Eight Reasons to Love Amsterdam

<p>My first visit to Amsterdam was also my first ever solo trip at 21, back in February 2018. I was scared and anxious. Adding to that, my Indian culture makes me highly guarded so I&rsquo;m always looking out for any assaults or harassment.</p> <p>Oh, and that trip was life-changing for me because what followed was solo travelling to eight countries thereafter.</p> <p>My second trip to Amsterdam was last summer. Still the same as before except a shortage of labour after the pandemic and lots of people, because it&rsquo;s summer in Europe, duh.</p> <p>Here are eight things I love about Amsterdam, and they&rsquo;ll hopefully make you fall in love, too. I&rsquo;ve added lots of photos to take you on this trip with me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/publishous/eight-reasons-to-love-amsterdam-a3f3a52574cc"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Amsterdam