The Love Fails Theory of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

<p>Neo awakens to the Matrix. He realizes people are living under a shared illusion limiting their abilities. Because he sees beyond the illusion others call reality, Neo is free to become what they cannot. Where he has freedom, they have chains. For what limits them is not real to him. This is how narcissists perceive love: the enslaving illusion under which others live.</p> <p>Narcissists can describe love to their therapists just as Neo could define the Matrix for those in it. For neither one is it real, but it must nonetheless be navigated to complete their mission. If they didn&rsquo;t understand it, they couldn&rsquo;t manipulate it, feign it, leverage it. Like someone playing on an Oculus, narcissists enjoy playing the game of love; they just don&rsquo;t believe it&rsquo;s real.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love fails