A Psychedelic Love Story

<p>I&rsquo;m not a huge proponent of Valentine&#39;s Day, where fixed ideas about love are intrusively shoved in our faces. February has a habit of sneaking up on our moods just when we think we&rsquo;ve emerged from the thick of winter. Add to the cold (and gray if you&rsquo;re in the PNW like me) the national bludgeoning of contrived gestures of affection that you may or may not be eligible for and it makes me feel anything but warm fuzzies.</p> <p>This year, however, a few days away from the 14th, I inadvertently gave myself a valentine while tripping on 2CB.</p> <p>For those unfamiliar, 2CB is a synthetic psychedelic that many describe experiencing as a combination of MDMA and mushrooms. As with MDMA, it falls under the category of Phenethylamine, a family of substances that have stimulating effects on the central nervous system.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/consciousness-corner/a-psychedelic-love-story-397abdf2a2f1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>