Love At First Sight

<p><em>This was written when I romanticise the feeling of falling in love in Paris as Carrie did with Mr Big. This is me being whimsical.</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="*ApeI1P0KTmPC-57iVFGDqQ.jpeg" style="height:934px; width:700px" /></p> <p>In between clouds (Author&rsquo;s original work)</p> <p>Bonjour monsieur,</p> <p>Comment ca va?</p> <p>Excusez mois, monsieur, je ne parle pas bien francais! Vous vous parlez anglais?</p> <p>Ahh, c&rsquo;est bien.</p> <p>Have we met before?</p> <p>I&rsquo;m sure I know you before, where do you live? I&rsquo;m sure I&rsquo;ve seen you before.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Sight