestures the eye to roam far and wide, seeking what lies beyond the visible. The sky was almost magical; as if it were pulling me into its never-ending expanse, ...

Love and Quantum Entanglement: A New Perspective on Universal Connection

What is love? Ah, the age-old question that has perplexed philosophers, poets, psychologists, and even ’90s Eurodance singer Haddaway. While his catchy refrain of “What is love? Baby, don’t hurt me” may have ruled the dance floors, it hardly scratches the surface of the scien...

To Find Lasting Love, Apply the 37% Rule

Does the 37% rule work?” my client asked. He was newly single and ready to get back in the dating game. But after 10 years in a relationship, he was apprehensive. It seemed to him like there weren’t too many winners in online dating. He had a few mates caught in never-ending dating...

The Love Fails Theory of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Neo awakens to the Matrix. He realizes people are living under a shared illusion limiting their abilities. Because he sees beyond the illusion others call reality, Neo is free to become what they cannot. Where he has freedom, they have chains. For what limits them is not real to him. This is how nar...

Love Flows as Spirit Goes

Love flows as spirit goes free of all limits, free to save. Bringing joy, bringing peace. Denying the idea of an earthly grave. Eternal Love will rule this day Timeless may its nature be. Preceding to all places in its scope. Flowing into an endless sea. Read More

Love, Addiction, and The Road Ahead

Lauren and I have always enjoyed having a few drinks. Sometimes, a few drinks can lead to a few more drinks. I was never a heavy drinker because I didn’t like the hangover. So as her drinking became heavier over the last six months, I followed along and smoked more pot. I’m not saying it...

Love Song for Chicago

I wish I loved anyone or anything as much as The Bear loves Chicago. It’s the kind of love that feels fully realized and all-encompassing, at once over-the-top and deeply practical. I did meet a dog this weekend and immediately say, “Oh, I’d take a bullet for you,&rdqu...

My Love Affair with Cannabis

I love everything about weed. The smell, the taste of freshly cured ‘flower’ (what the fresh buds are called), or the scent of a specific strain. Gotta love those terpenes, man — responsible for that distinct smell and taste. I like how super sticky it is when you touc...

Weed has more to do with your love life than you think

Look. Weed can affect your love life. No, this isn’t an intervention. In fact, if you think an intervention would ever happen over a blog post, you’re probably high right now. Back to the point: weed is a dating deal breaker. And as weed is becoming decriminalized and de-stigmatized, we ...

A Psychedelic Love Story

I’m not a huge proponent of Valentine's Day, where fixed ideas about love are intrusively shoved in our faces. February has a habit of sneaking up on our moods just when we think we’ve emerged from the thick of winter. Add to the cold (and gray if you’re in the PNW like me) the...

The Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony Love Triangle

The last Egyptian Pharaoh was neither Egyptian and nor male. Cleopatra VII came from the Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty and was infamous for her personality, wit, and beauty. If there is anything else, Cleopatra was also known for her lover affairs and the struggles that came along with it. Th...

Innocence has the same frequency as love.

This is why a womb was bestowed on one human that is to bear the process of birthing our kind. The other human was bestowed with the instinct of protecting innocence. Their innate instincts given to together protect life to be born in love, to thrive, to flourish. This primordial collaboration is...

If You Have a Deep Obsessive Love for Pies, You Are Not Alone

At 2.30 am, the bola — a Portuguese masterpiece of meat-filled pastry — came out of the wine bar kitchen. By 2.33 am, the 10 hungry stragglers left in the bar had all but devoured every part of the pie. You could hear the satisfied murmurs around the table. Slightly tipsy re...

‘Koi No Yokan’: The Serendipitous Whisper of Future Love

Introduction In the nuanced tapestry of Japanese language lies a phrase that tenderly whispers of love’s future: 'Koi No Yokan’. Unlike the thunderbolt of love at first sight, it’s a calm, serene feeling that the person you just met will become an important part of your life...

A Picture of Love But All You See is Hate

Idid it again. I woke up to Satan’s command and got lured into Instagram before brushing my teeth. You’re supposed to put on your running gear and go for a 5km sweat or meditate. But nah, I chose to go to the garden shed, look for toxic chemicals and pour cyanide into my coffee. I f...

Unconventional Love Letters: LGT

Since Valentine’s week is going on, I thought I’d spread some love with a not-so-typical love letter. But before you roll your eyes, don’t worry, I won’t make you endure the usual cheesy stuff. There are all these trends about ‘love languages’ going the rounds ...

The Toss. A Chinese New Year Tradition I Love.

The Yee sang or Yu Sheng in Mandarin, is a raw fish (Yu being fish) salad as pictured above and makes its appearance for a month around Chinese New Year. Today the dish has been adapted to so many different versions to make it more exciting, premium, exotic, cute… it’s a testament of cr...

Meet Colin Stangel who gave a name to his sneaker love

Colin Stangel born and brought up in Chicago is the founder of Sneakerbratz. When Colin moved to Florida at the age of 12, he fell in love with sneakers and the culture behind them. He soon went to his first sneaker convention where he met someone who introduced him to Benjamin Kickz. Benjamin becam...

Laces of Love: Kids from Rick & Rita Case Boys & Girls Club of Broward County in Davie Receive New Athletic Shoes

The Rick & Rita Case Boys & Girls Club of Broward County in Davie was transformed into a shoe store as more than 150 Club members kicked off the new year with new, brand-name athletic shoes donated by the Soles4Souls 4EveryKid program, which was founded in Broward County by Rita Case, presid...

The Connection Between Love and Sneaker Culture

A sneakerhead is an enthusiast who collects, trades, and admires sneakers as a form of art. Their fascination for sneakers often extends beyond mere footwear, turning into a lifestyle that influences their choices and behaviors. For instance, a sneakerhead might choose to spend their weekends at sne...

If You Don’t Love Yourself, Maybe the Answer is to Become Someone Else

I read once that you shouldn’t tell people who are depressed over a breakup or over being single for a long time: “You have to love yourself before anyone else will be able to love you.” For someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety for decades, I know that lovi...

Sean: from Self-Hate to Love

Sean says, “As a man, God’s original intention for me in creation was to be able to relate sexually to a woman. This remained true, quite irrespective of whatever feelings I might have.” “I did not try to change my feelings directly, which rarely works,” he said. Ins...

What ‘Love Language’ Do You Speak?

When we only knew two languages-English and French-we called it “ Franglais.” “ Français” is French for “French” and “ Anglais” is French for “English.” So, if you speak a mix of “ Français” and...

Amores de Chumbo — A youthful love story of old people

One of the very few good things about long-distance flights is the opportunity to watch films from different cultures. I stopped watching English films several years ago(but still watch Godfather 3–4 times a year)as I find them monotonous. I love watching films from different languages —...